  Tue May 15 10:06:56 2012 -0700
changed release date for hetGla1
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index 1fc022e..b02f507 100644
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                 <TABLE BGCOLOR="#fffee8" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING=0>
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                   <TR><TD WIDTH=10></TD>
                   To receive announcements of new genome 
                   assembly releases, new software features, updates and 
                   training seminars by email, subscribe to the
                   <A HREF="" 
                   TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list.</P>
             <!-- start news -->
+                <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>15 May 2012 - Naked Mole-Rat
+		Assembly Now Available in Genome Browser </B></FONT>
+                <P>We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser 
+		for the July 2011 naked mole-rat, <em>Heterocephalus glaber</em>
+		(BGI version HetGla1.0, UCSC version hetGla1). This draft assembly,  
+		produced by the 
+		<A HREF="" 
+		TARGET=_blank>Beijing Genomics Institute</A>, has been sequenced using
+		Illumina reads with a sequencing depth of >20x. There are 
+		39,266 scaffolds with a total size of 2,643,961,837 bases. 
+		The N50 size of the scaffolds is 1,321,980,918 bases with 502 
+		scaffolds larger, and 38,764 scaffolds smaller. The mitochondrial 
+		sequence is also available as the virtual chromosome "chrM".
+		<P>
+		Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data are available 
+		via the Genome Browser 
+		<A HREF="">FTP server</A> or the 
+		<A HREF="" 
+		TARGET=_blank>Downloads</A> page. These data have 
+		<A HREF="../goldenPath/credits.html#naked_mole-rat_use" 
+		>specific conditions for use</A>. The naked mole-rat browser 
+		annotation tracks were generated by UCSC and collaborators worldwide. 
+		See the 
+		<A HREF="../goldenPath/credits.html#naked_mole-rat_credits" 
+		>Credits</A> page for a detailed list of the organizations and 
+		individuals who contributed to the success of this release. 
+                <HR>
             <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>8 May 2012 - OpenHelix
                 to Conduct Free Genome Browser Webinars in May</B></FONT>
                 <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>OpenHelix</A> 
 		is conducting two free webinars on the UCSC Genome Browser:
                 <LI><A HREF=""
 		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Genome Browser: An Introduction</A> 
 		(Thursday, May 17, 1pm EDT) -- designed for new users
                 of the UCSC Genome Browser and those who want to improve their 
                 skills at basic navigation and display.
                 <LI><A HREF=""
 		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Table Browser and Custom Tracks</A>
 		(Thursday, May 24, at 1pm EDT) -- advanced Genome Browser 
 		topics, including creating Custom Tracks and using the Table 
@@ -50,77 +78,40 @@
                 Seating is limited and                 
 		<A HREF=""
                 TARGET=_blank>registration is required</A>. Slides may be 
                 downloaded from the <A HREF=""
                 TARGET=_blank>OpenHelix website</A> prior to the webinar.
                 OpenHelix provides training materials and programs on hundreds 
 		of free, publicly accessible bioinformatics and genomics 
 		resources. To browse their entire collection of UCSC genomics 
 		tutorials, go to the OpenHelix 
 		<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>UCSC 
 		training page</A>.
+	   <!-- start archives -->
             <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>2 May 2012 - OpenHelix
-		Releases Updated Genome Browser Tutorials</B></FONT>
-                <P>
+                Releases Updated Genome Browser Tutorials: </B></FONT>
 		<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>OpenHelix</A> 
 		has released updated versions of two Genome Browser tutorial 
-		suites: 
-		<UL>
-		<LI><A HREF=""
-		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Genome Browser: An Introduction</A>
-		<LI><A HREF=""
-		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Genome Browser: Custom Tracks and Table Browser</A>
-		</UL>
-		<P>The OpenHelix website also provides UCSC tutorials on the 
-		Gene Sorter and VisiGene 
-		(<A HREF=""
-		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Genome Browser: The Additional Tools</A>), 
-		<A HREF=""
-		TARGET=_blank>ENCODE Foundations</A>, and the 
-		<A HREF=""
-		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Archaeal Genome Browser</A>. 
-		<P>
-		Each suite contains an online, narrated tutorial that highlights
-		and explains the features and functionality needed to use the 
-		UCSC tools effectively, and a collection of training materials 
-		that includes the PowerPoint slides used as a basis for the 
-		tutorial, a suggested script for the slides, slide handouts, and
-		exercises. These materials, all of which are free, can be used 
-		as a reference for users or as a ready-made presentation for 
-		training others on the use of the Genome Browser.
+                suites.
+		<A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#050212">Read more</A>.
-		For more information on the tutorials and OpenHelix, see the 
-		OpenHelix 
-		<A HREF=""
-		TARGET=_blank>press release</A>.
-		<P>
-            	<HR>
-            <!-- start archives -->
                 <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>18 April 2012 - GRC Planning Phase 
 		for GRCh38 Human Reference Assembly: </B></FONT>
 		The <A HREF=""
 		TARGET=_blank>Genome Reference Consortium</A> (GRC) plans to
 		update the human reference assembly to GRCh38 in the summer of 
                 <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#041812">Read more</A>.
-                <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>07 March 2012 - New Mouse 
-            	Browser Available: </B></FONT>
-                We have released the latest Genome Browser for the December 2011
-                Mouse genome assembly produced by the 
-                <a href="" 
-		TARGET=_blank>Mouse Genome Reference Consortium</a> (GRCm38, 
-		UCSC version mm10).       
-                <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#030712">Read more</A>.
-		<P>
 ==> <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html">News Archives</a>
                     </TD><TD WIDTH=15>