Mon Apr 30 10:17:10 2012 -0700
added one missing file to theme commit (config option dialog)
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/config.c src/hg/hgTracks/config.c
index 35f17ea..8d2c51b 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/config.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/config.c
@@ -5,30 +5,62 @@
#include "cheapcgi.h"
#include "htmshell.h"
#include "hdb.h"
#include "hCommon.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "web.h"
#include "customTrack.h"
#include "hgTracks.h"
#include "hgConfig.h"
#include "jsHelper.h"
#include "imageV2.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "hubConnect.h"
#include "fileUi.h"
+static void themeDropDown(struct cart* cart)
+/* Create drop down for UI themes.
+ * specfied in hg.conf like this
+ * browser.theme.modern=background.png,HGStyle
+ * */
+struct slName* themes = cfgNamesWithPrefix("browser.theme.");
+//struct slName* themes = cfgNames();
+if (themes==NULL)
+ return;
website style:");
+hPrintf(" | ");
+char *labels[50];
+struct slName* el;
+int i = 0;
+el = themes;
+for (el = themes; el != NULL && i<50; el = el->next)
+ {
+ char* name = el->name;
+ name = chopPrefix(name); // chop off first two words
+ name = chopPrefix(name);
+ labels[i] = name;
+ i++;
+ }
+char* currentTheme = cartOptionalString(cart, "classic"); // default value is classic
+hDropList("theme", labels, i, currentTheme);
+hPrintf(" | ");
static void textSizeDropDown()
/* Create drop down for font size. */
static char *sizes[] = {"6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "18", "24", "34"};
hDropList(textSizeVar, sizes, ArraySize(sizes), tl.textSize);
static void trackConfig(struct track *trackList, struct group *groupList,
char *groupTarget, int changeVis)
/* Put up track configurations. If groupTarget is
* NULL then set visibility for tracks in all groups. Otherwise,
* just set it for the given group. If vis is -2, then visibility is
* unchanged. If -1 then set visibility to default, otherwise it should
* be tvHide, tvDense, etc. */
@@ -366,31 +398,33 @@
text size:");
hPrintf(" | ");
hPrintf(" | ");
if (trackLayoutInclFontExtras())
char *defaultStyle = cartUsualString(cart, "fontType", "medium");
cartMakeRadioButton(cart, "fontType", "medium", defaultStyle);
hPrintf(" medium ");
cartMakeRadioButton(cart, "fontType", "fixed", defaultStyle);
hPrintf(" fixed ");
cartMakeRadioButton(cart, "fontType", "bold", defaultStyle);
hPrintf(" bold ");
hPrintf(" ");
-hPrintf(" |
if (ideoTrack != NULL)
hCheckBox("ideogram", cartUsualBoolean(cart, "ideogram", TRUE));
hPrintf(" | ");
hPrintf("Display chromosome ideogram above main graphic");
hPrintf(" |
hCheckBox("guidelines", cartUsualBoolean(cart, "guidelines", TRUE));
hPrintf(" | ");
hPrintf("Show light blue vertical guidelines");
hPrintf(" |
@@ -448,22 +482,21 @@
hPrintf(" ");
cgiMakeButtonWithMsg(configDefaultAll, "default","Display only default tracks");
hPrintf(" Groups: ");
hButtonWithOnClick("hgt.collapseGroups", "collapse all", "Collapse all track groups", "return vis.expandAllGroups(false)");
hPrintf(" ");
hButtonWithOnClick("hgt.expandGroups", "expand all", "Expand all track groups", "return vis.expandAllGroups(true)");
hPrintf("Control track and group visibility more selectively below.
trackConfig(trackList, groupList, groupTarget, vis);
void configPage()
/* Put up configuration page. */