  Fri Jul 6 10:29:27 2012 -0700
added link to original hgTables release announcement in archives
diff --git src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
index bc419c3..fda0d88 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html
@@ -20,31 +20,32 @@
                   To receive announcements of new genome 
                   assembly releases, new software features, updates and 
                   training seminars by email, subscribe to the
                   <A HREF="https://lists.soe.ucsc.edu/mailman/listinfo/genome-announce" 
                   TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list.</P>
             <!-- start news -->
                 <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>06 July 2012 - hgText CGI
                 To Be Retired </B></FONT>
 		<P>We are announcing the imminent retirement of the hgText
                 CGI.  hgText was the original version of the Table Browser,
-                and was replaced by the new CGI, hgTables, in 2004.   A very
+                and was replaced by the new CGI, hgTables, in <A HREF = 
+                "goldenPath/newsarch.html#100104">2004</A>.   A very
                 small number of our users are still accessing the database
                 using the old hgText CGI.  Beginning July 24, 2012, we will
                 be removing the hgText CGI from our site.  All users will need
                 to use hgTables after that time.  </P>
                 <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>19 June 2012 - Many New
 		Assemblies Available in the Browser! </B></FONT>
 		With the abundance of new vertebrate assemblies available in 
 		GenBank, the UCSC Genome Browser team has streamlined its 
 		browser release pipeline in the effort to keep pace. In the past