  Thu Jul 26 13:21:22 2012 -0700
move some stuff into css file
diff --git src/lib/htmshell.c src/lib/htmshell.c
index 826ddcf..0ee49bf 100644
--- src/lib/htmshell.c
+++ src/lib/htmshell.c
@@ -243,34 +243,32 @@
 if (htmlWarnBoxSetUpAlready)
 // NOTE: Making both IE and FF work is almost impossible.  Currently, in IE, if the message
 // is forced to the top (calling this routine after <BODY> then the box is not resizable
 // (dynamically adjusting to its contents). But if this setup is done later in the page
 // (at first warning), then IE does resize it.  Why?
 // FF3.0 (but not FF2.0) was resizable with the following, but it took some experimentation.
 // Remember what worked nicely on FF3.0:
 //      "var app=navigator.appName.substr(0,9); "
 //      "if(app == 'Microsoft') {warnBox.style.display='';} 
 //       else {warnBox.style.display=''; warnBox.style.width='auto';}"
 fprintf(f, "<script type='text/javascript'>\n");
 fprintf(f, "document.write(\"<center>"
-            "<div id='warnBox' style='display:none; background-color:Beige; "
-              "border: 3px ridge DarkRed; width:640px; padding:10px; margin:10px; "
-              "text-align:left;'>"
-            "<CENTER><B id='warnHead' style='color:DarkRed;'></B></CENTER>"
+            "<div id='warnBox' style='display:none;'>"
+            "<CENTER><B id='warnHead'></B></CENTER>"
             "<UL id='warnList'></UL>"
             "<CENTER><button id='warnOK' onclick='hideWarnBox();return false;'></button></CENTER>"
 fprintf(f,"function showWarnBox() {"
             "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');"
             "warnBox.style.display=''; warnBox.style.width='65%%';"
             "window.scrollTo(0, 0);"
 fprintf(f,"function hideWarnBox() {"
             "var warnBox=document.getElementById('warnBox');"
             "var endOfPage = document.body.innerHTML.substr(document.body.innerHTML.length-20);"
             "if(endOfPage.lastIndexOf('-- ERROR --') > 0) { history.back(); }"