  Tue May 22 16:34:46 2012 -0700
make mysql load error detection the default
diff --git src/hg/lib/jksql.c src/hg/lib/jksql.c
index b7bd9bf..d6f0c4b 100644
--- src/hg/lib/jksql.c
+++ src/hg/lib/jksql.c
@@ -1329,36 +1329,31 @@
 safef(query, sizeof(query),  "LOAD DATA %s %s INFILE '%s' %s INTO TABLE %s",
       concurrentOpt, localOpt, tabPath, dupOpt, table);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 info = mysql_info(conn->conn);
 if (info == NULL)
     errAbort("no info available for result of sql query: %s", query);
 numScan = sscanf(info, "Records: %d Deleted: %*d  Skipped: %d  Warnings: %d",
                  &numRecs, &numSkipped, &numWarnings);
 if (numScan != 3)
     errAbort("can't parse sql load info: %s", info);
-char *host = getenv("HOST");
-if (  // TODO 2012/03/26 this is temporary and we should eventually get to always checking the warnings.
-      sameOk(host,"hgwdev") 
-   || sameOk(host,"hgwbeta") 
-   || sameOk(host,"hgwalpha") 
-   || sameOk(cfgOption("detectMysqlLoadWarnings"), "on")) // go gently in case of backwards-compatibility issues
+if (!sameOk(cfgOption("detectMysqlLoadWarnings"), "off"))
     /* mysql 5.0 bug: mysql_info returns unreliable warnings count, so use this instead: */
     numWarnings = sqlWarnCount(conn);
 if ((numSkipped > 0) || (numWarnings > 0))
     boolean doAbort = TRUE;
     if ((numSkipped > 0) && (options & SQL_TAB_FILE_WARN_ON_ERROR))
         doAbort = FALSE;  /* don't abort on errors */
     else if ((numWarnings > 0) &&
         doAbort = FALSE;  /* don't abort on warnings */
     if (numWarnings > 0)