  Wed Apr 18 09:46:05 2012 -0700
Initial work on email password rest function
diff --git src/hg/hgLogin/gbMembers.as src/hg/hgLogin/gbMembers.as
index 83f92f1..a1ae41d 100644
--- src/hg/hgLogin/gbMembers.as
+++ src/hg/hgLogin/gbMembers.as
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
 table gbMembers
 "UCSC Genome Browser members"
     uint idx;          "auto-increment unique ID"
     string  userName;  "Name used to login"
     string  realName;  "Full name"
     string  password;  "Encrypted password"
     string  email;     "Email address"
-    string  lastUse;   "Last date the user log in"
-    char[1] activated; "Account activated? Y or N"
-    string  dateAuthenticated; "Date the account activated via email"
+    string lastTouched;   "Last date the user log in/log out/change password"
+    string newPassword; "Password generated for the mail-a-new-password feature"
+    string newPassTime; "Expiration date of the new password generated"
+    string emailAuthenticated; "Date the account activated via email"
+    string emailToken; "Security token used in the email to the user"
+    string emailTokenExpires; "Expiration date of the emailToken"
+    char [1] passwordChangeRequired; "Password change required?"
+    char[1] accountAactivated; "Account activated? Y or N"