  Thu Mar 15 18:08:00 2012 -0700
Added -e tcsh option so that the script will exit on failures (Redmine 4010, note-14) and added an rm of files to the end of the script.
diff --git src/utils/qa/bigPush.csh src/utils/qa/bigPush.csh
index 0aa77b5..cf79d08 100755
--- src/utils/qa/bigPush.csh
+++ src/utils/qa/bigPush.csh
@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
+#!/bin/tcsh -e
 source `which qaConfig.csh`
 #  04-02-04
 #  updated:
 #  04-08-04
 #  Runs through set of all tables ever used in this assembly.
 #  Pushes multiple tables from dev to beta
 #  can't use "&" after output command because of "password prompt"
 #  (if you do, each command gets put into background and 
 #      requires "fg" to get to password prompt)
 #  can't redirect output into file: 
 #      use "script filename.out" to capture ?
 #  also records total size of the push
+onintr cleanup
 set db=""
 set tablelist=""
 set warningMessage="\n usage:  `basename $0` database tableList\n\
 Pushes tables in list to mysqlbeta and records size. \n\
 Requires sudo access to mypush to run.\n\
 Do not redirect output or run in the background,\n\
 as it will require you to type your password in.\n\
 Program will ask you for your password again after\n\
 large tables. If you take too long to re-type in\n\
 the table the script stalled on might not get\n\
 pushed. Double-check that all tables have been\n\
@@ -79,15 +80,21 @@
 echo "find the sizes of the pushes:"
 grep 'total size' $db.$trackName.push | gawk '{total+=$4} END {print total}' \
    > $db.$trackName.pushSize
 set size=`cat $db.$trackName.pushSize`
 echo "$size\n    bytes"
 echo $size | gawk '{print $1/1000;print "    kilobytes"}'
 echo $size | gawk '{print $1/1000000;print "    megabytes"}'
 echo end.
+rm -f $db.$trackName.push
+rm -f $db.$trackName.pushSize
+exit 0