  Thu Jun 28 10:45:25 2012 -0700
change selectCallback so callback has more info
diff --git src/hg/js/autocomplete.js src/hg/js/autocomplete.js
index 379144c..6b46ac2 100644
--- src/hg/js/autocomplete.js
+++ src/hg/js/autocomplete.js
@@ -73,59 +73,59 @@
         var obj = eval(str);
         if(obj.length == 1) {
             return obj[0].id;
     return null;
 /* suggest (aka gene search)
    Requires three elements on page: positionDisplay (static display), positionInput (input textbox) and position (hidden).
 var suggestBox = {
     init: function (db, assemblySupportsGeneSuggest, selectCallback, clickCallback)
-    // selectCallback: called when the user selects a new genomic position from the list
-    // clickCallback: called when the user clicks on positionDisplay
+    // selectCallback(item): called when the user selects a new genomic position from the list
+    // clickCallback(position): called when the user clicks on positionDisplay
         var lastEntered = null;    // this is the last value entered by the user via a suggestion (used to distinguish manual entry in the same field)
         var str;
         if(assemblySupportsGeneSuggest) {
             str = "enter new position, gene symbol or annotation search terms";
         } else {
             str = "enter new position or annotation search terms";
         $('#positionInput').Watermark(str, '#686868');
         if(assemblySupportsGeneSuggest) {
                 delay: 500,
                 minLength: 2,
                 source: ajaxGet(db, new Object),
                 open: function(event, ui) {
                     var pos = $(this).offset().top + $(this).height();
                     if (!isNaN(pos)) {
                         var maxHeight = $(window).height() - pos - 30;  // take off a little more because IE needs it
                         var auto = $('.ui-autocomplete');
                         var curHeight = $(auto).children().length * 21;
                         if (curHeight > maxHeight)
                             $(auto).css({maxHeight: maxHeight+'px', overflow:'scroll'});
                             $(auto).css({maxHeight: 'none', overflow:'hidden'});
                 select: function (event, ui) {
-                        selectCallback(ui.item.id);
+                        selectCallback(ui.item);
                         lastEntered = ui.item.value;
                         // jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                         // document.TrackHeaderForm.submit();
         // I want to set focus to the suggest element, but unforunately that prevents PgUp/PgDn from
         // working, which is a major annoyance.
         // $('#positionInput').focus();
         $("#positionInput").change(function(event) {
                                        if(!lastEntered || lastEntered != $('#positionInput').val()) {
                                            // This handles case where user typed or edited something rather than choosing from a suggest list;
                                            // in this case, we only change the position hidden; we do NOT update the displayed coordinates.