  Fri Jul 6 12:42:14 2012 -0700
use new menus everywhere in hgNear
diff --git src/hg/inc/web.h src/hg/inc/web.h
index 8aa8a7a..3bcea20 100644
--- src/hg/inc/web.h
+++ src/hg/inc/web.h
@@ -270,19 +270,22 @@
 // If this is the first call, will
 //   Return full path of timestamped link to the requested resource file (js, or css).  Free after use.
 // else returns NULL.  Useful to ensure multiple references to the same resource file are not made
 // NOTE: png, jpg and gif should also be supported but are untested.
 boolean webIncludeResourcePrintToFile(FILE * toFile, char *fileName);
 // Converts fileName to web Resource link and prints the html reference
 // This only prints and returns TRUE on first call for this resource.
 // Passing in NULL as the file pointer results in hPrintf call
 // The reference will be to a link with timestamp.
 #define webIncludeResourceFile(fileName)  webIncludeResourcePrintToFile(NULL,fileName)
 void lazarusLives(unsigned long newExpireSeconds);
 /* Long running process requests more time */
+void setContextSpecificHelp(char *link, char *label);
+// Override default behavior for the context specific help link
 char *menuBar(struct cart *cart);
 // return HTML for the menu bar (read from a configuration file).
 #endif /* WEB_H */