  Wed Apr 25 14:07:45 2012 -0700
ongoing #6152.   Added support for variants longer than 1 in CDS.
diff --git src/hg/lib/gpFx.c src/hg/lib/gpFx.c
index e8c3b82..5af7432 100644
--- src/hg/lib/gpFx.c
+++ src/hg/lib/gpFx.c
@@ -1,133 +1,162 @@
 /* gpFx --- routines to calculate the effect of variation on a genePred */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "gpFx.h"
 char *gpFxModifySequence(struct allele *allele, struct genePred *pred, 
     int exonNum, struct psl *transcriptPsl, struct dnaSeq *transcriptSequence)
 /* modify a transcript to what it'd be if the alternate allele were present */
+// clip allele to exon
+struct allele *clipAllele = alleleClip(allele, transcriptPsl->tStarts[exonNum], 
+	transcriptPsl->tStarts[exonNum] + transcriptPsl->blockSizes[exonNum]);
 // change transcript at variant point
-int exonOffset = allele->variant->chromStart - transcriptPsl->tStarts[exonNum];
+int exonOffset = clipAllele->variant->chromStart - transcriptPsl->tStarts[exonNum];
 int transcriptOffset = transcriptPsl->qStarts[exonNum] + exonOffset;
-if (allele->length != allele->variant->chromEnd - allele->variant->chromStart)
+if (clipAllele->length != clipAllele->variant->chromEnd - clipAllele->variant->chromStart)
     errAbort("only support alleles the same length as the reference");
 char *retSequence = cloneString(transcriptSequence->dna);
-char *newAllele = cloneString(allele->sequence);
+char *newAlleleSeq = cloneString(clipAllele->sequence);
 if (*pred->strand == '-')
     transcriptOffset = transcriptSequence->size - (transcriptOffset + 1);
-    reverseComplement(newAllele, strlen(newAllele));
+    reverseComplement(newAlleleSeq, strlen(newAlleleSeq));
 // make the change in the sequence
-memcpy(&retSequence[transcriptOffset], newAllele, allele->length);
+memcpy(&retSequence[transcriptOffset], newAlleleSeq, allele->length);
 // clean up
 return retSequence;
 static char *getCodingSequence(struct genePred *pred, char *transcriptSequence)
 /* extract the CDS from a transcript */
 int ii;
 if (*pred->strand == '-')
     reverseComplement(transcriptSequence, strlen(transcriptSequence));
 // trim off the 5' UTR ( or 3' if on the minus strand)
 char *ptr = transcriptSequence;
 for(ii=0; ii < pred->exonCount; ii++)
     int exonSize = pred->exonEnds[ii] - pred->exonStarts[ii];
-    if (pred->cdsStart > pred->exonStarts[ii])
+    if ((pred->cdsStart > pred->exonStarts[ii]) &&
+	(pred->cdsStart < pred->exonEnds[ii]))
     ptr += exonSize;
 // clip off part of UTR in exon that has CDS in it too
 int exonOffset = pred->cdsStart - pred->exonStarts[ii];
 ptr += exonOffset;
 char *newString = cloneString(ptr);
 // trim off 3' (or 5' if on minus strand)
 newString[genePredCdsSize(pred)] = 0;
 // correct for strand
 if (*pred->strand == '-')
     reverseComplement(transcriptSequence, strlen(transcriptSequence));
     reverseComplement(newString, strlen(newString));
 return newString;
-static int firstChange(char *string1, char *string2)
+static int firstChange(char *string1, char *string2, int *numDifferent)
 /* return the position of the first difference between the two sequences */
 int count = 0;
 while (*string1++ == *string2++)
+if (numDifferent != NULL)
+    {
+    *numDifferent = 1;
+    while ((*string1) && (*string2) && (*string1++ != *string2++))
+	(*numDifferent)++;
+    }
 return count;
 static void getSequences(struct genePred *pred, char *transcriptSequence,
     char **codingSequence,  aaSeq **aaSeq)
 /* get coding sequences for a transcript and a variant transcript */
 *codingSequence = getCodingSequence(pred, transcriptSequence);
 struct dnaSeq *codingDna = newDnaSeq(*codingSequence, strlen(*codingSequence), NULL);
 *aaSeq = translateSeq(codingDna, 0, FALSE);
 static char *
-codonChangeString(int codonPos, char *oldCodingSequence, char *newCodingSequence)
+codonChangeString(int codonPos, int numCodons, char *oldCodingSequence, char *newCodingSequence)
 /* generate string that describes a codon change */
-char buffer[100];
-safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%c%c%c > %c%c%c",
+struct dyString *dy = newDyString(100);
+int ii;
+for(ii=0; ii < numCodons; ii++)
+    {
+    dyStringPrintf(dy, "%c%c%c > %c%c%c",
     toupper(oldCodingSequence[codonPos + 0]),
     toupper(oldCodingSequence[codonPos + 1]),
     toupper(oldCodingSequence[codonPos + 2]),
     toupper(newCodingSequence[codonPos + 0]),
     toupper(newCodingSequence[codonPos + 1]),
     toupper(newCodingSequence[codonPos + 2]));
+    if (ii < numCodons - 1)
+	dyStringPrintf(dy, ",");
+    codonPos += 3;
+    }
-return cloneString(buffer);
+return dy->string;
 static char *
-aaChangeString(int pepPosition, char *oldaa, char *newaa)
+aaChangeString(int pepPosition, int numaa, char *oldaa, char *newaa)
 /* generate string that describes an amino acid change */
-char buffer[100];
-safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%c > %c",
-    toupper(oldaa[pepPosition]), toupper(newaa[pepPosition]));
-return cloneString(buffer);
+struct dyString *dy = newDyString(100);
+int ii;
+for(ii=0; ii < numaa; ii++)
+    {
+    dyStringPrintf(dy, "%c > %c", 
+	toupper(oldaa[pepPosition+ii]), toupper(newaa[pepPosition+ii]));
+    if (ii < numaa - 1)
+	dyStringPrintf(dy, ",");
+    }
+return dy->string;
 struct gpFx *gpFxCheckUtr( struct allele *allele, struct genePred *pred, 
     int exonNum, struct psl *transcriptPsl, struct dnaSeq *transcriptSequence,
     char *newSequence)
 /* check for effects in UTR of coding gene */
 if (positiveRangeIntersection(pred->txStart, pred->cdsStart,
 	allele->variant->chromStart, allele->variant->chromEnd))
     // we're in 5' UTR ( or UTR intron )
     errAbort("don't support variants in 5' UTR");
 if (positiveRangeIntersection(pred->txStart, pred->cdsStart,
@@ -167,57 +196,63 @@
 getSequences(pred, transcriptSequence->dna, &oldCodingSequence, &oldaa);
 getSequences(pred, newSequence, &newCodingSequence, &newaa);
 // if coding region hasn't changed, we're done
 if (sameString(oldCodingSequence, newCodingSequence))
     return effectsList;
 // start allocating the effect structure
 struct gpFx *effects;
 slAddHead(&effectsList, effects);
 struct codingChange *cc = &effects->so.sub.codingChange;
 cc->transcript = cloneString(pred->name);
-cc->cDnaPosition = firstChange( newSequence, transcriptSequence->dna);
-cc->cdsPosition = firstChange( newCodingSequence, oldCodingSequence);
+int dnaChangeLength;
+cc->cDnaPosition = firstChange( newSequence, transcriptSequence->dna, &dnaChangeLength);
+int cdsChangeLength;
+cc->cdsPosition = firstChange( newCodingSequence, oldCodingSequence, &cdsChangeLength);
 if (*pred->strand == '-')
     cc->exonNumber = pred->exonCount - exonNum;
     cc->exonNumber = exonNum;
 // calc codon change
-int codonPos = (cc->cdsPosition / 3) * 3;
-cc->codonChanges = codonChangeString( codonPos, oldCodingSequence, newCodingSequence);
+int codonPosStart = (cc->cdsPosition / 3) * 3;
+int codonPosEnd = ((cdsChangeLength + cc->cdsPosition) / 3) * 3;
+int numCodons = (codonPosEnd - codonPosStart) / 3 + 1;
+cc->codonChanges = codonChangeString( codonPosStart, numCodons, oldCodingSequence, newCodingSequence);
 if (sameString(newaa->dna, oldaa->dna))
     // synonymous change
     effects->so.soNumber = synonymous_variant;
     // by convention we zero out these fields since they aren't used
     cc->pepPosition = 0;
     cc->aaChanges = "";
     // non-synonymous change
     effects->so.soNumber = non_synonymous_variant;
-    cc->pepPosition = firstChange( newaa->dna, oldaa->dna);
-    cc->aaChanges = aaChangeString( cc->pepPosition, oldaa->dna, newaa->dna);
+    int numDifferent;
+    cc->pepPosition = firstChange( newaa->dna, oldaa->dna, &numDifferent);
+    cc->aaChanges = aaChangeString( cc->pepPosition, numDifferent, 
+	oldaa->dna, newaa->dna);
 return effectsList;
 struct gpFx *gpFxInExon(struct allele *allele, struct genePred *pred, 
     int exonNum, struct psl *transcriptPsl, struct dnaSeq *transcriptSequence)
 /* generate an effect from a different allele in an exon */
 char *newSequence = gpFxModifySequence(allele, pred, exonNum,
 	transcriptPsl, transcriptSequence);
 if (sameString(newSequence, transcriptSequence->dna))
     return NULL;  // no change in transcript