Merge parents 889acd8 340dfde
  Sat May 5 17:10:43 2012 -0700
fixed conflict with chins stylesheet function. A better long-term solution would be to introduce functions like addStylesheet to htmshell and keep a list of stylesheets instead of 3 diff functions
diff --cc src/inc/htmshell.h
index e8cc0a1,0f7da4c..1f9008e
--- src/inc/htmshell.h
+++ src/inc/htmshell.h
@@@ -77,37 -77,34 +77,42 @@@
  void htmlEnd();
  /* Write the end of a cgi-generated html file */
  void htmEnd(FILE *f);
  /* Write the end of a stand-alone html file */
  extern char *htmlStyleUndecoratedLink;
  /* Style that gets rid of underline of links. */
  void htmlSetStyle(char *style);
  /* Set document wide style. A favorite style to
   * use for many purposes is htmlStyleUndecoratedLink
   * which will remove underlines from links.
   * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 +void htmlSetStyleSheet(char *styleSheet);
 +/* Set document wide style sheet by adding css name to HEAD part.
 + * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 +void htmlSetFormClass(char *formClass);
 +/* Set class in the BODY part. */
+ void htmlSetStyleTheme(char *style);
+ /* Set theme style, these styles can overwrite document wide styles.
+  * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
  void htmlSetBackground(char *imageFile);
  /* Set background image - needs to be called before htmlStart
   * or htmShell. */
  void htmlSetBgColor(int color);
  /* Set background color - needs to be called before htmlStart
   * or htmShell. */
  void htmlBadVar(char *varName);
  /* Complain about input variables. */
  void htmlImage(char *fileName, int width, int height);
  /* Display centered image file. */
  jmp_buf htmlRecover;  /* Error recovery jump. Exposed for cart's use. */