  Tue Apr 10 12:11:08 2012 -0700
removed CRLF from encode and fixed a small error in cv.py
diff --git python/lib/ucscgenomics/cv.py python/lib/ucscgenomics/cv.py
index 7709a32..0fc7b9f 100644
--- python/lib/ucscgenomics/cv.py
+++ python/lib/ucscgenomics/cv.py
@@ -1,470 +1,467 @@
 import re
 import os
 from ucscgenomics import ra, encode
 def extractValue(val, prefix='', removeComments=1):
     val2 = val.replace(prefix, '')
     if removeComments and '#' in val2:
         val2 = val2.split('#', 1)[0]
     return val2.strip()
 def extractList(val, prefix='', removeComments=1):
     val2 = val.replace(prefix, '')
     if removeComments and '#' in val2:
         val2 = val2.split('#', 1)[0]
     return map(str.strip, val2.split(','))
 class CvFile(ra.RaFile):
     cv.ra representation. Mainly adds CV-specific validation to the RaFile
     To create a CvFile, the simplest way is just to call it with no params,
     but you can specify a file path if you want to open up something other
     than the alpha cv in your tree, specify this. The handler can almost
     always be left blank, since that simply provides a function to handle
     validation errors that would otherwise throw an exception. You also should
     specify a protocolPath if you want to validate, since it will check the
     protocol documents when you validate, to ensure that the cv matches them.
     Validation recurses over all stanzas, calling the overridden validation
     function for the more developed stanzas. To start validation, you can 
     simply call validate() on the cv object.
     For more information about other things not specific to the cv, but for
     all ra files, look at the RaFile documentation.
     def __init__(self, filePath=None, handler=None, protocolPath=None):
         '''sets up exception handling method, and optionally reads from a file'''
         self.handler = handler
         if handler == None:
             self.handler = self.raiseException
         if filePath == None:
             filePath = encode.defaultCvPath()
         self.protocolPath = protocolPath
         if protocolPath == None:
             self.protocolPath == os.path.expanduser('~/htdocsExtras/ENCODE/')
         self.missingTypes = set()
     def raiseException(self, exception):
         '''wrapper function for raising exception'''
         raise exception
     def readStanza(self, stanza, key=None):
         '''overriden method from RaFile which makes specialized stanzas based on type'''
         entry = CvStanza()
         key, val = entry.readStanza(stanza)
         return key, val, entry
     def validate(self):
         '''base validation method which calls all stanzas' validate'''
         for stanza in self.itervalues():
-        print self.missingTypes
+        #print self.missingTypes
     def getTypeOfTermStanza(self, type):
         types = self.filter(lambda s: s['term'] == type and s['type'] == 'typeOfTerm', lambda s: s)
         if len(types) != 1:
             return None
         return types[0]
 class CvStanza(ra.RaStanza):
     '''base class for a single stanza in the cv, which adds validation'''
     def __init__(self):
     def readStanza(self, stanza):
         Populates this entry from a single stanza
         for line in stanza:
         return self.readName(stanza[0])
     def readName(self, line):
         Extracts the Stanza's name from the value of the first line of the
         if len(line.split(' ', 1)) != 2:
             raise ValueError()
         names = map(str.strip, line.split(' ', 1))
         self._name = names[1]
         return names
     def readLine(self, line):
         Reads a single line from the stanza, extracting the key-value pair
         if line.startswith('#') or line == '':
             raKey = line.split(' ', 1)[0]
             raVal = ''
             if (len(line.split(' ', 1)) == 2):
                 raVal = line.split(' ', 1)[1]
             if raKey in self:
                 count = 0
                 while raKey + '__$$' + str(count) in self:
                     count = count + 1
                 self[raKey + '__$$' + str(count)] = raVal
                 self[raKey] = raVal
     def validate(self, cvfile):
         type = self['type']
         if self['type'] == 'Cell Line': # :(
             if 'organism' in self and self['organism'] == 'human':
                 type = 'cellType'
             elif 'organism' in self and self['organism'] == 'mouse':
                 type = 'mouseCellType'
         typeStanza = cvfile.getTypeOfTermStanza(type)
         if typeStanza == None:
-            #print cvfile.filter2(lambda s: s['type'] == 'typeOfTerm').keys()
-            #print '>%s<' % cvfile['mouseCellType ']['term']
-            #print '>%s<' % cvfile['mouseCellType ']['type']
             cvfile.handler(InvalidTypeError(self, self['type'] + '(%s)' % type))
         required = list()
         if 'requiredVars' in typeStanza:
             required = extractList(typeStanza['requiredVars'])
         optional = list()
         if 'optionalVars' in typeStanza:
             optional = extractList(typeStanza['optionalVars'])
         self.checkMandatory(cvfile, required)
         self.checkExtraneous(cvfile, required)
         for key in self.iterkeys():
             itemType = cvfile.getTypeOfTermStanza(key)
             if itemType == None:
                 #cvfile.handler(InvalidTypeError(self, key)) #RELEASE THE FLOODGATES
             validation = itemType['validate']
             val = self[key]
             if validation.startswith('cv'):
                 if validation == 'cv or None' and val == 'None':
                     self.checkRelational(cvfile, val, key)
             elif validation == 'date':
                     d = datetime.datetime.strptime(val, '%Y-%m-%d')
                     cvfile.handler(InvalidDateError(self, val))
             elif validation == 'exists':
                 if not os.path.exists(val):
                     cvfile.handler(MissingFileError(self, val))
             elif validation == 'float':
                     f = float(val)
                     cvfile.handler(InvalidFloatError(self, val))
             elif validation == 'integer':
                     i = int(val)
                     cvfile.handler(InvalidIntError(self, val))
             elif validation.startswith('list:'):
                 validVals = extractList(validation, 'list:')
                 if val not in validVals:
                     cvfile.handler(InvalidListError(self, val, validVals))
             elif validation == 'none':
             elif validation.startswith('regex:'):
                 regex = extractValue(validation, 'regex:')
                 if not re.match(val, regex):
                     cvfile.handler(UnmatchedRegexError(self, val, regex))
             # else:
                 # cvfile.handler(TypeValidationError(itemType))
         #     validate [cv/date/exists/float/integer/list:/none/regex:] outlines the expected values.  ENFORCED by mdbPrint -validate
 #           cv: must be defined term in cv (e.g. cell=GM12878).  "cv or None" indicates that "None is also acceptable.
 #               "cv or control" indicates that cv-defined terms of type "control" are also acceptable.
 #         date: must be date in YYYY-MM-DD format
 #       exists: not enforced.  (e.g. fileName could be validated to exist in download directory)
 #        float: must be floating point number
 #      integer: must be integer
 #      "list:": must be one of several terms in comma delimeited list (e.g. "list: yes,no,maybe" )  # ("list:" includes colon)
 #         none: not validated in any way
 #     "regex:": must match regular expression (e.g. "regex: ^GS[M,E][0-9]$" )  # ("regex:" includes colon)
 #    # NOTE: that validate rules may end comment delimited by a '#'
     # def validate2(self, cvfile, necessary=None, optional=None):
         # '''default validation for a generic cv stanza. Should be called with all arguments if overidden'''
         # if necessary == None:
             # necessary = set()
         # if optional == None:
             # optional = set()
         # baseNecessary = {'term', 'tag', 'type'}
         # if self['type'] != 'Antibody':
             # baseNecessary.add('description')
         # baseOptional = {'deprecated', 'label'}
         # self.checkMandatory(cvfile, necessary | baseNecessary)
         # self.checkExtraneous(cvfile, necessary | baseNecessary | optional | baseOptional)
         # temptype = self['type']
         # if self['type'] == 'Cell Line': # :(
             # temptype = 'cellType'
         # if len(cvfile.filter(lambda s: s['term'] == temptype and s['type'] == 'typeOfTerm', lambda s: s)) == 0:
             # cvfile.handler(InvalidTypeError(self, self['type']))
         # self.checkDuplicates(cvfile)
     def checkDuplicates(self, cvfile):
         '''ensure that all keys are present and not blank in the stanza'''
         for key in self.iterkeys():
             if '__$$' in key:
                 newkey = key.split('__$$', 1)[0]
                 cvfile.handler(DuplicateKeyError(self, newkey))
     def checkMandatory(self, cvfile, keys):
         '''ensure that all keys are present and not blank in the stanza'''
         for key in keys:
             if not key in self.keys():
                 cvfile.handler(MissingKeyError(self, key))
             elif self[key] == '':
                 cvfile.handler(BlankKeyError(self, key))
     def checkExtraneous(self, cvfile, keys):
         '''check for keys that are not in the list of keys'''
         for key in self.iterkeys():
             if key not in keys and '__$$' not in key:
                 cvfile.handler(ExtraKeyError(self, key))
     def checkFullRelational(self, cvfile, key, other, type):
         '''check that the value at key matches the value of another
         stanza's value at other, where the stanza type is specified by type'''
         p = 0
         if key not in self:
         for entry in cvfile.itervalues():
             if 'type' in entry and other in entry:
                 if entry['type'] == type and self[key] == entry[other]:
                     p = 1
         if p == 0:
             cvfile.handler(NonmatchKeyError(self, key, other))
     def checkRelational(self, cvfile, key, other):
         '''check that the value at key matches the value at other'''
         p = 0
         if key not in self:
         for entry in cvfile.itervalues():
             if 'type' in entry and other in entry:
                 if entry['type'] == key and self[key] == entry[other]:
                     p = 1
         if p == 0:
             cvfile.handler(NonmatchKeyError(self, key, other))
     def checkListRelational(self, cvfile, key, other):
         '''check that the value at key matches the value at other'''
         if key not in self:
         for val in self[key].split(','):
             val = val.strip()
             p = 0
             for entry in cvfile.itervalues():
                 if 'type' in entry and other in entry:
                     if entry['type'] == key and val == entry[other]:
                         p = 1
             if p == 0:
                 cvfile.handler(NonmatchKeyError(self, key, other))
     def checkProtocols(self, cvfile, path):
         if 'protocol' in self:
             protocols = self['protocol'].split()
             for protocol in protocols:
                 if ':' not in protocol:
                     cvfile.handler(InvalidProtocolError(self, protocol))
                     p = protocol.split(':', 1)[1]
                     if cvfile.protocolPath != None and not os.path.isfile(cvfile.protocolPath + path + p):
                         cvfile.handler(InvalidProtocolError(self, protocol))
 class CvError(Exception):
     '''base error class for the cv.'''
     def __init__(self, stanza):
         self.stanza = stanza
         self.msg = ''
         self.strict = 0
     def __str__(self):
         return str('%s[%s] %s: %s' % (self.stanza.name, self.stanza['type'], self.__class__.__name__, self.msg))
 class MissingKeyError(CvError):
     '''raised if a mandatory key is missing'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, key):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg =  key
         self.strict = 1
 class DuplicateKeyError(CvError):
     '''raised if a key is duplicated'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, key):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = key
         self.strict = 1
 class BlankKeyError(CvError):
     '''raised if a mandatory key is blank'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, key):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = key
         self.strict = 0
 class ExtraKeyError(CvError):
     '''raised if an extra key not in the list of keys is found'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, key):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = key
         self.strict = 0
 class NonmatchKeyError(CvError):
     '''raised if a relational key does not match any other value'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, key, val):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = '%s does not match %s' % (key, val)
         self.strict = 1
 class DuplicateVendorIdError(CvError):
     '''When there exists more than one connected component of stanzas (through derivedFrom) with the same vendorId'''
     def __init__(self, stanza):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = '%s' % self.stanza['vendorId']
         self.strict = 0
 class InvalidProtocolError(CvError):
     '''raised if a protocol doesnt match anything in the directory'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, key):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = key
         self.strict = 0
 class InvalidTypeError(CvError):
     '''raised if a relational key does not match any other value'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, key):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = key
         self.strict = 1
 class TypeValidationError(CvError):
     '''raised if the terms type of term has an invalid validation value'''
     def __init__(self, stanza):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = 'validation ' + stanza['validation']
         self.strict = 1
 class InvalidDateError(CvError):
     '''raised if the value is an invalid date'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, val):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = val + ' does not match a YYYY-MM-DD date'
         self.strict = 1      
 class MissingFileError(CvError):
     '''raised if the value is a filename that does not exist'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, val):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = val + ' does not exist'
         self.strict = 1        
 class InvalidFloatError(CvError):
     '''raised if the value not a float'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, val):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = val + ' is not a float'
         self.strict = 1           
 class InvalidIntError(CvError):
     '''raised if the value is not an int'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, val):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = val + ' is not an int'
         self.strict = 1   
 class InvalidListError(CvError):
     '''raised if the value is not among the given list of values'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, val, list):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = val + ' is not in ' + list.join(',')
         self.strict = 1   
 class UnmatchedRegexError(CvError):
     '''raised if the value is a filename that does not exist'''
     def __init__(self, stanza, val, regex):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         self.msg = val + ' does not match the regex ' + regex
         self.strict = 1       
 class OrganismError(CvError):
     '''raised if the value is a filename that does not exist'''
     def __init__(self, stanza):
         CvError.__init__(self, stanza)
         if 'organism' in stanza:
             self.msg = 'organism ' + stanza['organism'] + ' does not match human or mouse'
             self.msg = 'organism does not exist in stanza'
         self.strict = 1           
\ No newline at end of file