5532506f80e32d334d9898c6e7d23a054c7df5b1 kate Wed Jun 27 21:12:18 2012 -0700 Add special-casing to separate out Small RNA as a separate data type diff --git src/hg/js/encodeChipMatrix.js src/hg/js/encodeChipMatrix.js index da7cbea..6deab13 100644 --- src/hg/js/encodeChipMatrix.js +++ src/hg/js/encodeChipMatrix.js @@ -1,199 +1,204 @@ /* encodeChipMatrix.js - ENCODE web app to display ChIP-seq data vs. cell types in a matrix Formatted: jsbeautify.py -j Syntax checked: jslint indent:4, plusplus: true, continue: true, unparam: true, sloppy: true, browser: true */ /*global $, encodeProject */ $(function () { var dataType, server, requests = [ // requests to server API encodeProject.serverRequests.experiment, encodeProject.serverRequests.cellType, encodeProject.serverRequests.antibody ]; var $matrixTable = $('#matrixTable'); function handleServerData(responses) { // Main actions, called when loading data from server is complete var experiments = responses[0], cellTypes = responses[1], antibodies = responses[2]; var antibodyGroups, cellTiers; var antibodyTarget, cellType; var matrix, antibodyTargetExps = {}; // hide spinner and show table encodeMatrix.show($matrixTable); // set up structures for antibody targets and groups antibodyGroups = encodeProject.getAntibodyGroups(antibodies); // set up structures for cell types and their tiers cellTiers = encodeProject.getCellTiers(cellTypes, encodeMatrix_organism); // gather experiments into matrix matrix = makeExperimentMatrix(experiments, antibodyTargetExps); // fill in table using matrix encodeMatrix.tableOut($matrixTable, matrix, cellTiers, antibodyGroups, antibodyTargetExps, encodeProject.pruneAntibodyGroupsToExps, tableHeaderOut, rowAddCells); } function makeExperimentMatrix(experiments, antibodyTargetExps) { // Populate antibodyTarget vs. cellType array with counts of experiments - var antibody, target, cellType; + var antibody, target, cellType, exp; var matrix = {}; - $.each(experiments, function (i, exp) { + $.each(experiments, function (i, experiment) { + + // adjust experiment as needed for display purposes + exp = encodeProject.adjustExperiment(experiment); + // exclude ref genome annotations if (exp.cellType === 'None') { return true; } // todo: filter out with arg to hgApi ? if (exp.dataType !== 'ChipSeq') { return true; } + // count experiments per target so we can prune those having none // (the matrix[cellType] indicates this for cell types // so don't need hash for those antibody = encodeProject.antibodyFromExp(exp); if (antibody === undefined) { return true; } target = encodeProject.targetFromAntibody(antibody); if (target === undefined) { return true; } if (antibodyTargetExps[target] === undefined) { antibodyTargetExps[target] = 0; } antibodyTargetExps[target]++; cellType = exp.cellType; if (!matrix[cellType]) { matrix[cellType] = {}; } if (!matrix[cellType][target]) { matrix[cellType][target] = 0; } matrix[cellType][target]++; }); return matrix; } function tableHeaderOut($table, antibodyGroups) { // Generate table header and add to document var $tableHeaders, $thead, $th; var maxLen; // for resizing header cells to accomodate label lengths var antibodyTarget; // fill in column headers from antibody targets returned by server $tableHeaders = $('#columnHeaders'); $thead = $('thead'); // 1st column is row headers // colgroups are needed to support cross-hair hover effect $thead.before('<colgroup></colgroup>'); $.each(antibodyGroups, function (i, group) { $tableHeaders.append('<th class="groupType"><div class="verticalText">' + group.label + '</div></th>'); maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, group.label.length); $thead.before('<colgroup></colgroup>'); $.each(group.targets, function (i, target) { antibodyTarget = encodeProject.getAntibodyTarget(target); $th = $('<th class="elementType">' + '<div class="verticalText">'+ '<a target="cvWindow" href="/cgi-bin/hgEncodeVocab?ra=encode/cv.ra&deprecated=true&target=' + encodeURIComponent(target) + '">' + target + '</a></div></th>'); if (!encodeProject.isIE8()) { // Suppress mouseover under IE8 as QA noted flashing effect $th.attr('title', antibodyTarget.description); } $tableHeaders.append($th); // add colgroup element to support cross-hair hover effect $thead.before('<colgroup class="experimentCol"></colgroup>'); maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, target.length); }); }); // adjust size of headers based on longest label length // empirically len/2 em's is right $('#columnHeaders th').css('height', (String((maxLen/2 + 2)).concat('em'))); $('#columnHeaders th').css('width', '1em'); //also need to set additional width for non-IE if (!$.browser.msie) { $('.verticalText').css('width', '1em'); } } function rowAddCells($row, antibodyGroups, matrix, cellType) { // populate a row in the matrix with cells for antibody target groups and the targets // null cellType indicates this is a row for a cell group (tier) var $td; $.each(antibodyGroups, function (i, group) { // skip group header $td = $('<td></td>'); $td.addClass('matrixCell'); $row.append($td); $.each(group.targets, function (i, target) { $td = $('<td></td>'); $td.addClass('matrixCell'); $row.append($td); if (cellType === null) { return true; } if (!matrix[cellType][target]) { $td.addClass('todoExperiment'); return true; } // this cell represents experiments that // fill in count, mouseover and selection by click $td.addClass('experiment'); $td.text(matrix[cellType][target]); $td.data({ 'target' : target, 'cellType' : cellType }); $td.attr('title', 'Click to select: ' + target + ' in ' + cellType +' cells'); // add highlight when moused over encodeMatrix.hoverExperiment($td); $td.click(function() { var url, antibodyTarget; var antibodies = []; // get list of antibodies for this protein target antibodyTarget = encodeProject.getAntibodyTarget($(this).data().target); $.each(antibodyTarget.antibodies, function (i, antibody) { antibodies.push(antibody); }); url = encodeMatrix.getSearchUrl( {'mdbVar': 'dataType', 'mdbVal': 'ChipSeq'}, {'mdbVar': 'cell', 'mdbVal': $(this).data().cellType}, {'mdbVar': 'antibody', 'mdbVal': antibodies}); window.open(url, "searchWindow"); }); }); }); } // initialize encodeMatrix.start($matrixTable); // load data from server and set up callback encodeProject.loadAllFromServer(requests, handleServerData); });