Merge parents 7ab9bea 3c4e793
  Wed Jul 25 15:20:22 2012 -0700
resolve merge conflict with master
diff --cc src/hg/lib/web.c
index 0f5afc7,1939350..c4d617f
--- src/hg/lib/web.c
+++ src/hg/lib/web.c
@@@ -173,71 -180,243 +173,71 @@@
      for(ptr1=newString, ptr2=textOutBuf; *ptr2 ; ptr2++)
  	if (*ptr2 == '<')
  	    for(; *ptr2 && (*ptr2 != '>'); ptr2++)
  	    *ptr1++ = *ptr2;
      *ptr1 = 0;
      printf("	</TITLE>\n    ");
      if (endsWith(scriptName, "qaPushQ")) // Tired of failed stylesheet versioning that messes up RR releaseLog.html (regular and ENCODE)
- 	printf("    <LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='../style/HGStyle.css' TYPE='text/css' />\n");
+         printf("    <LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='../style/HGStyle.css' TYPE='text/css' />\n");
      if (extraStyle != NULL)
 -    printf("</HEAD>" "\n"
 -           "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#%s\" LINK=\"#0000CC\" VLINK=\"#330066\" ALINK=\"#6600FF\">",
 -           hgColOutside());
 +    printf("</HEAD>\n");
 +    printBodyTag(stdout);
      htmlWarnBoxSetup(stdout);// Sets up a warning box which can be filled with errors as they occur
      "<A NAME=\"TOP\"></A>" "\n"
      "" "\n"
  if (withLogo)
      puts("<TR><TH COLSPAN=1 ALIGN=\"left\">");
      if (isEncode)
  	puts("<A HREF=\"http://www.genome.gov/10005107\" TARGET=\"_BLANK\">"
  	     "<IMG SRC=\"../images/ENCODE_scaleup_logo.png\" height=50 ALT=\"ENCODE Project at NHGRI\">"
  	puts("<IMG SRC=\"../images/encodeDcc.jpg\" ALT=\"ENCODE Project at UCSC\">");
  	puts("<IMG SRC=\"../images/title.jpg\">");
      puts("</TH></TR>" "\n"
-     	 "" "\n" );
+          "" "\n" );
  /* Put up the hot links bar. */
 -#ifdef NEW_MENUS
 -    char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
 -    jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
 -    if(docRoot != NULL)
 -        {
 -        struct dyString *file = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", docRoot, "NavBar.html");
 -        FILE *fd = fopen(dyStringContents(file), "r");
 -        if(fd == NULL)
 -            // fail some other way (e.g. HTTP 500)?
 -            errAbort("Couldn't open header file '%s' for reading", dyStringContents(file));
 -        else
 -            {
 -            char buf[4096];
 -            while(TRUE)
 -                {
 -                size_t n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fd);
 -                if(n)
 -                    fwrite(buf, 1, n, stdout);
 -                else
 -                    break;
 -                }
 -            fclose(fd);
 -            printf("<base href='http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/'>\n");
 -            }
 -        }
 -    else
 -        {
 -        // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. when running from command line)
 -        // XXXX ????
 -        }
 -if (isGisaid)
 -    {
 -    printf("<TABLE WIDTH='100%%' class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' "
 -           "CELLPADDING='2'><TR>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");
 -    if (haveBlat)
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgBlat?command=start' class='topbar'>Blat</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gisaidSample' class='topbar'>Sample View</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTracks%s' class='topbar'>Sequence View</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gisaidTable' class='topbar'>Table View</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n");
 -    // last column squeezes other columns left
 -    }
 -else if (isGsid)
 -    {
 -    printf("<TABLE class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='2'><TR>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");
 -    if (haveBlat)
 -        printf("<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgBlat?command=start' "
 -               "class='topbar'>Blat</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidSubj' class='topbar'>Subject View</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTracks%s' class='topbar'>Sequence View</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidTable' class='topbar'>Table View</A></TD>\n");
 -    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='/goldenPath/help/gsidTutorial.html#BLAT' TARGET=_blank "
 -               "class='topbar'>Help</A></TD>\n");
 -    else
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='/goldenPath/help/sequenceViewHelp.html' TARGET=_blank "
 -               "class='topbar'>Help</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n");
 -    // last column squeezes other columns left
 -    }
 -else if (dbIsFound)
 +char *menuStr = menuBar(theCart);
 -    puts("<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++ HOTLINKS BAR +++++++++++++++++++ -->\n"
 -         "<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT=40>");
 -    puts("<TABLE class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='2'><TR>");
 -    if (isEncode)
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../encode/' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");
 -    else
 -        {
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html%s' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n", uiState);
 -        if (isGsid)
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidSubj%s' class='topbar'>Subject View</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgGateway%s' class='topbar'>Genomes</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgTracks") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgTables") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgTrackUi") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgCustom") ||
 -	    endsWith(scriptName, "hgHubConnect") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgc") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgPal"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTracks%s&hgTracksConfigPage=notSet&%s=0' "
 -                   "class='topbar'>Genome Browser</A></TD>\n",uiState,TRACK_SEARCH);
 -        if (haveBlat && !endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgBlat?command=start%s%s' "
 -                   "class='topbar'>Blat</A></TD>\n",theCart ? "&" : "", uiState+1 );
 -        }
 -    if (!isGsid && !hIsCgbServer())  // disable TB for both GSID and CGB servers
 -        {
 -        char *table = (theCart == NULL ? NULL :
 -                    (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene") ?
 -                        cartOptionalString(theCart, "hgg_type") :
 -                        cartOptionalString(theCart, "g")));
 -        if (table && theCart &&
 -            (endsWith(scriptName, "hgc") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgTrackUi") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene")))
 -            {
 -            struct trackDb *tdb = hTrackDbForTrack(db, table);
 -            if (tdb != NULL)
 -                printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTables%s&hgta_doMainPage=1&hgta_group=%s"
 -                       "&hgta_track=%s&hgta_table=%s' class='topbar'>",
 -                       uiState, tdb->grp, tdb->track, tdb->table);
 -            else
 -                printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTables%s&hgta_doMainPage=1' class='topbar'>",
 -                       uiState);
 -            trackDbFree(&tdb);
 -            }
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTables%s%shgta_doMainPage=1' class='topbar'>",
 -                uiState, theCart ? "&" : "?" );
 -        printf("Tables</A></TD>\n");
 -        }
 -    if (!endsWith(scriptName, "hgNear") && db != NULL && hgNearOk(db))
 -        {
 -        if (isGsid)
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidTable%s' class='topbar'>Table View</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgNear%s' class='topbar'>Gene Sorter</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        }
 -    if ((!endsWith(scriptName, "hgPcr")) && (db == NULL || hgPcrOk(db)))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgPcr%s' class='topbar'>PCR</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgGenome%s&hgGenome_doPsOutput=on' class='topbar'>"
 -               "PDF/PS</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgHeatmap"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgHeatmap%s&hgHeatmap_doPsOutput=on' class='topbar'>"
 -               "PDF/PS</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -#ifndef GBROWSE
 -    if (wikiLinkEnabled() && !endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgSession%s%shgS_doMainPage=1' class='topbar'>"
 -               "Session</A></TD>\n",uiState, theCart ? "&" : "?" );
 -#endif /* GBROWSE */
 -    if (!isGsid)
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../FAQ/' class='topbar'>FAQ</A></TD>");
 -    if (!isGsid)
 -        {
 -        if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#BLATAlign'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgHubConnect"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgText"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTextHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgNear"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgNearHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgTables"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTablesHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgGenomeHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "pbGateway"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/pbTracksHelpFiles/pbTracksHelp.shtml'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgVisiGene"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#VisiGeneHelp'");
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html'");
 -        printf(" class='topbar'>Help</A></TD>\n");
 -        }
 +    jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
 +    puts(menuStr);
 -    printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n");
 -    // last column squeezes other columns left
 -    puts("</TD></TR>\n");
  if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGateway") && geoMirrorEnabled())
      // Show an opt-out alert if user is on a host to which user has been automatically redirected (just once, right after they have been redirected)
      char *source = cgiOptionalString("source");
      char *redirect = cgiOptionalString("redirect");
      if (source != NULL && redirect != NULL && sameString(redirect, "auto"))
  	char *domain = cgiServerName();
  	char *port = cgiServerPort();
          // We don't bother maintaining stuff in request URI, because it may contain items like hgsid and other host specific values
          int newUriSize = 2048;
  	char *newUri = needMem(newUriSize);
  	// TODO what about https?
  	safef(newUri, newUriSize, "http://%s:%s/cgi-bin/hgGateway?redirect=manual&source=%s", source, port, domain);