  Mon Apr 30 14:50:12 2012 -0700
UI themes for hgc/hgGene and some fixes for hgTracks
diff --git src/inc/htmshell.h src/inc/htmshell.h
index 80fcbec..0f7da4c 100644
--- src/inc/htmshell.h
+++ src/inc/htmshell.h
@@ -1,165 +1,169 @@
 /* Htmshell.h - stuff to make it easier to generate HTML files on
  * the fly.  Typically included with cheapcgi.h in almost any
  * CGI program.
  * To use this generally you should call the function htmShell()
  * very early inside of main().  You pass htmShell() a routine
  * which does most of the work of your web server-side applet.
  * These routines will throw errors, which are caught by
  * htmShell, which then returns.  For the most part you just
  * want an error to cause an error message to be printed and
  * then terminate your CGI program, so this works fine.
  * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
  * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
 void htmlSetCookie(char* name, char* value, char* expires, char* path, char* domain, boolean isSecure);
 /* create a cookie with the given stats */
 void htmlParagraph(char *line, ...);
 /* Print a line in it's own paragraph. */
 void htmlVaParagraph(char *line, va_list args);
 /* Print a line in it's own paragraph. */
 void htmlCenterParagraph(char *line, ...);
 /* Center a line in it's own paragraph. */
 void htmlHorizontalLine();
 /* Print a horizontal line. */
 void htmlNbSpaces(int count);
 /* Print a number of non-breaking spaces. */
 void htmHorizontalLine(FILE *f);
 /* Print a horizontal line. */
 void htmTextOut(FILE *f, char *s);
 /* Print out string to file, if necessary replacing > with > and the like */
 void htmlTextOut(char *s);
 /* Print out string, if necessary replacing > with > and the like */
 char *htmlTextStripTags(char *s);
 /* Returns a cloned string with all html tags stripped out */
 char *htmlTextReplaceTagsWithChar(char *s, char ch);
 /* Returns a cloned string with all html tags replaced with given char (useful for tokenizing) */
 char *htmlEncodeText(char *s, boolean tagsOkay);
 /* Returns a cloned string with quotes replaced by html codes.
    Changes ',",\n and if not tagsOkay >,<,& to code equivalents.
    This differs from cgiEncode as it handles text that will
    be displayed in an html page or tooltip style title.  */
 #define htmlEncode(s) htmlEncodeText(s,FALSE)
 char *attributeEncode(char *str);
 // encode double and single quotes in a string to be used as an element attribute
 void htmlMemDeath();
 /* Complain about lack of memory and abort.  */
 void htmlStart(char *title);
 /* Write the start of a cgi-generated html file */
 void htmStart(FILE *f, char *title);
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file. */
 void htmStartWithHead(FILE *f, char *head, char *title);
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file, plus head info */
 void htmStartDirDepth(FILE *f, char *title, int dirDepth);
 /* Write the start of a stand alone .html file.  dirDepth is the number of levels
  * beneath apache root that caller's HTML will appear to the web client.
  * E.g. if writing HTML from cgi-bin, dirDepth is 1; if trash/body/, 2. */
 void htmlEnd();
 /* Write the end of a cgi-generated html file */
 void htmEnd(FILE *f);
 /* Write the end of a stand-alone html file */
 extern char *htmlStyleUndecoratedLink;
 /* Style that gets rid of underline of links. */
 void htmlSetStyle(char *style);
 /* Set document wide style. A favorite style to
  * use for many purposes is htmlStyleUndecoratedLink
  * which will remove underlines from links.
  * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
+void htmlSetStyleTheme(char *style);
+/* Set theme style, these styles can overwrite document wide styles.
+ * Needs to be called before htmlStart or htmShell. */
 void htmlSetBackground(char *imageFile);
 /* Set background image - needs to be called before htmlStart
  * or htmShell. */
 void htmlSetBgColor(int color);
 /* Set background color - needs to be called before htmlStart
  * or htmShell. */
 void htmlBadVar(char *varName);
 /* Complain about input variables. */
 void htmlImage(char *fileName, int width, int height);
 /* Display centered image file. */
 jmp_buf htmlRecover;  /* Error recovery jump. Exposed for cart's use. */
 void htmlVaWarn(char *format, va_list args);
 /* Write an error message.  (Generally you just call warn() or errAbort().
  * This is exposed mostly for the benefit of the cart.) */
 char *htmlWarnStartPattern();
 /* Return starting pattern for warning message. */
 char *htmlWarnEndPattern();
 /* Return ending pattern for warning message. */
 void htmlWarnBoxSetup(FILE *f);
 /* Creates an invisible, empty warning box than can be filled with errors
  * and then made visible. */
 void htmlAbort();
 /* Terminate HTML file.  Exposed for cart's use. */
 void htmlPushEarlyHandlers();
 /* Push stuff to close out web page to make sensible error
  * message during initialization. */
 /* Wrap error recovery around call to doMiddle. */
 void htmErrOnlyShell(void (*doMiddle)());
 /* Wrap error recovery and and input processing around call to doMiddle. */
 void htmEmptyShell(void (*doMiddle)(), char *method);
 /* Wrap an html file around the passed in function.
  * The passed in function is already in the body. It
  * should just make paragraphs and return.
  * Method should be "query" or "get" or "post" (or NULL
  * if you don't care)..
 void htmShell( char *title, void (*doMiddle)(), char *method);
 /* Wrap an html file around the passed in function.
  * The passed in function is already in the body. It
  * should just make paragraphs and return.
  * Method should be "query" or "get" or "post".
 param title - The HTML page title
 param head - The head text: can be a refresh directive or javascript
 param method - The function pointer to execute in the middle
 param method - The browser request method to use
 void htmShellWithHead( char *title, char *head, void (*doMiddle)(), char *method);
 /* tell htmlOut to not escape special HTML chars '<', '>' */
 void htmlNoEscape();
 /* tell htmlOut to escape special HTML chars '<', '>' */
 void htmlDoEscape();
 /* Include an HTML file in a CGI.
  *   The file path is relative to the web server document root */
 void htmlIncludeWebFile(char *file);
 /* Include an HTML file in a CGI */
 void htmlIncludeFile(char *path);