  Wed Apr 25 17:25:39 2012 -0700
Started using new classes in ucscgenomics/qa/tables and started putting things into functions.
diff --git src/utils/qa/qaGbTracks src/utils/qa/qaGbTracks
index 6c46afb..c682c16 100755
--- src/utils/qa/qaGbTracks
+++ src/utils/qa/qaGbTracks
@@ -1,82 +1,55 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python2.7
 import sys
-import os
-import re
 import argparse
-import subprocess
+import logging
-from ucscgenomics import qa
-def main():
-    """ Run all the checks, print output"""
+from ucscgenomics.qa import qaUtils
+from ucscgenomics.qa.tables import factory
+from ucscgenomics.qa.tables import reporter
+def parseCommandLine():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        prog='qaEncodeTracks2',
-        description='A series of checks for QA',
-        epilog=
-    """Examples:
-qaEncodeTracks2 hg19 tableList
-qaEncodeTracks2 hg19 tableList /path/to/trackDb.ra
-qaEncodeTracks2 hg19 tableList ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/hg19/wgEncodeSydhTfbs.new.ra
-    """
-        )
-    parser.add_argument('database', help='The database, typically hg19 or mm9')
-    parser.add_argument('tableList', help='The file containing a list of tables')
-    parser.add_argument('trackDb', nargs='?', default=0, help='The trackDb file to check')
-    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-        parser.print_help()
-        return
-    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
-    f = open(args.tableList, "r")
-    lines = f.readlines()
-    tables = set()
-    for i in lines:
-        tables.add(i.rstrip())
-    output = []
-    output.append("Checking tables for existence of description in tableDescription")
-    (tableDescOutput, noDescription) = qa.checkTableDescriptions(args.database, tables)
-    output.extend(tableDescOutput)
-    output.append("Checking tables for missing indices")
-    (tableIndexOut, missingIndex) = qa.checkTableIndex(args.database, tables)
-    output.extend(tableIndexOut)
-    output.append("Checking tables for underscores in the name")
-    (tableNameOut, badTableNames) = qa.checkTableName(tables)
-    output.extend(tableNameOut)
-    output.append("Checking TrackDb.ra file for short and long label length")
-    if args.trackDb:
-        (labelOut, badLabels) = qa.checkLabels(args.trackDb)
-        output.extend(labelOut)
-    else:
-        output.append("Skipped, no trackDb file given")
-        output.append("")
-    output.append("Checking tables for coordinate errors")
-    (coordsOut, badCoords) = qa.checkTableCoords(args.database, tables)
-    output.extend(coordsOut)
-    output.append("Checking tables for positional errors (sort)")
-    (posOut, badPos) = qa.positionalTblCheck(args.database, tables)
-    output.extend(posOut)
-    output.append("Counting row per chromosomes per table")
-    (countChromOut, tableCounts) = qa.countPerChrom(args.database, tables)
-    output.extend(countChromOut)
-    for i in output:
-        print i
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
+        description='Runs the New Track Checklist table tests',
+        epilog="""
+The following tests are run:
+  genePredCheck
+  pslCheck
+  checkTblCoords
+  positionalTblCheck
+  runBits.csh
+  check for the existence of table descriptions
+  check for shortLabels and longLabels that are too long
+  check for underscores in table names
+  check for tables missing an index
+  (joinerCheck) - not yet implemented
+  countPerChrom
+        """)
+    parser.add_argument('database', help='the database to check')
+    parser.add_argument('tableList', help='a file listing the tables to check')
+    parser.add_argument('outFileName', help='name to use to write results files')
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+                        help='turn on verbose messages in error log')
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def getTableListFromFile():
+    with open(args.tableList, "r") as f:
+        raw = f.readlines()
+    return [name.strip() for name in raw]
+def runTests(reporter, tableList):
+    reporter.writeTimestamp()
+    reporter.writeBlankLine()
+    for table in tableList:
+        table = factory.tableQaFactory(args.database, table, reporter)
+        table.validate()
+args = parseCommandLine()
+tableList = getTableListFromFile()
+qaUtils.checkTablesExist(args.database, tableList)
+fh = open(args.outFileName + ".log", "w")
+reporter = reporter.Reporter(fh)
+runTests(reporter, tableList)