  Thu Jul 19 12:10:50 2012 -0700
errAbort on missing organism; can happen in mirrors (see #8490)
diff --git src/hg/hgc/rnaFoldClick.c src/hg/hgc/rnaFoldClick.c
index fe557c6..c220356 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/rnaFoldClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/rnaFoldClick.c
@@ -143,46 +143,51 @@
 mafColors[1]    = LTPURPLE; /* not pairing, substitution */
 mafColors[2]    = BLACK;    /* compatible with pairing */
 mafColors[3]    = BLUE;     /* compatible with pairing, single substitution  */
 mafColors[4]    = GREEN;    /* compensatory change */
 mafColors[5]    = RED;      /* not compatible with fold, single subs */
 mafColors[6]    = ORANGE;   /* not compatible with fold, double subs */
 mafColors[7]    = MAGENTA;  /* not compatible with fold, involves indel */
 char *hDbOrganism(char *databaseIn)
 /* Function to get organism from the genome db */
 struct sqlConnection *connCentral = hConnectCentral();
 char buf[256];
 char query[256];
-char *res;
+char *res = NULL;
 char *database;
 char *chp;
-database = strdup(databaseIn);
+database = cloneString(databaseIn);
 // process special case like "hg19.chr21"
 chp = strstr(database, ".");
 if (chp != NULL)
     *chp = '\0';
 safef(query, sizeof(query), "select organism from dbDb where name = '%s'", database);
-res = strdup(sqlQuickQuery(connCentral, query, buf, sizeof(buf)));
+if(sqlQuickQuery(connCentral, query, buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL)
+    // this can happen in mirrors (see #8490).
+    errAbort("organism '%s' not found in dbDb", database);
+    res = cloneString(buf);
 return res;
 void htmlPrintMafAndFold(FILE *f, struct mafAli *maf, char *fold, double *scores, int lineSize)
 /* HTML pretty print maf and fold to f. If scores is non-null then
  * scores are indicated below alignemnt.*/
 struct mafComp *mc;
 int  i, N, lineStart, lineEnd;
 int  *pairList = NULL;
 int  *mafColors = NULL;
 int  **mafColorFormats = NULL;
 int  *scoreColorFormat = NULL;
 int  scoreColors[]  = {0x999999,0x888888,0x777777,0x666666,0x555555,0x444444,0x333333,0x222222,0x111111,0x000000};