  Sat May 26 17:01:37 2012 -0700
add ability to highlight linkedFeatures with a colored box around the existing boxes.  Will be used by Mark to highlight Gencode genes that satisfy filtering requirements.
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
index 10a3b52..4b4c50d 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
@@ -1459,48 +1459,81 @@
 /* Draw codon/base-colored item. */
 char codon[64] = " ";
 Color color = colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(hvg, codon, grayIx, originalColor);
 if (sf->codonIndex)
     safef(codon, sizeof(codon), "%c %d", codon[0], sf->codonIndex);
 /* When we are zoomed out far enough so that multiple bases/codons share the 
  * same pixel, we have to draw differences in a separate pass (baseColorOverdrawDiff)
  * so don't waste time drawing the differences here: */
 boolean zoomedOutToPostProcessing =
     ((drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffBases && !zoomedToBaseLevel) ||
      (drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffCodons && !zoomedToCdsColorLevel));
 if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawGenomicCodons && (e-s <= 3))
+    if (lf->highlightColor)
+	{
+	drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
+			    lf->highlightColor, lf->score );
+	drawScaledBoxSampleWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y+1, heightPer-2, 
+				    color, lf->score, font, codon, 
+				    zoomedToCodonLevel, winStart, maxPixels, TRUE, !sf->codonIndex);
+	}
+    else
+	{
     drawScaledBoxSampleWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
                                 color, lf->score, font, codon, 
                                 zoomedToCodonLevel, winStart, maxPixels, TRUE, !sf->codonIndex);
+    }
 else if (mrnaSeq != NULL && (psl != NULL || sf != NULL) && !zoomedOutToPostProcessing &&
 	 drawOpt != baseColorDrawGenomicCodons && drawOpt != baseColorDrawOff)
+    if (lf->highlightColor)
+	{
+	drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
+			    lf->highlightColor, lf->score );
+	drawDiffTextBox(hvg, xOff+1, y+1, scale, heightPer-2, font, 
+			color, chromName, s, e, sf, psl, mrnaSeq, lf,
+			grayIx, drawOpt, maxPixels,
+			tg->colorShades, originalColor);
+	}
+    else
+	{
     drawDiffTextBox(hvg, xOff, y, scale, heightPer, font, 
 		    color, chromName, s, e, sf, psl, mrnaSeq, lf,
 		    grayIx, drawOpt, maxPixels,
 		    tg->colorShades, originalColor);
+    }
     /* revert to normal coloring */
+    if (lf->highlightColor)
+	{
     drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
+			    lf->highlightColor, lf->score );
+	drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff+1, y+1, heightPer -2, 
 			color, lf->score );
+    else
+	{
+	drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
+			    color, lf->score );
+	}
+    }
 static void drawCdsDiffCodonsOnly(struct track *tg,  struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 			   struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff,
 			   int y, double scale, int heightPer,
 			   struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq, struct psl *psl,
 			   int winStart)
 /* Draw red boxes only where mRNA codons differ from genomic.  This assumes
  * that lf has been drawn already, we're zoomed out past zoomedToCdsColorLevel,
  * we're not in dense mode etc. */
 struct simpleFeature *sf = NULL;
 Color dummyColor = 0;