a2e996babf1ad91f08f6a1a3ceca8ec9af0fe2cf max Thu Apr 19 16:16:58 2012 -0700 changed almost all html in pubs hgc page to get rid of unnecessary tables (this part does not conform to kent style but really looks better) diff --git src/hg/hgc/pubs.c src/hg/hgc/pubs.c index b2a0cf1..3616e83 100644 --- src/hg/hgc/pubs.c +++ src/hg/hgc/pubs.c @@ -28,57 +28,190 @@ "intro", "methods", "results", "discussion", "conclusions", "ack", "refs", "unknown" }; // // whether a checkbox is checked by default, have to correspond to pubsSecNames static int pubsSecChecked[] ={ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 }; static char* pubsSequenceTable; + +/* ------ START based on QA's suggestions, functions to replace old HTML tables */ + + +/* Suffix -S for "function accepts style parameter" + * Suffix -C for "function accepts class parameter" + * Suffix -CI for "function accepts class and id parameter" + */ + +static void web2Start(char* tag) +{ +printf("<%s>\n", tag); +} + +static void web2End(char* tag) +{ +printf("%s>\n", tag); +} + +static void web2StartS(char* style, char* tag) +{ +printf("<%s style=\"%s\">\n", tag, style); +} + +static void web2StartC(char* class, char* tag) +{ +printf("<%s class=\"%s\">\n", tag, class); +} + +static void web2StartCI(char* class, char* id, char* tag) +{ +if ((id==NULL) && (class==NULL)) + web2Start(tag); +else if (id==NULL) + web2StartC(class, tag); +else + printf("<%s class=\"%s\" id=\"%s\">\n", tag, class, id); +} + +static void web2PrintS(char* style, char* tag, char* label) +{ +printf("<%s style=\"%s\">%s%s>\n", tag, style, label, tag); +} + +//static void web2PrintC(char* class, char* tag, char* label) +//{ +//printf("<%s class=\"%s\">%s%s>\n", tag, class, label, tag); +//} + +//static void web2Print(char* tag, char* label) +//{ +//printf("<%s>%s%s>\n", tag, label, tag); +//} + +static void web2StartTableC(char* class) { web2StartC(class, "table"); } + +static void web2StartTheadC(char* class) { web2StartC(class, "thead"); } +static void web2EndThead() { web2End("thead"); } + +static void web2StartTbodyS(char* style) { web2StartS(style, "tbody"); } + +static void web2StartCell() { web2Start("td"); } +static void web2EndCell() { web2End("td"); } +static void web2StartCellS(char* style) { web2StartS(style, "td"); } +//static void web2PrintCell(char* label) { web2Print("td", label); } +static void web2PrintCellS(char* style, char *label) { web2PrintS(style, "td", label); } + +static void web2StartRow() { web2Start("tr"); } +static void web2EndRow() { web2End("tr"); } + +//static void web2StartTbody() { web2Start("tbody"); } +static void web2EndTbody() { web2End("tbody"); } + +//static void web2StartTable() { web2Start("table"); } +static void web2EndTable() { web2EndTbody(); web2End("table"); } + +static void web2StartDivCI(char* class, char* id) { web2StartCI(class, id, "div"); } +static void web2StartDivC(char* class) { web2StartC(class, "div"); } + +static void web2EndDiv(char* comment) +{ +printf(" \n", comment); +} + +static void web2PrintHeaderCell(char *label, int width) +/* Print th heading cell with given width in percent */ +{ +printf("
+ printf(
+ " ",
hgTracksPathAndSettings(), database, seqName, start+1, end, articleId, pslTrack, dispId);
printf("Show these sequence matches individually on genome browser (activates track \""
"Individual matches for article\") Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ");
+ printf(" Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Article file \n");
-puts(" One row per sequence, with flanking text, sequence in bold \n");
+ web2PrintHeaderCell("Article file", 10);
+web2PrintHeaderCell("One row per sequence, with flanking text, sequence in bold", 60);
if (pubsDebug)
- puts(" Identifiers \n");
+ web2PrintHeaderCell("Identifiers", 30);
if (!isClickedSection && !pubsDebug)
- puts(" Chained matches with this sequence \n");
+ web2PrintHeaderCell("Chained matches with this sequence", 20);
+web2StartTbodyS("font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; font-size: 0.9em;");
static void printAddWbr(char* text, int distance)
/* a crazy hack for firefox/mozilla that is unable to break long words in tables
* We need to add a
+ printf("
freeMem(endStr); //XX why can't I free these?
static bool printSeqSection(char* articleId, char* title, bool showDesc, struct sqlConnection* conn, struct hash* clickedSeqs, bool isClickedSection, bool fasta, char* pslTable, char* articleTable)
-/* print a table of sequences, show only sequences with IDs in hash,
+/* print a section with a table of sequences, show only sequences with IDs in hash,
* There are two sections, respective sequences are shown depending on isClickedSection and clickedSeqs
* - seqs that were clicked on (isClickedSection=True) -> show only seqs in clickedSeqs
* - other seqs (isClickedSection=False) -> show all other seqs
* */
// get data from mysql
char query[4096];
safef(query, sizeof(query),
"SELECT fileDesc, snippet, locations, articleId, fileId, seqId, sequence "
"FROM %s WHERE articleId='%s';", pubsSequenceTable, articleId);
if (pubsDebug)
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
// construct title for section
char* otherFormat = NULL;
if (fasta)
otherFormat = "table";
otherFormat = "fasta";
char fullTitle[5000];
safef(fullTitle, sizeof(fullTitle),
-"%s (%s format)",
+"%s (%s format)\n",
title, cartSidUrlString(cart), cgiString("o"), cgiString("t"), cgiString("g"), cgiString("i"),
!fasta, otherFormat);
-webNewSection("%s", fullTitle);
+web2StartSection("pubsSection", "%s", fullTitle);
+// print filtering link at start of table & table headers
if (isClickedSection)
- {
printFilterLink(pslTable, articleId, articleTable);
- printf("");
- }
- printf(" ");
if (fasta)
- printf("");
if (!fasta)
printSeqHeaders(showDesc, isClickedSection);
+// output rows
char **row;
bool foundSkippedRows = FALSE;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
char* fileDesc = row[0];
char* snippet = row[1];
char* locString= row[2];
char* artId = row[3];
char* fileId = row[4];
char* seqId = row[5];
char* seq = row[6];
// annotation (=sequence) ID is a 64 bit int with 10 digits for
// article, 3 digits for file, 5 for annotation
char annotId[100];
safef(annotId, 100, "%010d%03d%05d", atoi(artId), atoi(fileId), atoi(seqId));
if (pubsDebug)
printf("%s", annotId);
// only display this sequence if we're in the right section
if (clickedSeqs!=NULL && ((hashLookup(clickedSeqs, annotId)!=NULL) != isClickedSection)) {
foundSkippedRows = TRUE;
- printf(" ", annotId, seq);
+ printf(">%s>%s
", annotId, seq);
- printf("\n");
+ web2StartRow();
+ // column 1: type of file (main or supp)
if (showDesc)
- printf(" \n");
+ web2EndRow();
-printf("\n"); // finish section
+if (!fasta)
+ web2EndTable();
return foundSkippedRows;
static void printSeqInfo(struct sqlConnection* conn, char* trackTable,
char* pslTable, char* articleId, char* item, char* seqName, int start,
bool fileDesc, bool fasta, char* articleTable)
/* print sequences, split into two sections
* two sections: one for sequences that were clicked, one for all others*/
struct hash* clickedSeqs = getSeqIdHash(conn, trackTable, articleId, item, seqName, start);
bool skippedRows;
if (clickedSeqs)
skippedRows = printSeqSection(articleId, "Sequences used to construct this feature", \
fileDesc, conn, clickedSeqs, 1, fasta, pslTable, articleTable);
if (skippedRows)
printSeqSection(articleId, "Other Sequences in this article", \
fileDesc, conn, clickedSeqs, 0, fasta, pslTable, articleTable);
if (pubsIsElsevier)
- printf("%s\n", fileDesc);
- //printf(" %s \n", snippet);
- printf("");
+ web2PrintCellS(fileDesc, "word-break:break-all");
+ // column 2: snippet
+ web2StartCellS("word-break:break-all");
printAddWbr(snippet, 40);
- printf(" \n");
+ web2EndCell();
+ // optional debug info column
if (pubsDebug)
- printf("article %s, file %s, seq %s, annotId %s", artId, fileId, seqId, annotId);
+ web2PrintCellF("article %s, file %s, seq %s, annotId %s", artId, fileId, seqId, annotId);
- // print links to locations
+ // column 3: print links to locations, only print this in the 2nd section
if (!isClickedSection && !pubsDebug)
// format: hg19/chr1:300-400,mm9/chr1:60006-23234
// split on "," then split on "/"
//locs = charSepToSlNames(locString, ',');
+ web2StartCell();
char* locArr[1024];
int partCount = chopString(locString, ",", locArr, ArraySize(locArr));
- printf(" ");
if (partCount==0)
printf("No matches");
struct slName *locs;
locs = slNameListFromStringArray(locArr, partCount);
slUniqify(&locs, slNameCmp, slNameFree);
- printf(" \n");
+ printf("
- printf("
+ web2EndCell();
- printf("