ad1ac33c20a213b386adbc58e69bad6b75fb08c0 larrym Thu Apr 26 11:42:05 2012 -0700 cleanup per review items from tim diff --git src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c index a478a9c..14e87af 100644 --- src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c +++ src/hg/lib/jsHelper.c @@ -1,945 +1,949 @@ /* javascript - some little helper routines to manage our javascript. * We don't do much javascript - just occassionally use it so that * when they select something from a pull-down, it will go hit the server to * figure out how to reload other control options based on the choice. * (For instance if they change the group, which items in the track * drop-down need to change). * * We accomplish this by maintaining two forms - a mainForm and a * hiddenForm. The hiddenForm maintains echo's of all the variables * in the main form, which get updated onChange of controls that need * to 'ripple' to other controls. The onChange also submits the * control. */ #include "common.h" #include <regex.h> #include "dystring.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "cart.h" #include "hPrint.h" #include "hash.h" #include "jsHelper.h" #include "web.h" #include "hui.h" #include "hgConfig.h" #include "portable.h" static boolean jsInited = FALSE; struct jsonHashElement *jsonGlobalsHash = NULL; void jsInit() /* If this is the first call, set window.onload to the operations * performed upon loading a page and print supporting javascript. * Currently this just sets the page vertical position if specified on * CGI, and also calls jsWriteFunctions. * Subsequent calls do nothing, so this can be called many times. */ { if (! jsInited) { puts( "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"jsh_pageVertPos\" VALUE=0>\n" "<script language=\"javascript\">\n" "// f_scrollTop and f_filterResults taken from\n" "//\n" "function f_scrollTop() {\n" " return f_filterResults (\n" " window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : 0,\n" " document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0,\n" " document.body ? document.body.scrollTop : 0\n" " );\n" "}\n" "function f_filterResults(n_win, n_docel, n_body) {\n" " var n_result = n_win ? n_win : 0;\n" " if (n_docel && (!n_result || (n_result > n_docel)))\n" " n_result = n_docel;\n" " return n_body && (!n_result || (n_result > n_body)) ? n_body : n_result;\n" "}\n" "</script>\n"); int pos = cgiOptionalInt("jsh_pageVertPos", 0); if (pos > 0) printf("\n<script language=\"javascript\">" "window.onload = function () { window.scrollTo(0, %d); }" "</script>\n", pos); jsWriteFunctions(); jsInited = TRUE; } } void jsWriteFunctions() /* Write out Javascript functions. */ { hPrintf("\n<SCRIPT>\n"); hPrintf("%s\n", "function setRadioCheck(varName, value) \n" "{\n" "var len = document.mainForm.elements.length;\n" "var i = 0;\n" "for (i = 0; i < len; i++) \n" " {\n" " if (document.mainForm.elements[i].name == varName) \n" " {\n" " if (document.mainForm.elements[i].value == value)\n" " document.mainForm.elements[i].checked = true;\n" " else\n" " document.mainForm.elements[i].checked = false;\n" " }\n" " }\n" "}\n" "\n" "function getKeyCode(e)\n" "{\n" "if (window.event) // IE\n" " {\n" " return e.keyCode;\n" " }\n" "else \n" " {\n" " return e.which;\n" " }\n" "}\n" "\n" "function getKey(e)\n" "{\n" "return String.fromCharCode(getKeyCode(e));\n" "}\n" "\n" "function gotEnterKey(e)\n" "{\n" "return getKeyCode(e) == 13;\n" "}\n" "\n" "var submitted = false;\n" "\n" "function submitOnEnter(e,f)\n" "{\n" "if(gotEnterKey(e))\n" " {\n" " if (!submitted)\n" " {\n" " submitted = true;\n" " f.submit();\n" " }\n" " return false;\n" " }\n" "else\n" " return true;\n" "}\n" "\n" "function noSubmitOnEnter(e)\n" "{\n" "return !gotEnterKey(e);\n" "}\n" "function pressOnEnter(e, button)\n" "{\n" "if (gotEnterKey(e))\n" " {\n" ";\n" " return false;\n" " }\n" "else\n" " {\n" " return true;\n" " }\n" "}\n" ); hPrintf("</SCRIPT>\n"); } struct dyString *jsOnChangeStart() /* Start up an onChange string */ { struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024); dyStringAppend(dy, "onChange=\""); return dy; } char *jsOnChangeEnd(struct dyString **pDy) /* Finish up javascript onChange command. */ { dyStringAppend(*pDy, "document.hiddenForm.submit();\""); return dyStringCannibalize(pDy); } void jsDropDownCarryOver(struct dyString *dy, char *var) /* Add statement to carry-over drop-down item to dy. */ { dyStringPrintf(dy, "document.hiddenForm.%s.value=", var); dyStringPrintf(dy, "document.mainForm.%s.options", var); dyStringPrintf(dy, "[document.mainForm.%s.selectedIndex].value; ", var); } void jsTextCarryOver(struct dyString *dy, char *var) /* Add statement to carry-over text item to dy. */ { dyStringPrintf(dy, "document.hiddenForm.%s.value=document.mainForm.%s.value; ", var, var); } void jsTrackingVar(char *jsVar, char *val) /* Emit a little Javascript to keep track of a variable. * This helps especially with radio buttons. */ { hPrintf("<SCRIPT>\n"); hPrintf("var %s='%s';\n", jsVar, val); hPrintf("</SCRIPT>\n"); } void jsMakeTrackingRadioButton(char *cgiVar, char *jsVar, char *val, char *selVal) /* Make a radio button that also sets tracking variable * in javascript. */ { hPrintf("<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=\"%s\"", cgiVar); hPrintf(" VALUE=\"%s\"", val); hPrintf(" onClick=\"%s='%s';\"", jsVar, val); if (sameString(val, selVal)) hPrintf(" CHECKED"); hPrintf(">"); } void jsMakeTrackingCheckBox(struct cart *cart, char *cgiVar, char *jsVar, boolean usualVal) /* Make a check box filling in with existing value and * putting a javascript tracking variable on it. */ { char buf[256]; boolean oldVal = cartUsualBoolean(cart, cgiVar, usualVal); hPrintf("<SCRIPT>var %s=%d;</SCRIPT>\n", jsVar, oldVal); hPrintf("<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=%s VALUE=1", cgiVar); if (oldVal) hPrintf(" CHECKED"); hPrintf(" onClick=\"%s=(%s+1)%%2;\"", jsVar, jsVar); hPrintf(">"); safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", cgiBooleanShadowPrefix(), cgiVar); cgiMakeHiddenVar(buf, "0"); } void jsTrackedVarCarryOver(struct dyString *dy, char *cgiVar, char *jsVar) /* Carry over tracked variable (radio button?) to hidden form. */ { dyStringPrintf(dy, "document.hiddenForm.%s.value=%s; ", cgiVar, jsVar); } char *jsRadioUpdate(char *cgiVar, char *jsVar, char *val) /* Make a little javascript to check and uncheck radio buttons * according to new value. To use this you must have called * jsWriteFunctions somewhere, and also must use jsMakeTrackingRadioButton * to make the buttons. */ { static char buf[256]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "setRadioCheck('%s', '%s'); %s='%s'", cgiVar, val, jsVar, val); return buf; } void jsCreateHiddenForm(struct cart *cart, char *scriptName, char **vars, int varCount) /* Create a hidden form with the given variables */ { int i; hPrintf( "<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" " "METHOD=\"GET\" NAME=\"hiddenForm\">\n", scriptName); cartSaveSession(cart); for (i=0; i<varCount; ++i) hPrintf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"\">\n", vars[i]); puts("</FORM>"); } char *jsSetVerticalPosition(char *form) /* Returns a javascript statement for storing the vertical position of the * page; typically this would go just before a document submit. * jsInit must be called first. * Do not free return value! */ { if (! jsInited) errAbort("jsSetVerticalPosition: jsInit must be called first."); static char vertPosSet[2048]; safef(vertPosSet, sizeof(vertPosSet), "document.%s.jsh_pageVertPos.value = f_scrollTop(); ", form); return vertPosSet; } void jsMakeSetClearButton(struct cart *cart, char *form, char *buttonVar, char *buttonLabel, char *cartVarPrefix, struct slName *cartVarSuffixList, char *anchor, boolean currentPos, boolean isSet) /* Make a button for setting or clearing all of a list of boolean * cart variables (i.e. checkboxes). If this button was just pressed, * set or clear those cart variables. * Optional html anchor is appended to the form's action if given. * If currentPos, anchor is ignored and jsSetVerticalPosition is used so * that the new page gets the same vertical offset as the current page. */ { struct slName *suffix; char javascript[2048]; char *vertPosJs = ""; if (currentPos) { anchor = NULL; jsInit(); vertPosJs = jsSetVerticalPosition(form); } cgiMakeHiddenVar(buttonVar, ""); safef(javascript, sizeof javascript, "document.%s.action = '%s%s%s'; document.%s.%s.value='%s'; %s" "document.%s.submit();", form, cgiScriptName(), (isNotEmpty(anchor) ? "#" : ""), (isNotEmpty(anchor) ? anchor : ""), form, buttonVar, buttonLabel, vertPosJs, form); cgiMakeOnClickButton(javascript, buttonLabel); if (isNotEmpty(cgiOptionalString(buttonVar))) { char option[1024]; if (cartVarPrefix == NULL) cartVarPrefix = ""; for (suffix = cartVarSuffixList; suffix != NULL; suffix = suffix->next) { safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s%s", cartVarPrefix, suffix->name); cartSetBoolean(cart, option, isSet); } } } void jsMakeCheckboxGroupSetClearButton(char *buttonVar, boolean isSet) /* Make a button for setting or clearing a set of checkboxes with the same name. * Uses only javascript to change the checkboxes, no resubmit. */ { char javascript[256]; safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript), "var list = document.getElementsByName('%s'); " "for (var ix = 0; ix < list.length; ix++) {list[ix].checked = %s}", buttonVar, isSet ? "true" : "false"); cgiMakeOnClickButton(javascript, isSet ? JS_SET_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL : JS_CLEAR_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL); } char *jsPressOnEnter(char *button) /* Returns a javascript statement that clicks button when the Enter key * has been pressed; typically this would go in a text input. * jsInit must be called first. * Do not free return value! */ { if (! jsInited) errAbort("jsPressOnEnter: jsInit must be called first."); static char poe[2048]; safef(poe, sizeof(poe), "return pressOnEnter(event, %s);", button); return poe; } void jsIncludeFile(char *fileName, char *noScriptMsg) { /* Prints out html to include given javascript file from the js directory; suppresses redundant * <script ...> tags if called repeatedly. * <noscript>...</noscript> tags are provided automatically. The noscript message may be specified via * the noScriptMsg parameter (the string may contain HTML markup). A default msg is provided * if noScriptMsg == NULL; noscript msg is suppressed if noScriptMsg == "" (this is useful * if you want to more carefully control where the message will appear on the page). */ char *link = webTimeStampedLinkToResourceOnFirstCall(fileName,TRUE); if (link != NULL) { static boolean defaultWarningShown = FALSE; if(noScriptMsg == NULL && !defaultWarningShown) { noScriptMsg = "<b>JavaScript is disabled in your web browser</b></p><p>You must have JavaScript enabled in your web browser to use the Genome Browser"; defaultWarningShown = TRUE; } if(noScriptMsg && strlen(noScriptMsg)) hPrintf("<noscript><div class='noscript'><div class='noscript-inner'><p>%s</p></div></div></noscript>\n", noScriptMsg); hPrintf("%s",link); freeMem(link); } } char *jsCheckAllOnClickHandler(char *idPrefix, boolean state) /* Returns javascript for use as an onclick attribute value to check all/uncheck all * all checkboxes with given idPrefix. * state parameter determines whether to "check all" or "uncheck all" (TRUE means "check all"). */ { static char buf[512]; jsIncludeFile("utils.js", NULL); safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "setCheckBoxesWithPrefix(this, '%s', %s); return false", idPrefix, state ? "true" : "false"); return buf; } /* cgiMakeCheckAllSubmitButton really belongs in cheapcgi.c, but that is compiled without access to jsHelper.h */ void cgiMakeCheckAllSubmitButton(char *name, char *value, char *id, char *idPrefix, boolean state) /* Make submit button which uses javascript to apply check all or uncheck all to all * checkboxes with given idPrefix. * state parameter determines whether to "check all" or "uncheck all" (TRUE means "check all"). * id parameter may be NULL */ { cgiMakeOnClickSubmitButton(jsCheckAllOnClickHandler(idPrefix, state), name, value); } char *stripRegEx(char *str, char *regEx, int flags) { /* Strip out text matching regEx from str. flags is passed through to regcomp as the cflags argument. Returned string should be free'ed after use. */ return replaceRegEx(str, NULL, regEx, flags); } char *replaceRegEx(char *str, char *replace, char *regEx, int flags) { /* Replace text matching regEx in str with replace string. flags is passed through to regcomp as the cflags argument. Returned string should be free'ed after use. */ regex_t re; regmatch_t match[1]; int err = regcomp(&re, regEx, flags); if(err) errAbort("regcomp failed; err: %d", err); struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0); size_t len = strlen(str); size_t offset = 0; while(offset < len && !regexec(&re, str + offset, 1, match, 0)) { dyStringAppendN(dy, str + offset, match[0].rm_so); if(replace != NULL) dyStringAppend(dy, replace); offset += match[0].rm_eo; } if(offset < len) { dyStringAppend(dy, str + offset); } regfree(&re); return dyStringCannibalize(&dy); } char *jsStripJavascript(char *str) /* Strip out anything that looks like javascript in html string. This function is designed to cleanup user input (e.g. to avoid XSS attacks). In reality, we cannot remove javascript with 100% accuracy, b/c there are many browser specific ways of embedding javascript; see for many, many examples. Returned string should be free'ed after use. */ { char *regExs[] = {"<script\\s*>[^<]*</script\\s*>", "<script[^>]*>" // handles case where they have an un-closed script tag with a src attribute }; int i; str = cloneString(str); for(i=0;i<ArraySize(regExs);i++) { char *tmp = str; str = stripRegEx(str, regExs[i], REG_ICASE); freeMem(tmp); } return str; } void jsBeginCollapsibleSection(struct cart *cart, char *track, char *section, char *sectionTitle, boolean isOpenDefault) /* Make the hidden input, collapse/expand button and <TR id=...> needed for utils.js's * setTableRowVisibility(). Caller needs to have already created a <TABLE> and <FORM>. */ { char collapseGroupVar[512]; safef(collapseGroupVar, sizeof(collapseGroupVar), "%s.section_%s_close", track, section); boolean isOpen = !cartUsualBoolean(cart, collapseGroupVar, !isOpenDefault); // Both plus button and title are now in same <TD> // but still colspan=2 because we are lib code and callers own the table. printf("<TR><TD colspan=2 style='text-align:left;'>\n"); printf("<input type='hidden' name='%s' id='%s' value='%s'>\n", collapseGroupVar, collapseGroupVar, isOpen ? "0" : "1"); #ifdef BUTTONS_BY_CSS hPrintf("<span class='pmButton bigBlue' onclick=\"setTableRowVisibility(this, '%s', '%s.section', 'section', true)\" " "id='%s_button' title='%s this section'>%c</span>", section, track, section, (isOpen ? "Collapse": "Expand"), (isOpen ? '-' : '+')); #else///ifndef BUTTONS_BY_CSS char *buttonImage = (isOpen ? "../images/remove_sm.gif" : "../images/add_sm.gif"); printf("<IMG height='18' width='18' " "onclick=\"return setTableRowVisibility(this, '%s', '%s.section', 'section', true);\" " "id='%s_button' src='%s' alt='%s' title='%s this section' class='bigBlue'" " style='cursor:pointer;'>\n", section, track, section, buttonImage, (isOpen ? "-" : "+"), (isOpen ? "Collapse": "Expand")); #endif///ndef BUTTONS_BY_CSS printf("<B style='font-size:larger;'> %s</B></TD></TR>\n", sectionTitle); printf("<TR %sid='%s-%d'><TD colspan=2>", isOpen ? "" : "style='display: none' ", section, 1); } void jsEndCollapsibleSection() /* End the collapsible <TR id=...>. */ { puts("</TD></TR>"); } struct jsonStringElement *newJsonString(char *str) { struct jsonStringElement *ele; AllocVar(ele); ele->str = cloneString(str); ele->type = jsonString; return ele; } struct jsonBooleanElement *newJsonBoolean(boolean val) { struct jsonBooleanElement *ele; AllocVar(ele); ele->val = val; ele->type = jsonBoolean; return ele; } struct jsonNumberElement *newJsonNumber(long val) { struct jsonNumberElement *ele; AllocVar(ele); ele->val = val; ele->type = jsonNumber; return ele; } struct jsonDoubleElement *newJsonDouble(double val) { struct jsonDoubleElement *ele; AllocVar(ele); ele->val = val; ele->type = jsonDouble; return ele; } struct jsonHashElement *newJsonHash(struct hash *h) { struct jsonHashElement *ele; AllocVar(ele); ele->type = jsonHash; ele->hash = h; return ele; } struct jsonListElement *newJsonList(struct slRef *list) { struct jsonListElement *ele; AllocVar(ele); ele->type = jsonList; ele->list = list; return ele; } void jsonHashAdd(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, struct jsonElement *ele) { if (h == NULL) // If hash isn't provided, assume global { if (jsonGlobalsHash == NULL) jsonGlobalsHash = newJsonHash(newHash(8)); h = jsonGlobalsHash; } hashReplace(h->hash, name, ele); } void jsonHashAddString(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, char *val) { // Add a string to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object; // existing values are replaced. jsonHashAdd(h, name, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonString(val)); } void jsonHashAddNumber(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, long val) { // Add a number to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object; // existing values are replaced. jsonHashAdd(h, name, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonNumber(val)); } void jsonHashAddDouble(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, double val) { // Add a number to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object; // existing values are replaced. jsonHashAdd(h, name, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonDouble(val)); } void jsonHashAddBoolean(struct jsonHashElement *h, char *name, boolean val) { // Add a boolean to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object; // existing values are replaced. jsonHashAdd(h, name, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonBoolean(val)); } void jsonListAdd(struct slRef **list, struct jsonElement *ele) { struct slRef *e; AllocVar(e); e->val = ele; slAddHead(list, e); } void jsonListAddString(struct slRef **list, char *val) { jsonListAdd(list, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonString(val)); } void jsonListAddNumber(struct slRef **list, long val) { jsonListAdd(list, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonNumber(val)); } void jsonListAddDouble(struct slRef **list, double val) { jsonListAdd(list, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonDouble(val)); } void jsonListAddBoolean(struct slRef **list, boolean val) { jsonListAdd(list, (struct jsonElement *) newJsonString(val ? "true" : "false")); } static char *makeIndentBuf(int indentLevel) { if (indentLevel < 0) return ""; char *indentBuf; indentBuf = needMem(indentLevel + 1); memset(indentBuf, '\t', indentLevel); indentBuf[indentLevel] = 0; return indentBuf; } static void jsonPrintRecurse(struct jsonElement *json, int indentLevel) { if (indentLevel >= -1) // Note that < -1 will result in no indenting indentLevel++; char *tab = "\t"; char *nl = "\n"; if (indentLevel < 0) { tab = ""; nl = ""; } char *indentBuf = makeIndentBuf(indentLevel); switch (json->type) { case jsonHash: { struct jsonHashElement *ele = (struct jsonHashElement *) json; hPrintf("{%s",nl); if(hashNumEntries(ele->hash)) { struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(ele->hash); slSort(&list, hashElCmp); for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next) { struct jsonElement *val = (struct jsonElement *) el->val; hPrintf("%s%s\"%s\": ", indentBuf, tab, el->name); jsonPrintRecurse(val, indentLevel); hPrintf("%s%s", el->next == NULL ? "" : ",",nl); } hashElFreeList(&list); } hPrintf("%s}", indentBuf); break; } case jsonList: { struct jsonListElement *rec = (struct jsonListElement *) json; struct slRef *el; hPrintf("[%s",nl); if(rec->list) { for (el = rec->list; el != NULL; el = el->next) { struct jsonElement *val = (struct jsonElement *) el->val; hPrintf("%s%s", indentBuf,tab); jsonPrintRecurse(val, indentLevel); hPrintf("%s%s", el->next == NULL ? "" : ",",nl); } } hPrintf("%s]", indentBuf); break; } case jsonString: { char *val = javaScriptLiteralEncode(((struct jsonStringElement *) json)->str); hPrintf("\"%s\"", val); break; } case jsonBoolean: { hPrintf("%s", ((struct jsonBooleanElement *) json)->val ? "true" : "false"); break; } case jsonNumber: { char buf[256]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld", ((struct jsonNumberElement *) json)->val); hPrintf("%s", buf); break; } case jsonDouble: { char buf[256]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.10f", ((struct jsonDoubleElement *) json)->val); hPrintf("%s", buf); break; } default: { errAbort("jsonPrintRecurse; invalid type: %d", json->type); break; } } if (indentLevel >= 0) freez(&indentBuf); } void jsonPrint(struct jsonElement *json, char *name, int indentLevel) { // print out a jsonElement, indentLevel -1 means no indenting char *indentBuf = makeIndentBuf(indentLevel); if(name != NULL) { if (indentLevel >= 0 ) hPrintf("// START %s\n%s", name, indentBuf); hPrintf("var %s = ", name); } jsonPrintRecurse(json, (indentLevel - 1)); // will increment back to indentLevel if(name != NULL) { hPrintf("%s;\n", indentBuf); if (indentLevel >= 0 ) hPrintf("// END %s\n", name); } if (indentLevel >= 0) freez(&indentBuf); } void jsonPrintGlobals(boolean wrapWithScriptTags) // prints out the "common" globals json hash // This hash is the one utils.js and therefore all CGIs know about { if (jsonGlobalsHash != NULL) { if (wrapWithScriptTags) printf("<script type='text/javascript'>\n"); jsonPrint((struct jsonElement *) jsonGlobalsHash, "common", 0); if (wrapWithScriptTags) printf("</script>\n"); } } void jsonErrPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, ...) // Printf a json error to a dyString for communicating with ajax code; format is: // {"error": error message here} { va_list args; va_start(args, format); dyStringPrintf(ds, "{\"error\": \""); struct dyString *buf = newDyString(1000); dyStringVaPrintf(buf, format, args); dyStringAppend(ds, javaScriptLiteralEncode(dyStringCannibalize(&buf))); dyStringPrintf(ds, "\"}"); va_end(args); } static void skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(char *s, int *posPtr) /* skip leading white space. */ { for (;;) { char c = s[*posPtr]; if (!isspace(c)) return; (*posPtr)++; } } static void getSpecificChar(char c, char *str, int *posPtr) { // get specified char from string or errAbort if(str[*posPtr] != c) errAbort("Unexpected character '%c' (expected '%c') - string position %d\n", str[*posPtr], c, *posPtr); (*posPtr)++; } static char *getString(char *str, int *posPtr) { // read a double-quote delimited string; we handle backslash escaping. // returns allocated string. boolean escapeMode = FALSE; int i; struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(1024); getSpecificChar('"', str, posPtr); for(i = 0;; i++) { char c = str[*posPtr + i]; if(!c) errAbort("Premature end of string (missing trailing double-quote); string position '%d'", *posPtr); else if(escapeMode) { // We support escape sequences listed in, // except for Unicode which we cannot support in C-strings switch(c) { case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'u': errAbort("Unicode in JSON is unsupported"); break; default: // we don't need to convert \,/ or " break; } dyStringAppendC(ds, c); escapeMode = FALSE; } else if(c == '"') break; else if(c == '\\') escapeMode = TRUE; else { dyStringAppendC(ds, c); escapeMode = FALSE; } } *posPtr += i; getSpecificChar('"', str, posPtr); return dyStringCannibalize(&ds); } static struct jsonElement *jsonParseExpression(char *str, int *posPtr); static struct jsonElement *jsonParseObject(char *str, int *posPtr) { struct hash *h = newHash(0); getSpecificChar('{', str, posPtr); while(str[*posPtr] != '}') { // parse out a name : val pair skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); char *name = getString(str, posPtr); skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); getSpecificChar(':', str, posPtr); skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); hashAdd(h, name, jsonParseExpression(str, posPtr)); skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); if(str[*posPtr] == ',') (*posPtr)++; else break; } skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); getSpecificChar('}', str, posPtr); return (struct jsonElement *) newJsonHash(h); } static struct jsonElement *jsonParseList(char *str, int *posPtr) { struct slRef *list = NULL; getSpecificChar('[', str, posPtr); while(str[*posPtr] != ']') { struct slRef *e; AllocVar(e); skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); e->val = jsonParseExpression(str, posPtr); slAddHead(&list, e); skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); if(str[*posPtr] == ',') (*posPtr)++; else break; } skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); getSpecificChar(']', str, posPtr); slReverse(&list); return (struct jsonElement *) newJsonList(list); } static struct jsonElement *jsonParseString(char *str, int *posPtr) { return (struct jsonElement *) newJsonString(getString(str, posPtr)); } static struct jsonElement *jsonParseBoolean(char *str, int *posPtr) { struct jsonBooleanElement *ele = NULL; int i; for(i = 0; str[*posPtr + i] && isalpha(str[*posPtr + i]); i++); ; char *val = cloneStringZ(str + *posPtr, i); -if(sameWord(val, "true")) +if(sameString(val, "true")) ele = newJsonBoolean(TRUE); -else if(sameWord(val, "false")) +else if(sameString(val, "false")) ele = newJsonBoolean(FALSE); else errAbort("Invalid boolean value '%s'; pos: %d", val, *posPtr); *posPtr += i; +freez(&val); return (struct jsonElement *) ele; } static struct jsonElement *jsonParseNumber(char *str, int *posPtr) { int i; boolean integral = TRUE; +struct jsonElement *retVal = NULL; + for(i = 0;; i++) { char c = str[*posPtr + i]; if(c == 'e' || c == 'E' || c == '.') integral = FALSE; else if(!c || (!isdigit(c) && c != '-')) break; } char *val = cloneStringZ(str + *posPtr, i); *posPtr += i; if(integral) - return (struct jsonElement *) newJsonNumber(sqlLongLong(val)); + retVal = (struct jsonElement *) newJsonNumber(sqlLongLong(val)); else { double d; if(sscanf(val, "%lf", &d)) - return (struct jsonElement *) newJsonDouble(d); + retVal = (struct jsonElement *) newJsonDouble(d); else - errAbort("Invalid JSON Double: %s; pos: %d", val, *posPtr + i); + errAbort("Invalid JSON Double: %s", val); } -return NULL; +freez(&val); +return retVal; } static struct jsonElement *jsonParseExpression(char *str, int *posPtr) { skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, posPtr); char c = str[*posPtr]; if(c == '{') return jsonParseObject(str, posPtr); else if (c == '[') return jsonParseList(str, posPtr); else if (c == '"') return jsonParseString(str, posPtr); else if (isdigit(c) || c == '-') return jsonParseNumber(str, posPtr); else return jsonParseBoolean(str, posPtr); // XXXX support null? } struct jsonElement *jsonParse(char *str) { // parse string into an in-memory json representation int pos = 0; struct jsonElement *ele = jsonParseExpression(str, &pos); skipLeadingSpacesWithPos(str, &pos); if(str[pos]) errAbort("Invalid JSON: unprocessed trailing string at position: %d: %s", pos, str + pos); return ele; }