  Tue Jul 3 16:59:22 2012 -0700
More changes.
diff --git src/hg/htdocs/conditions.html src/hg/htdocs/conditions.html
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index c569f53..1dd7abf
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 	<title>Conditions of Use - UCSC Genome Browser</title>
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-				<table bgcolor="#D9E4F8" background="../images/hr.gif" width="100%">
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-					<td>
-					<font size="4"><b> &nbsp;UCSC Genome Browser Conditions of Use </b></font>
-					</td>
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+<div class="header">
+	<img src="images/title.jpg" alt="UCSC Genome Bioinformatics">
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+<div class="content">
+<div class="section">
+	<h1>Conditions of Use</h1>
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-	<div class="subheadingBar windowSize">
-	Sequences used to construct this feature
-	</div><!-- subheadingBar -->
-      <div class="subsection">
+    <div class="sectionContent">
+	<p>The sequence and annotation data displayed in the Genome Browser are freely available for any use with the following conditions:</p>
+	<ul>
+		<li>Genome sequence data use restrictions are noted within the species sections on the <a href="goldenPath/credits.html">Credits</a> page.</li>
+		<li>Some annotation tracks contributed by external collaborators contain proprietary data that have specific use restrictions. To check for restrictions associated with a particular genome assembly, review the <em>database/README.txt</em> file in the assembly's <a href="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html">downloads</a> directory.</li>
+	</ul>
-      </div><!-- class: subsection --> 
+	<p>The UCSC, Ensembl, and NCBI browser and annotation groups have established a common set of minimum requirements for public display of genome data made available after Spring 2009, described in the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/mapview/static/app_help/Browser_Genome_Release_Agreement.html">Browser Genome Release Agreement</a>.</p>
+    <p>The Genome Browser and Blat software are free for academic, nonprofit, and personal use. A license is required for commercial use. See the <a href="license/">Licenses</a> page for more information.</p>
+    <p>Program-driven use of this software is limited to a maximum of one hit every 15 seconds and no more than 5,000 hits per day.</p>
+    <p>For assistance with questions or problems regarding the UCSC Genome Browser software, database, genome assemblies, or release cycles, see the <a href="FAQ/FAQmaillist.html">FAQ</a>.</p>
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