  Wed Jun 27 13:21:57 2012 -0700
Added news announcement about several new assemblies, and archived some items.
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 <!--News Section----------------------------------------------->  
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                         <TR><TD ALIGN="left">
                          <font size="4"><a name="TOC"></a><b>&nbsp; News</b></font><a href="http://www.twitter.com/GenomeBrowser" target="_blank"><img src="http://twitter-badges.s3.amazonaws.com/t_small-a.png" alt="Follow GenomeBrowser on Twitter" style="vertical-align:text-bottom; margin-left: 15px;"></a></TD>
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                   To receive announcements of new genome 
                   assembly releases, new software features, updates and 
                   training seminars by email, subscribe to the
                   <A HREF="https://lists.soe.ucsc.edu/mailman/listinfo/genome-announce" 
                   TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list.</P>
             <!-- start news -->
-        <font face="courier" size="3"><b>
-        15 May 2012 - New Fugu (fr3) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser
-        </b></font>
-        <p>We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser 
-		for the October 2011 fugu, <i>Takifugu rubripes</i>
-		(JGI v5.0, UCSC version fr3). Whole genome shotgun assembly was provided by the
-        <a target="_blank" href="http://www.fugu-sg.org/">International Fugu Genome Sequencing 
-        Consortium,</a> led by JGI and the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.imcb.a-star.edu.sg/">
-        Singapore Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology</a> (IMCB).</p> 
-		<p>Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data are available via the Genome Browser 
-		<a href="ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/fr3/">FTP server</a> or the 
-		<a href="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#fugu">Downloads</a> page. 
-		These data have <a href="../goldenPath/credits.html#fugu_credits">specific conditions 
-		for use</a>. The fugu (fr3) browser annotation tracks were generated by UCSC and 
-		collaborators worldwide. See the <a href="../goldenPath/credits.html#fugu_credits" 
-		>Credits</a> page for a detailed list of the organizations and individuals who contributed 
-		to the success of this release.</p>
-        <hr>
-                <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>15 May 2012 - Naked Mole-Rat
-		Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser </B></FONT>
-                <P>We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser 
-		for the July 2011 naked mole-rat, <i>Heterocephalus glaber</i>
-		(BGI version HetGla1.0, UCSC version hetGla1). This draft assembly,  
-		produced by the 
-		<A HREF="http://en.genomics.cn/" 
-		TARGET=_blank>Beijing Genomics Institute</A>, has been sequenced using
-		Illumina reads with a sequencing depth of >20x. There are 
-		39,266 scaffolds with a total size of 2,643,961,837 bases. 
-		The N50 size of the scaffolds is 1,603,177 bases with 502 
-		scaffolds larger, and 38,764 scaffolds smaller. The mitochondrial 
-		sequence is also available as the virtual chromosome "chrM".
-		Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data are available 
-		via the Genome Browser 
-		<A HREF="ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hetGla1/">FTP server</A> or the 
-		<A HREF="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html#naked_mole-rat" 
-		TARGET=_blank>Downloads</A> page. These data have 
-		<A HREF="../goldenPath/credits.html#naked_mole-rat_use" 
-		>specific conditions for use</A>. The naked mole-rat browser 
-		annotation tracks were generated by UCSC and collaborators worldwide. 
-		See the 
-		<A HREF="../goldenPath/credits.html#naked_mole-rat_credits" 
-		>Credits</A> page for a detailed list of the organizations and 
-		individuals who contributed to the success of this release. 
-                <HR>
-		<FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>8 May 2012 - OpenHelix
-                to Conduct Free Genome Browser Webinars in May</B></FONT>
+                <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>19 June 2012 - Many New
+		Assemblies Available in the Browser! </B></FONT>
-                <A HREF="http://www.openhelix.com" TARGET=_blank>OpenHelix</A> 
-		is conducting two free webinars on the UCSC Genome Browser:
-                <UL>
-                <LI><A HREF="http://www.openhelix.com/cgi/webinarInfo.cgi?id=43"
-		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Genome Browser: An Introduction</A> 
-		(Thursday, May 17, 1pm EDT) -- designed for new users
-                of the UCSC Genome Browser and those who want to improve their 
-                skills at basic navigation and display.
-                <LI><A HREF="http://www.openhelix.com/cgi/webinarInfo.cgi?id=44"
-		TARGET=_blank>UCSC Table Browser and Custom Tracks</A>
-		(Thursday, May 24, at 1pm EDT) -- advanced Genome Browser 
-		topics, including creating Custom Tracks and using the Table 
-		Browser.
-                </UL>
+		With the abundance of new vertebrate assemblies available in 
+		GenBank, the UCSC Genome Browser team has streamlined its 
+		browser release pipeline in the effort to keep pace. In the past
+		week we have released a new browser on the Western painted 
+		turtle and updated assemblies for the cow, rat, and chicken. 
+		Browsers for the lesser hedgehog tenrec and the latest dog
+		assembly should be available later this week, for a total of 18 
+		assemblies released in the past half year. You can 
+		expect many new assemblies to show up on our website in upcoming
+		months, along with broader multiple alignment annotations on 
+		selected organisms that include many of the new assemblies.
-                The webinars will last approximately 1hr 15min.
+		Keep in mind that some of these new assemblies may not yet be 
+		fully populated with annotation tracks. Some data, such as the 
+		data underlying genes and SNPs tracks, may not be immediately 
+		available, and other annotations (e.g., comparative genomics 
+		tracks) may take a while to generate. As always, our mandated 
+		focus is on vertebrates, with a particular emphasis on richly 
+		annotating the human genome, although we do provide occasional 
+		updated assemblies for other selected model organisms (fly, 
+		worm, yeast).
-                Seating is limited and                 
-		<A HREF="http://www.openhelix.com/cgi/webinar.cgi"
-                TARGET=_blank>registration is required</A>. Slides may be 
-                downloaded from the <A HREF="http://www.openhelix.com/ucsc"
-                TARGET=_blank>OpenHelix website</A> prior to the webinar.
+		We regret that we don't have the resources to support the many 
+		other genomics research communities who would like us to 
+		visualize their data in our browser, but we can provide you 
+		with information for setting up your own browser or track hub 
+		to display your data, as well as links to other visualization 
+		resources on the web that are specific to your genome of 
+		interest. Feel free to <A HREF="contacts.html">contact us</A>
+		for more information.
-                OpenHelix provides training materials and programs on hundreds 
-		of free, publicly accessible bioinformatics and genomics 
-		resources. To browse their entire collection of UCSC genomics 
-		tutorials, go to the OpenHelix 
-		<A HREF="http://www.openhelix.com/ucsc" TARGET=_blank>UCSC 
-		training page</A>.
+		Newly released assemblies:
+		<UL>
+		<LI><B>Cow</B> (<em>Bos taurus</em>) <B>bosTau7</B> &ndash; 
+		Btau_4.6.1 (Oct. 2011) from the Bovine Genome Sequencing 
+		Consortium and Baylor College of Medicine
+		<LI><B>Rat</B> (<em>Rattus norvegicus</em>) <B>rn5</B> &ndash; 
+		RGSC Rnor_5.0 (Oct. 2011) from the Rat Genome Sequencing 
+		Consortium
+		<LI><B>Chicken</B> (<em>Gallus gallus</em>) <B>galGal4</B> 
+		&ndash; Gallus_gallus-4.0 (Nov. 2011) from the International 
+		Chicken Genome Consortium
+		<LI><B>Western painted turtle</B> (<em>Chrysemys picta bellii</em>) 
+		<B>chrPic1</B> &ndash; Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.1 (Dec. 2011) 
+		from the International Painted Turtle Genome Sequencing Consortium
+		<LI><B>Lesser hedgehog tenrec</B> (<em>Echinops telfairi</em>) 
+		<B>echTel1</B> &ndash; echTel1 (Jul. 2005) from the Broad 
+		Institute (pending)
+		<LI><B>Dog</B> (<em>Canis familiaris</em>) <B>canFam3</B> 
+		&ndash; v3.1 (Sep. 2011) from the Broad Institute (pending)
+		</UL>
+		Released in the past half year:
+		<UL>
+		<LI><B>Mouse</B> (<em>Mus musculus</em>) <B>mm10</B> &ndash; 
+		GRCm38 (Dec. 2011) from the Mouse Genome Reference Consortium
+		<LI><B>Cow</B> (<em>Bos taurus</em>) <B>bosTau6</B> &ndash; 
+		Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1 (Nov. 2009) from the University of Maryland
+		<LI><B>Fugu</B> (<em>Takifugu rubripes</em>) <B>fr3</B> &ndash; 
+		FUGU5 (Oct. 2011) from the International Fugu Genome Sequencing 
+		Consortium
+		<LI><B>Gibbon</B> (<em>Nomascus leucogenys</em>) <B>nomLeu1</B> 
+		&ndash; Nleu1.0 (Jan. 2010) from the Gibbon Genome Sequencing 
+		Consortium
+		<LI><B>Gorilla</B> (<em>Gorilla gorilla gorilla</em>) <B>gorGor3</B> 
+		&ndash; gorGor3.1 (May 2011) from the Wellcome Trust Sanger 
+		Institute
+		<LI><B>Microbat</B> (<em>Myotis lucifugus</em>) <B>myoLuc2</B> 
+		&ndash; Myoluc2.0 (Jul. 2010) from the Broad Institute
+		<LI><B>Naked mole-rat</B> (<em>Heterocephalus glaber</em>)
+		<B>hetGla1</B> &ndash; HetGla_1.0 (Jul. 2011) from the Beijing 
+		Genomics Institute
+		<LI><B>Tammar wallaby</B> (<em>Macropus eugenii</em>) <B>macEug2</B> 
+		&ndash; Meug_1.1 (Sep. 2009) from the Tammar Wallaby Genome 
+		Sequencing Consortium
+		<LI><B>Turkey</B> (<em>Meleagris gallopavo</em>) <B>melGal1</B> 
+		&ndash; Turkey_2.01 (Dec. 2009) from the Turkey Genome Consortium
+		<LI><B>Western clawed frog</B> (<em>X. tropicalis</em>)
+		<B>xenTro3</B> &ndash; v4.2 (Nov.  2009) from the DOE Joint 
+		Genome Institute
+		<LI><B><em>C. elegans</em></B> <B>ce10</B> &ndash; WS220 
+		(Oct. 2010) from WormBase
+		<LI><B><em>S. cerevisiae</em></B> <B>sacCer3</B> &ndash; 
+		SacCer_Apr2011 (Apr. 2011) from the Saccharomyces Genome Database
+		</UL>
+		<P>
+		Bulk downloads of the sequence and annotation data for these
+		assemblies are available via the Genome Browser 
+		<A HREF="ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/" 
+		TARGET=_blank>FTP server</A> or the 
+		<A HREF="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html" 
+		TARGET=_blank>Downloads</A> page. Be sure to check the 
+		<A HREF="goldenPath/credits.html" TARGET=_blank>credits</A> 
+		page for data use restrictions and acknowledgments. 
+		Many thanks to the sequencing and assembly groups, as well as 
+		NCBI's GenBank, for making these genomes available for public 
+		use. We'd also like to acknowledge Hiram Clawson, Chin Li, and 
+		our hard-working QA team for putting together these browsers.
 	   <!-- start archives -->
-		<FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>2 May 2012 - OpenHelix
-                Releases Updated Genome Browser Tutorials: </B></FONT>
-		<A HREF="http://www.openhelix.com" TARGET=_blank>OpenHelix</A>
-                has released updated versions of two Genome Browser tutorial
-                suites.
-		<A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#050212">Read more</A>.
-                <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>18 April 2012 - GRC Planning Phase 
-		for GRCh38 Human Reference Assembly: </B></FONT>
-		The <A HREF="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/genome/assembly/grc/"
-		TARGET=_blank>Genome Reference Consortium</A> (GRC) plans to
-		update the human reference assembly to GRCh38 in the summer of 
-		2013. 
-                <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#041812">Read more</A>.
+        	<font face="courier" size="3"><b> 15 May 2012 - New Fugu (fr3) 
+		Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser: </b></font>
+                We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser 
+		for the October 2011 assembly of the Fugu, <i>Takifugu rubripes</i>
+		(JGI v5.0, UCSC version fr3). 
+		<A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#051512b">Read more</A>.
+		<P>
+                <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>15 May 2012 - Naked Mole-Rat
+		Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser:  </B></FONT>
+                We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser 
+		for the July 2011 naked mole-rat, <i>Heterocephalus glaber</i>
+		(BGI version HetGla1.0, UCSC version hetGla1). 
+		<A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#051512a">Read more</A>.
 ==> <a href="goldenPath/newsarch.html">News Archives</a>
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