  Tue Apr 10 22:17:31 2012 -0700
hgEncodeApi cleanup - retire encodeExpId request.  Merge functionality into experiments request (it now filters on db= parameter)
diff --git src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js
index 868572b..549b924 100644
--- src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js
+++ src/hg/js/encodeDataMatrix.js
@@ -3,86 +3,78 @@
       Pulls experiment table and metadata from server 
       and displays in matrix of assay vs. cell type
  NOTE: $variables are jQuery objects
  Formatted: jsbeautify.py -j
  Syntax checked: jslint indent:4, plusplus: true, continue: true, unparam: true, sloppy: true, browser: true
 /*global $, encodeProject */
 $(function () {
     var requests = [
     // requests to server API
-        encodeProject.serverRequests.cellType,
-        encodeProject.serverRequests.expId
+        encodeProject.serverRequests.cellType
     var $matrixTable = $('#matrixTable');
     function handleServerData(responses) {
         // Main actions, called when loading data from server is complete
         // NOTE: ordering of responses is based on request order
         var experiments = responses[0], 
                           dataTypes = responses[1], 
-                          cellTypes = responses[2], 
-                          expIds = responses[3];
+                          cellTypes = responses[2];
-        var dataGroups, cellTiers, expIdHash;
+        var dataGroups, cellTiers;
         var dataType, cellType;
         var matrix, dataTypeExps = {};
         // hide spinner and show table
         // set up structures for data types and their groups
         // data type labels tucked into their tiers
         dataGroups = encodeProject.getDataGroups(dataTypes);
         // set up structures for cell types and their tiers
         cellTiers = encodeProject.getCellTiers(cellTypes);
-        // use to filter out experiments not in this assembly
-        expIdHash = encodeProject.getExpIdHash(expIds);
         // gather experiments into matrix
         // NOTE: dataTypeExps is populated here
-        matrix = makeExperimentMatrix(experiments, expIdHash, dataTypeExps);
+        matrix = makeExperimentMatrix(experiments, dataTypeExps);
         // fill in table using matrix
         encodeMatrix.tableOut($matrixTable, matrix, cellTiers, 
                     dataGroups, dataTypeExps, tableHeaderOut, rowAddCells);
-    function makeExperimentMatrix(experiments, expIdHash, dataTypeExps) {
+    function makeExperimentMatrix(experiments, dataTypeExps) {
         // Populate dataType vs. cellType array with counts of experiments
         var dataType, cellType;
         var matrix = {};
         $.each(experiments, function (i, exp) {
             // exclude ref genome annotations
             if (exp.cellType === 'None') {
                 return true;
-            // exclude experiments lacking an expID (not in this assembly)
-            if (expIdHash[exp.ix] === undefined) {
-                return true;
-            }
             // count experiments per dataType so we can prune those having none
             // (the matrix[cellType] indicates this for cell types 
             // so don't need hash for those
             dataType = exp.dataType;
             if (dataTypeExps[dataType] === undefined) {
                 dataTypeExps[dataType] = 0;
             cellType = exp.cellType;
             if (!matrix[cellType]) {
                 matrix[cellType] = {};
             if (!matrix[cellType][dataType]) {
                 matrix[cellType][dataType] = 0;