Merge parents 7ab9bea 3c4e793
  Wed Jul 25 15:20:22 2012 -0700
resolve merge conflict with master
diff --cc src/hg/lib/web.c
index 0f5afc7,1939350..c4d617f
--- src/hg/lib/web.c
+++ src/hg/lib/web.c
@@@ -1,1425 -1,1485 +1,1437 @@@
  #include "common.h"
  #include <regex.h>
  #include "hCommon.h"
  #include "obscure.h"
  #include "dnautil.h"
  #include "errabort.h"
  #include "htmshell.h"
  #include "web.h"
  #include "hPrint.h"
  #include "hdb.h"
  #include "hui.h"
  #include "hgConfig.h"
  #include "cheapcgi.h"
  #include "dbDb.h"
  #include "hgColors.h"
  #include "hubConnect.h"
  #include "search.h"
  #ifndef GBROWSE
  #include "axtInfo.h"
  #include "wikiLink.h"
  #include "googleAnalytics.h"
  #include "jsHelper.h"
  #endif /* GBROWSE */
  #include "errabort.h"  // FIXME tmp hack to try to find source of popWarnHandler underflows in browse
  /* phoneHome business */
  #include <utime.h>
  #include <htmlPage.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include "geoMirror.h"
 +#include <regex.h>
  /* phoneHome business */
  /* flag that tell if the CGI header has already been outputed */
  boolean webHeadAlreadyOutputed = FALSE;
  /* flag that tell if text CGI header hsa been outputed */
  boolean webInTextMode = FALSE;
  static char *dbCgiName = "db";
  static char *orgCgiName = "org";
  static char *cladeCgiName = "clade";
  static char *extraStyle = NULL;
  /* global: a cart for use in error handlers. */
  static struct cart *errCart = NULL;
  void textVaWarn(char *format, va_list args)
  vprintf(format, args);
  void softAbort()
  void webPushErrHandlers(void)
  /* Push warn and abort handler for errAbort(). */
  if (webInTextMode)
  void webPushErrHandlersCart(struct cart *cart)
  /* Push warn and abort handler for errAbort(); save cart for use in handlers. */
  errCart = cart;
  void webPopErrHandlers(void)
  /* Pop warn and abort handler for errAbort(). */
  void webSetStyle(char *style)
  /* set a style to add to the header */
  extraStyle = style;
  void webStartText()
  /* output the head for a text page */
  /*printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n");*/
  webHeadAlreadyOutputed = TRUE;
  webInTextMode = TRUE;
 -// NEW_MENUS is used to experiment with using jabico derived menus (see redmine #5245)
 -// curently only used in larrym's tree
 -// #define NEW_MENUS
  static void webStartWrapperDetailedInternal(struct cart *theCart,
  	char *db, char *headerText, char *textOutBuf,
  	boolean withHttpHeader, boolean withLogo, boolean skipSectionHeader,
  	boolean withHtmlHeader)
  /* output a CGI and HTML header with the given title in printf format */
  char uiState[256];
  char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
  boolean isEncode = FALSE;
 -#ifndef NEW_MENUS
 -boolean isGsid   = hIsGsidServer();
 -boolean isGisaid = hIsGisaidServer();
  if (theCart)
      char *theGenome = NULL;
      char *genomeEnc = NULL;
      getDbAndGenome(theCart, &db, &theGenome, NULL);
      genomeEnc = cgiEncode(theGenome);
      safef(uiState, sizeof(uiState), "?%s=%s&%s=%s&%s=%u",
  	     orgCgiName, genomeEnc,
  	     dbCgiName, db,
  	     cartSessionVarName(), cartSessionId(theCart));
      uiState[0] = 0;
      uiState[1] = 0;
  if (db == NULL)
      db = hDefaultDb();
  boolean dbIsFound = hDbExists(db);
  boolean haveBlat = FALSE;
  if (dbIsFound)
      haveBlat = hIsBlatIndexedDatabase(db);
  if (scriptName == NULL)
      scriptName = cloneString("");
  /* don't output two headers */
  if (sameString(cgiUsualString("action",""),"encodeReleaseLog") ||
      rStringIn("EncodeDataVersions", scriptName))
          isEncode = TRUE;
  /* Preamble. */
  if (withHttpHeader)
  if (withHtmlHeader)
      char *newString, *ptr1, *ptr2;
      char *browserVersion;
      if (btIE == cgiClientBrowser(&browserVersion, NULL, NULL) && *browserVersion < '8')
          puts("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">");
-         puts("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">");
+         puts("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" "
+              "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">");
      // Strict would be nice since it fixes atleast one IE problem (use of :hover CSS pseudoclass)
-     //puts("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">");
  	"<HTML>" "\n"
  	"<HEAD>" "\n"
      printf("\t%s\n", headerText);
      printf("\t<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1\">" "\n"
  	 "\t<META http-equiv=\"Content-Script-Type\" content=\"text/javascript\">" "\n"
           "\t<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Pragma\" CONTENT=\"no-cache\">" "\n"
           "\t<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Expires\" CONTENT=\"-1\">" "\n"
      /* we need to take any HTML formatting out of the titlebar string */
      newString = cloneString(textOutBuf);
      for(ptr1=newString, ptr2=textOutBuf; *ptr2 ; ptr2++)
  	if (*ptr2 == '<')
  	    for(; *ptr2 && (*ptr2 != '>'); ptr2++)
  	    *ptr1++ = *ptr2;
      *ptr1 = 0;
      printf("	</TITLE>\n    ");
      if (endsWith(scriptName, "qaPushQ")) // Tired of failed stylesheet versioning that messes up RR releaseLog.html (regular and ENCODE)
- 	printf("    <LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='../style/HGStyle.css' TYPE='text/css' />\n");
+         printf("    <LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='../style/HGStyle.css' TYPE='text/css' />\n");
      if (extraStyle != NULL)
 -    printf("</HEAD>" "\n"
 -           "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#%s\" LINK=\"#0000CC\" VLINK=\"#330066\" ALINK=\"#6600FF\">",
 -           hgColOutside());
 +    printf("</HEAD>\n");
 +    printBodyTag(stdout);
      htmlWarnBoxSetup(stdout);// Sets up a warning box which can be filled with errors as they occur
      "<A NAME=\"TOP\"></A>" "\n"
      "" "\n"
  if (withLogo)
      puts("<TR><TH COLSPAN=1 ALIGN=\"left\">");
      if (isEncode)
  	puts("<A HREF=\"http://www.genome.gov/10005107\" TARGET=\"_BLANK\">"
  	     "<IMG SRC=\"../images/ENCODE_scaleup_logo.png\" height=50 ALT=\"ENCODE Project at NHGRI\">"
  	puts("<IMG SRC=\"../images/encodeDcc.jpg\" ALT=\"ENCODE Project at UCSC\">");
  	puts("<IMG SRC=\"../images/title.jpg\">");
      puts("</TH></TR>" "\n"
-     	 "" "\n" );
+          "" "\n" );
  /* Put up the hot links bar. */
 -#ifdef NEW_MENUS
 -    char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
 -    jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
 -    if(docRoot != NULL)
 -        {
 -        struct dyString *file = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", docRoot, "NavBar.html");
 -        FILE *fd = fopen(dyStringContents(file), "r");
 -        if(fd == NULL)
 -            // fail some other way (e.g. HTTP 500)?
 -            errAbort("Couldn't open header file '%s' for reading", dyStringContents(file));
 -        else
 -            {
 -            char buf[4096];
 -            while(TRUE)
 -                {
 -                size_t n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fd);
 -                if(n)
 -                    fwrite(buf, 1, n, stdout);
 -                else
 -                    break;
 -                }
 -            fclose(fd);
 -            printf("<base href='http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/'>\n");
 -            }
 -        }
 -    else
 -        {
 -        // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. when running from command line)
 -        // XXXX ????
 -        }
 -if (isGisaid)
 -    {
 -    printf("<TABLE WIDTH='100%%' class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' "
 -           "CELLPADDING='2'><TR>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");
 -    if (haveBlat)
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgBlat?command=start' class='topbar'>Blat</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gisaidSample' class='topbar'>Sample View</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTracks%s' class='topbar'>Sequence View</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gisaidTable' class='topbar'>Table View</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n");
 -    // last column squeezes other columns left
 -    }
 -else if (isGsid)
 -    {
 -    printf("<TABLE class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='2'><TR>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");
 -    if (haveBlat)
 -        printf("<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgBlat?command=start' "
 -               "class='topbar'>Blat</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidSubj' class='topbar'>Subject View</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTracks%s' class='topbar'>Sequence View</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidTable' class='topbar'>Table View</A></TD>\n");
 -    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='/goldenPath/help/gsidTutorial.html#BLAT' TARGET=_blank "
 -               "class='topbar'>Help</A></TD>\n");
 -    else
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='/goldenPath/help/sequenceViewHelp.html' TARGET=_blank "
 -               "class='topbar'>Help</A></TD>\n");
 -    printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n");
 -    // last column squeezes other columns left
 -    }
 -else if (dbIsFound)
 +char *menuStr = menuBar(theCart);
 -    puts("<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++ HOTLINKS BAR +++++++++++++++++++ -->\n"
 -         "<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT=40>");
 -    puts("<TABLE class='topBlueBar' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='2'><TR>");
 -    if (isEncode)
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../encode/' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n");
 -    else
 -        {
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../index.html%s' class='topbar'>Home</A></TD>\n", uiState);
 -        if (isGsid)
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidSubj%s' class='topbar'>Subject View</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgGateway%s' class='topbar'>Genomes</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgTracks") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgTables") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgTrackUi") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgCustom") ||
 -	    endsWith(scriptName, "hgHubConnect") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgc") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgPal"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTracks%s&hgTracksConfigPage=notSet&%s=0' "
 -                   "class='topbar'>Genome Browser</A></TD>\n",uiState,TRACK_SEARCH);
 -        if (haveBlat && !endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgBlat?command=start%s%s' "
 -                   "class='topbar'>Blat</A></TD>\n",theCart ? "&" : "", uiState+1 );
 -        }
 -    if (!isGsid && !hIsCgbServer())  // disable TB for both GSID and CGB servers
 -        {
 -        char *table = (theCart == NULL ? NULL :
 -                    (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene") ?
 -                        cartOptionalString(theCart, "hgg_type") :
 -                        cartOptionalString(theCart, "g")));
 -        if (table && theCart &&
 -            (endsWith(scriptName, "hgc") || endsWith(scriptName, "hgTrackUi") ||
 -            endsWith(scriptName, "hgGene")))
 -            {
 -            struct trackDb *tdb = hTrackDbForTrack(db, table);
 -            if (tdb != NULL)
 -                printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTables%s&hgta_doMainPage=1&hgta_group=%s"
 -                       "&hgta_track=%s&hgta_table=%s' class='topbar'>",
 -                       uiState, tdb->grp, tdb->track, tdb->table);
 -            else
 -                printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTables%s&hgta_doMainPage=1' class='topbar'>",
 -                       uiState);
 -            trackDbFree(&tdb);
 -            }
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgTables%s%shgta_doMainPage=1' class='topbar'>",
 -                uiState, theCart ? "&" : "?" );
 -        printf("Tables</A></TD>\n");
 -        }
 -    if (!endsWith(scriptName, "hgNear") && db != NULL && hgNearOk(db))
 -        {
 -        if (isGsid)
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/gsidTable%s' class='topbar'>Table View</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgNear%s' class='topbar'>Gene Sorter</A></TD>\n",
 -                   uiState);
 -        }
 -    if ((!endsWith(scriptName, "hgPcr")) && (db == NULL || hgPcrOk(db)))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgPcr%s' class='topbar'>PCR</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgGenome%s&hgGenome_doPsOutput=on' class='topbar'>"
 -               "PDF/PS</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgHeatmap"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgHeatmap%s&hgHeatmap_doPsOutput=on' class='topbar'>"
 -               "PDF/PS</A></TD>\n",uiState);
 -#ifndef GBROWSE
 -    if (wikiLinkEnabled() && !endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../cgi-bin/hgSession%s%shgS_doMainPage=1' class='topbar'>"
 -               "Session</A></TD>\n",uiState, theCart ? "&" : "?" );
 -#endif /* GBROWSE */
 -    if (!isGsid)
 -        printf("<TD><A HREF='../FAQ/' class='topbar'>FAQ</A></TD>");
 -    if (!isGsid)
 -        {
 -        if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#BLATAlign'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgHubConnect"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgText"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTextHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgNear"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgNearHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgTables"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTablesHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgGenomeHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "pbGateway"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/pbTracksHelpFiles/pbTracksHelp.shtml'");
 -        else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgVisiGene"))
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#VisiGeneHelp'");
 -        else
 -            printf("<TD><A HREF='../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html'");
 -        printf(" class='topbar'>Help</A></TD>\n");
 -        }
 +    jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
 +    puts(menuStr);
 -    printf("<TD style='width:95%%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE>\n");
 -    // last column squeezes other columns left
 -    puts("</TD></TR>\n");
  if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGateway") && geoMirrorEnabled())
      // Show an opt-out alert if user is on a host to which user has been automatically redirected (just once, right after they have been redirected)
      char *source = cgiOptionalString("source");
      char *redirect = cgiOptionalString("redirect");
      if (source != NULL && redirect != NULL && sameString(redirect, "auto"))
  	char *domain = cgiServerName();
  	char *port = cgiServerPort();
          // We don't bother maintaining stuff in request URI, because it may contain items like hgsid and other host specific values
          int newUriSize = 2048;
  	char *newUri = needMem(newUriSize);
  	// TODO what about https?
  	safef(newUri, newUriSize, "http://%s:%s/cgi-bin/hgGateway?redirect=manual&source=%s", source, port, domain);
  	//empty TD disappears
  	printf("<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 id='redirectTd' onclick=\"javascript:document.getElementById('redirectTd').innerHTML='';\">"
  	    "You've been redirected to your nearest mirror - %s<br>"
  	    "<a href=\"%s\">Take me back to %s</a>"
  	    , domain, newUri, source );
  	    "<h3 style=\"background-color: #2636d1; text-align: center; color:#E0F0F0; margin-top:0px;\">"
  	printf("<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 id='redirectTd' onclick=\"javascript:document.getElementById('redirectTd').innerHTML='';\">"
  	    "<div style=\"margin: 10px 25%%; border-style:solid; border-width:thin; border-color:#97D897;\">"
  	    "<h3 style=\"background-color: #97D897; text-align: left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;\">"
  	    "<img style=\"float:left; margin-top:4px; margin-left:3px; margin-right:4px;\" src=\"http://uswest.ensembl.org/i/info_blue_13.png\">"
  	    "You've been redirected to your nearest mirror - %s"
  	    "<img title=\"Hide hint panel\" alt=\"Hide hint panel\" style=\"float:right; margin-top:3px; margin-right:3px\" src=\"http://uswest.ensembl.org/i/close.gif\">"
  	    "</h3> "
  	    "<ul style=\"margin:5px;\">"
  	    "<li>Take me back to <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
  	    , domain, newUri, source );
  /* this HTML must be in calling code if skipSectionHeader is TRUE */
-     puts(        // TODO: Replace nested tables with CSS (difficulty is that tables are closed elsewhere)
+     puts( // TODO: Replace nested tables with CSS (difficulty is that tables are closed elsewhere)
           "<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++ CONTENT TABLES +++++++++++++++++++ -->" "\n"
           "<TR><TD COLSPAN=3>\n"
- 	 "<div id=firstSection>"
+          "<div id=firstSection>"
           "      <!--outer table is for border purposes-->\n"
-          "      <TABLE WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_BORDER "' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='1'><TR><TD>\n"
-          "    <TABLE BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_INSIDE "' WIDTH='100%'  BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='0'><TR><TD>\n"
+          "      <TABLE WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_BORDER "' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' "
+                      "CELLPADDING='1'><TR><TD>\n"
+          "    <TABLE BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_INSIDE "' WIDTH='100%'  BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' "
+                      "CELLPADDING='0'><TR><TD>\n"
           "     <div class='subheadingBar'><div class='windowSize' id='sectTtl'>"
           "     </div></div>\n"
-          "     <TABLE BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_INSIDE "' WIDTH='100%' CELLPADDING=0><TR><TH HEIGHT=10></TH></TR>\n"
+          "     <TABLE BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_INSIDE "' WIDTH='100%' CELLPADDING=0>"
+               "<TR><TH HEIGHT=10></TH></TR>\n"
           "     <TR><TD WIDTH=10>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n\n"
  /* set the flag */
  webHeadAlreadyOutputed = TRUE;
  }	/*	static void webStartWrapperDetailedInternal()	*/
  void webStartWrapperDetailedArgs(struct cart *theCart, char *db,
  	char *headerText, char *format, va_list args, boolean withHttpHeader,
  	boolean withLogo, boolean skipSectionHeader, boolean withHtmlHeader)
  /* output a CGI and HTML header with the given title in printf format */
  char textOutBuf[1024];
  va_list argscp;
  vasafef(textOutBuf, sizeof(textOutBuf), format, argscp);
  webStartWrapperDetailedInternal(theCart, db, headerText, textOutBuf,
  	withHttpHeader, withLogo, skipSectionHeader, withHtmlHeader);
  void webStartWrapperDetailedNoArgs(struct cart *theCart, char *db,
  	char *headerText, char *format, boolean withHttpHeader,
  	boolean withLogo, boolean skipSectionHeader, boolean withHtmlHeader)
  /* output a CGI and HTML header with the given title in printf format */
  char textOutBuf[512];
  safecpy(textOutBuf, sizeof(textOutBuf), format);
  webStartWrapperDetailedInternal(theCart, db, headerText, textOutBuf,
  	withHttpHeader, withLogo, skipSectionHeader, withHtmlHeader);
  void webStartWrapperGatewayHeader(struct cart *theCart, char *db,
  	char *headerText, char *format, va_list args, boolean withHttpHeader,
  	boolean withLogo, boolean skipSectionHeader)
  webStartWrapperDetailedArgs(theCart, db, headerText, format, args, withHttpHeader,
  	withLogo, skipSectionHeader, TRUE);
  void webStartWrapperGateway(struct cart *theCart, char *db, char *format, va_list args, boolean withHttpHeader, boolean withLogo, boolean skipSectionHeader)
  /* output a CGI and HTML header with the given title in printf format */
  webStartWrapperGatewayHeader(theCart, db, "", format, args, withHttpHeader,
  			     withLogo, skipSectionHeader);
  void webStartWrapper(struct cart *theCart, char *db, char *format, va_list args, boolean withHttpHeader, boolean withLogo)
      /* allows backward compatibility with old webStartWrapper that doesn't contain the "skipHeader" arg */
  	/* output a CGI and HTML header with the given title in printf format */
  webStartWrapperGatewayHeader(theCart, db, "", format, args, withHttpHeader,
- 			     withLogo, FALSE);
+                              withLogo, FALSE);
  void webStart(struct cart *theCart, char *db, char *format, ...)
  /* Print out pretty wrapper around things when not
   * from cart. */
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, format);
  webStartWrapper(theCart, db, format, args, TRUE, TRUE);
  void webStartHeader(struct cart *theCart, char *db, char *headerText, char *format, ...)
  /* Print out pretty wrapper around things when not from cart.
   * Include headerText in the html header. */
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, format);
  webStartWrapperGatewayHeader(theCart, db, headerText, format, args, TRUE, TRUE,
  static void webEndSection()
  /* Close down a section */
      "" "\n"
      "	</TD><TD WIDTH=15></TD></TR></TABLE>" "\n"
  //    "<BR>"
      "	</TD></TR></TABLE>" "\n"
      "	</TD></TR></TABLE>" "\n"
      "	" );
  void webNewSection(char* format, ...)
  /* create a new section on the web page */
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, format);
  puts("<!-- +++++++++++++++++++++ START NEW SECTION +++++++++++++++++++ -->");
  puts(  // TODO: Replace nested tables with CSS (difficulty is that tables are closed elsewhere)
      "   <!--outer table is for border purposes-->\n"
+         "' BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='1'><TR><TD>\n"
+          "' WIDTH='100%'  BORDER='0' CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='0'><TR><TD>\n"
      "     <div class='subheadingBar' class='windowSize'>"
  vprintf(format, args);
      "     </div>\n"
-     "     <TABLE BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_INSIDE "' WIDTH='100%' CELLPADDING=0><TR><TH HEIGHT=10></TH></TR>\n"
+          "<TR><TH HEIGHT=10></TH></TR>\n"
      "     <TR><TD WIDTH=10>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n\n"
  void webEndSectionTables()
- /* Finish with section tables (but don't do /BODY /HTML lik
+ /* Finish with section tables (but don't do /BODY /HTML like
   * webEnd does. */
  void webEnd()
  /* output the footer of the HTML page */
  #ifndef GBROWSE
  #endif /* GBROWSE */
      puts( "</BODY></HTML>");
  static boolean gotWarnings = FALSE;
  void webVaWarn(char *format, va_list args)
  /* Warning handler that closes out page and stuff in
   * the fancy form. */
  gotWarnings = TRUE;
  boolean needStart = !webHeadAlreadyOutputed;
  if (needStart)
      webStart(errCart, NULL, "Error");
  htmlVaWarn(format, args);
  printf("\n<!-- HGERROR -->\n");
  if (needStart)
  boolean webGotWarnings()
  /* Return TRUE if webVaWarn has been called. */
  return gotWarnings;
  void webAbort(char* title, char* format, ...)
  /* an abort function that outputs a error page */
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, format);
  /* output the header */
      webStart(errCart, NULL, title);
  /* in text mode, have a different error */
  	printf("\n\n\n          %s\n\n", title);
  vprintf(format, args);
  printf("<!-- HGERROR -->\n");
  void printCladeListHtml(char *genome, char *onChangeText)
  /* Make an HTML select input listing the clades. */
  char **row = NULL;
  char *clades[128];
  char *labels[128];
  char *defaultClade = hClade(genome);
  char *defaultLabel = NULL;
  int numClades = 0;
  struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();  // after hClade since it access hgcentral too
  struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "select name, label from clade order by priority");
  while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
      clades[numClades] = cloneString(row[0]);
      labels[numClades] = cloneString(row[1]);
      if (sameWord(defaultClade, clades[numClades]))
  	defaultLabel = clades[numClades];
      if (numClades >= ArraySize(clades))
- 	internalErr();
+         internalErr();
  cgiMakeDropListFull(cladeCgiName, labels, clades, numClades,
- 		    defaultLabel, onChangeText);
+                     defaultLabel, onChangeText);
  static void printSomeGenomeListHtmlNamedMaybeCheck(char *customOrgCgiName,
  	 char *db, struct dbDb *dbList, char *onChangeText, boolean doCheck)
  /* Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list
   * containing a list of the possible genomes to choose from.
   * param db - a database whose genome will be the default genome.
   *                       If NULL, no default selection.
   * param onChangeText - Optional (can be NULL) text to pass in
   *                              any onChange javascript. */
  char *orgList[1024];
  int numGenomes = 0;
  struct dbDb *cur = NULL;
  struct hash *hash = hashNew(10); // 2^^10 entries = 1024
  char *selGenome = hGenomeOrArchive(db);
  char *values [1024];
  char *cgiName;
  for (cur = dbList; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
      if (!hashFindVal(hash, cur->genome) &&
  	(!doCheck || hDbExists(cur->name)))
          hashAdd(hash, cur->genome, cur);
          orgList[numGenomes] = cur->genome;
          values[numGenomes] = cur->genome;
  	if (numGenomes >= ArraySize(orgList))
  cgiName = (customOrgCgiName != NULL) ? customOrgCgiName : orgCgiName;
  cgiMakeDropListFull(cgiName, orgList, values, numGenomes,
                      selGenome, onChangeText);
  void printSomeGenomeListHtmlNamed(char *customOrgCgiName, char *db, struct dbDb *dbList, char *onChangeText)
  /* Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list
   * containing a list of the possible genomes to choose from.
   * param db - a database whose genome will be the default genome.
   *                       If NULL, no default selection.
   * param onChangeText - Optional (can be NULL) text to pass in
   *                              any onChange javascript. */
  return printSomeGenomeListHtmlNamedMaybeCheck(customOrgCgiName, db, dbList,
  					      onChangeText, TRUE);
  void printLiftOverGenomeList(char *customOrgCgiName, char *db,
  			     struct dbDb *dbList, char *onChangeText)
  /* Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list
   * containing a list of the possible genomes to choose from.
   * Databases in dbList do not have to exist.
   * param db - a database whose genome will be the default genome.
   *                       If NULL, no default selection.
   * param onChangeText - Optional (can be NULL) text to pass in
   *                              any onChange javascript. */
  return printSomeGenomeListHtmlNamedMaybeCheck(customOrgCgiName, db, dbList,
  					      onChangeText, FALSE);
  void printSomeGenomeListHtml(char *db, struct dbDb *dbList, char *onChangeText)
  /* Prints the dropdown list using the orgCgiName */
  printSomeGenomeListHtmlNamed(NULL, db, dbList, onChangeText);
  void printGenomeListHtml(char *db, char *onChangeText)
  /* Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list
   * containing a list of the possible genomes to choose from.
   * param db - a database whose genome will be the default genome.
   *                       If NULL, no default selection.
   * param onChangeText - Optional (can be NULL) text to pass in
   *                              any onChange javascript. */
  printSomeGenomeListHtml(db, hGetIndexedDatabases(), onChangeText);
  void printBlatGenomeListHtml(char *db, char *onChangeText)
  /* Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list
   * containing a list of the possible genomes to choose from.
   * param db - a database whose genome will be the default genome.
   *                       If NULL, no default selection.
   * param onChangeText - Optional (can be NULL) text to pass in
   *                              any onChange javascript. */
  printSomeGenomeListHtml(db, hGetBlatIndexedDatabases(), onChangeText);
  void printGenomeListForCladeHtml(char *db, char *onChangeText)
  /* Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list containing
   * a list of the possible genomes from selOrganism's clade to choose from.
   * selOrganism is the default for the select.
  printSomeGenomeListHtml(db, hGetIndexedDatabasesForClade(db), onChangeText);
  void printAllAssemblyListHtmlParm(char *db, struct dbDb *dbList,
                              char *dbCgi, bool allowInactive, char *javascript)
  /* Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list containing the list
   * of assemblies for the current genome to choose from.  By default,
   * this includes only active assemblies with a database (with the
   * exception of the default assembly, which will be included even
   * if it isn't active).
   *  param db - The default assembly (the database name) to choose as selected.
   *             If NULL, no default selection.
   *  param allowInactive - if set, print all assemblies for this genome,
   *                        even if they're inactive or have no database
  char *assemblyList[128];
  char *values[128];
  int numAssemblies = 0;
  struct dbDb *cur = NULL;
  char *genome = hGenomeOrArchive(db);
  char *selAssembly = NULL;
  if (genome == NULL)
  #ifdef LOWELAB
      genome = "Pyrococcus furiosus";
      genome = "Human";
  for (cur = dbList; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
      /* Only for this genome */
      if (!sameWord(genome, cur->genome))
      /* Save a pointer to the current assembly */
      if (sameWord(db, cur->name))
          selAssembly = cur->name;
      if (allowInactive ||
          ((cur->active || sameWord(cur->name, db))
                  && sqlDatabaseExists(cur->name)))
          assemblyList[numAssemblies] = cur->description;
          values[numAssemblies] = cur->name;
  	if (numAssemblies >= ArraySize(assemblyList))
  cgiMakeDropListFull(dbCgi, assemblyList, values, numAssemblies,
                                  selAssembly, javascript);
  void printSomeAssemblyListHtmlParm(char *db, struct dbDb *dbList,
                                          char *dbCgi, char *javascript)
  /* Find all the assemblies from the list that are active.
   * Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list containing the list
   * of the possible assemblies to choose from.
   * param db - The default assembly (the database name) to choose as selected.
   *    If NULL, no default selection.  */
      printAllAssemblyListHtmlParm(db, dbList, dbCgi, TRUE, javascript);
  void printSomeAssemblyListHtml(char *db, struct dbDb *dbList, char *javascript)
  /* Find all assemblies from the list that are active, and print
   * HTML to render dropdown list
   * param db - default assembly.  If NULL, no default selection */
  printSomeAssemblyListHtmlParm(db, dbList, dbCgiName, javascript);
  void printAssemblyListHtml(char *db, char *javascript)
  /* Find all the assemblies that pertain to the selected genome
   * Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list containing
   * a list of the possible assemblies to choose from.
   * Param db - The assembly (the database name) to choose as selected.
   * If NULL, no default selection.  */
  struct dbDb *dbList = hGetIndexedDatabases();
  printSomeAssemblyListHtml(db, dbList, javascript);
  void printAssemblyListHtmlExtra(char *db, char *javascript)
  /* Find all the assemblies that pertain to the selected genome
  Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list containing a list of the possible
  assemblies to choose from.
  param curDb - The assembly (the database name) to choose as selected.
  If NULL, no default selection.
  struct dbDb *dbList = hGetIndexedDatabases();
  printSomeAssemblyListHtmlParm(db, dbList, dbCgiName, javascript);
  void printBlatAssemblyListHtml(char *db)
  /* Find all the assemblies that pertain to the selected genome
  Prints to stdout the HTML to render a dropdown list containing a list of the possible
  assemblies to choose from.
  param curDb - The assembly (the database name) to choose as selected.
  If NULL, no default selection.
  struct dbDb *dbList = hGetBlatIndexedDatabases();
  printSomeAssemblyListHtml(db, dbList, NULL);
  void printOrgAssemblyListAxtInfo(char *dbCgi, char *javascript)
  /* Find all the organisms/assemblies that are referenced in axtInfo,
   * and print the dropdown list. */
  struct dbDb *dbList = hGetAxtInfoDbs(dbCgi);
  char *assemblyList[128];
  char *values[128];
  int numAssemblies = 0;
  struct dbDb *cur = NULL;
  char *assembly = cgiOptionalString(dbCgi);
  char orgAssembly[256];
  for (cur = dbList; ((cur != NULL) && (numAssemblies < 128)); cur = cur->next)
      safef(orgAssembly, sizeof(orgAssembly), "%s %s",
  	  cur->organism, cur->description);
      assemblyList[numAssemblies] = cloneString(orgAssembly);
      values[numAssemblies] = cur->name;
  #ifdef OLD
  // Have to use the "menu" name, not the value, to mark selected:
  if (assembly != NULL)
      char *selOrg    = hOrganism(assembly);
      char *selFreeze = hFreezeFromDb(assembly);
      safef(orgAssembly, sizeof(orgAssembly), "%s %s", selOrg, selFreeze);
      assembly = cloneString(orgAssembly);
  #endif /* OLD */
  cgiMakeDropListFull(dbCgi, assemblyList, values, numAssemblies, assembly,
  static char *getDbForGenome(char *genome, struct cart *cart)
    Function to find the default database for the given Genome.
  It looks in the cart first and then, if that database's Genome matches the
  passed-in Genome, returns it. If the Genome does not match, it returns the default
  database that does match that Genome.
  param Genome - The Genome for which to find a database
  param cart - The cart to use to first search for a suitable database name
  return - The database matching this Genome type
  char *retDb = cartUsualString(cart, dbCgiName, NULL);
  if ((retDb == NULL) || !hDbExists(retDb))
      retDb = hDefaultDb();
  /* If genomes don't match, then get the default db for that genome */
  if (differentWord(genome, hGenome(retDb)))
      retDb = hDefaultDbForGenome(genome);
  return retDb;
  static unsigned long expireSeconds = 0;
  static boolean lazarus = FALSE;
  void lazarusLives(unsigned long newExpireSeconds)
  /* Long running process requests more time */
  lazarus = TRUE;
  expireSeconds = newExpireSeconds;
  /* phoneHome business */
  static void cgiApoptosis(int status)
  /* signal handler for SIGALRM for phoneHome function and CGI expiration */
  if (lazarus)
      (void) alarm(expireSeconds);    /* CGI timeout */
      lazarus = FALSE;
  if (expireSeconds > 0)
      /* want to see this error message in the apache error_log also */
      fprintf(stderr, "cgiApoptosis: %lu seconds\n", expireSeconds);
      /* most of our CGIs post a polite non-fatal message with this errAbort */
      errAbort("procedures have exceeded timeout: %lu seconds, function has ended.\n", expireSeconds);
  static void phoneHome()
  static boolean beenHere = FALSE;
  if (beenHere)  /* one at a time please */
  beenHere = TRUE;
  char *expireTime = cfgOptionDefault("browser.cgiExpireMinutes", "20");
  unsigned expireMinutes = sqlUnsigned(expireTime);
  expireSeconds = expireMinutes * 60;
  char trashFile[PATH_LEN];
  safef(trashFile, sizeof(trashFile), "%s/registration.txt", trashDir());
  /* trashFile does not exist during command line execution */
  if(fileExists(trashFile))	/* update access time for trashFile */
      struct utimbuf ut;
      struct stat mystat;
      if (stat(trashFile,&mystat)==0)
  	ut.actime = clock1();
  	ut.modtime = mystat.st_mtime;
  	ut.actime = ut.modtime = clock1();
      (void) utime(trashFile, &ut);
      if (expireSeconds > 0)
  	(void) signal(SIGALRM, cgiApoptosis);
  	(void) alarm(expireSeconds);	/* CGI timeout */
  char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
  char *ip = getenv("SERVER_ADDR");
  if (scriptName && ip)  /* will not be true from command line execution */
      FILE *f = fopen(trashFile, "w");
      if (f)		/* rigamarole only if we can get a trash file */
  	time_t now = time(NULL);
  	char *localTime;
  	extern char *tzname[2];
  	struct tm *tm = localtime(&now);
  	localTime = sqlUnixTimeToDate(&now,FALSE); /* FALSE == localtime */
  	fprintf(f, "%s, %s, %s %s, %s\n", scriptName, ip, localTime,
  	    tm->tm_isdst ? tzname[1] : tzname[0], trashFile);
  	chmod(trashFile, 0666);
  	pid_t pid0 = fork();
  	if (0 == pid0)	/* in child */
  	    close(STDOUT_FILENO); /* do not hang up Apache finish for parent */
  	    expireSeconds = 0;	/* no error message from this exit */
  	    (void) signal(SIGALRM, cgiApoptosis);
  	    (void) alarm(6);	/* timeout here in 6 seconds */
  #include "versionInfo.h"
  	    char url[1024];
  	    safef(url, sizeof(url), "%s%s%s%s%s%s", "http://",
  	"genomewiki.", "ucsc.edu/", "cgi-bin/useCount?", "version=browser.v",
  	    /* 6 second alarm will exit this page fetch if it does not work */
  	    (void) htmlPageGetWithCookies(url, NULL); /* ignore return */
  	    }	/* child of fork has done exit(0) normally or via alarm */
  	}		/* trash file open OK */
      if (expireSeconds > 0)
  	(void) signal(SIGALRM, cgiApoptosis);
  	(void) alarm(expireSeconds);	/* CGI timeout */
      }			/* an actual CGI binary */
  }			/* phoneHome()	*/
  /* phoneHome business */
  void getDbGenomeClade(struct cart *cart, char **retDb, char **retGenome,
  		      char **retClade, struct hash *oldVars)
  /* Examine CGI and cart variables to determine which db, genome, or clade
   *  has been selected, and then adjust as necessary so that all three are
   * consistent.  Detect changes and reset db-specific cart variables.
   * Save db, genome and clade in the cart so it will be consistent hereafter.
   * The order of preference here is as follows:
   * If we got a request that explicitly names the db, that takes
   * highest priority, and we synch the organism to that db.
   * If we get a cgi request for a specific organism then we use that
   * organism to choose the DB.  If just clade, go from there.
   * In the cart only, we use the same order of preference.
   * If someone requests an Genome we try to give them the same db as
   * was in their cart, unless the Genome doesn't match.
  boolean gotClade = hGotClade();
  *retDb = cgiOptionalString(dbCgiName);
  *retGenome = cgiOptionalString(orgCgiName);
  *retClade = cgiOptionalString(cladeCgiName);
  /* phoneHome business */
  /* Was the database passed in as a cgi param?
   * If so, it takes precedence and determines the genome. */
  if (*retDb && hDbExists(*retDb))
      *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
  /* If no db was passed in as a cgi param then was the organism (a.k.a. genome)
   * passed in as a cgi param?
   * If so, the we use the proper database for that genome. */
  else if (*retGenome && !sameWord(*retGenome, "0"))
      *retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
      *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
  else if (*retClade && gotClade)
      *retGenome = hDefaultGenomeForClade(*retClade);
      *retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
  /* If no cgi params passed in then we need to inspect the session */
      *retDb = cartOptionalString(cart, dbCgiName);
      *retGenome = cartOptionalString(cart, orgCgiName);
      *retClade = cartOptionalString(cart, cladeCgiName);
      /* If there was a db found in the session that determines everything. */
      if (*retDb && hDbExists(*retDb))
          *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
      else if (*retGenome && !sameWord(*retGenome, "0"))
  	*retDb = hDefaultDbForGenome(*retGenome);
      else if (*retClade && gotClade)
          *retGenome = hDefaultGenomeForClade(*retClade);
  	*retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
      /* If no organism in the session then get the default db and organism. */
  	*retDb = hDefaultDb();
  	*retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
  *retDb = cloneString(*retDb);
  *retGenome = cloneString(*retGenome);
  *retClade = hClade(*retGenome);
  /* Detect change of database and reset db-specific cart variables: */
  if (oldVars)
      char *oldDb = hashFindVal(oldVars, "db");
      char *oldOrg = hashFindVal(oldVars, "org");
      char *oldClade = hashFindVal(oldVars, "clade");
      if ((!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldDb)    && differentWord(oldDb, *retDb)) ||
- 	(!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldOrg)   && differentWord(oldOrg, *retGenome)) ||
- 	(!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldClade) && differentWord(oldClade, *retClade)))
+         (!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldOrg)   && differentWord(oldOrg, *retGenome)) ||
+         (!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldClade) && differentWord(oldClade, *retClade)))
  	/* Change position to default -- unless it was passed in via CGI: */
  	if (cgiOptionalString("position") == NULL)
  	    cartSetString(cart, "position", hDefaultPos(*retDb));
  	/* hgNear search term -- unless it was passed in via CGI: */
  	if (cgiOptionalString("near_search") == NULL)
  	    cartRemove(cart, "near_search");
  	/* hgBlat results (hgUserPsl track): */
  	cartRemove(cart, "ss");
  	/* hgTables correlate: */
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateTrack");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateTable");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateGroup");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateOp");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateTrack");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateTable");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateGroup");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateOp");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_corrWinSize");
  	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_corrMaxLimitCount");
  /* Save db, genome (as org) and clade in cart. */
  cartSetString(cart, "db", *retDb);
  cartSetString(cart, "org", *retGenome);
  if (gotClade)
      cartSetString(cart, "clade", *retClade);
  void getDbAndGenome(struct cart *cart, char **retDb, char **retGenome,
  		    struct hash *oldVars)
  /* Get just the db and genome. */
  char *garbage = NULL;
  getDbGenomeClade(cart, retDb, retGenome, &garbage, oldVars);
  void webIncludeFile(char *file)
  /* Include an HTML file in a CGI.
   *   The file path may begin with hDocumentRoot(); if it doesn't, it is
   *   assumed to be relative and hDocumentRoot() will be prepended. */
  char *str = hFileContentsOrWarning(file);
  void webIncludeHelpFile(char *fileRoot, boolean addHorizLine)
  /* Given a help file root name (e.g. "hgPcrResult" or "cutters"),
   * print out the contents of the file.  If addHorizLine, print out an
   * <HR> first. */
  if (addHorizLine)
  void webPrintLinkTableStart()
  /* Print link table start in our colors. */
  printf("<TABLE><TR><TD BGCOLOR='#888888'>\n");
  void webPrintLinkTableEnd()
  /* Print link table end in our colors. */
  void webPrintLinkOutCellStart()
  /* Print link cell that goes out of our site. End with
   * webPrintLinkTableEnd. */
  printf("<TD BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_LOCAL_TABLE "'>");
  void webPrintWideCellStart(int colSpan, char *bgColorRgb)
  /* Print link multi-column cell start in our colors. */
  printf("<TD BGCOLOR='#%s'", bgColorRgb);
  if (colSpan > 1)
      printf(" COLSPAN=%d", colSpan);
  void webPrintLinkCellStart()
  /* Print link cell start in our colors. */
  webPrintWideCellStart(1, HG_COL_TABLE);
  void webPrintLinkCellRightStart()
  /* Print right-justified cell start in our colors. */
  printf("<TD BGCOLOR='#"HG_COL_TABLE"' ALIGN='right'>");
  void webPrintLinkCellEnd()
  /* Print link cell end in our colors. */
  void webPrintLinkCell(char *link)
  /* Print link cell in our colors, if links is null, print empty cell */
  if (link != NULL)
  void webPrintIntCell(int val)
  /* Print right-justified int cell in our colors. */
  printf("%d", val);
  void webPrintDoubleCell(double val)
  /* Print right-justified cell in our colors with two digits to right of decimal. */
  printf("%4.2f", val);
  void webPrintWideLabelCell(char *label, int colSpan)
  /* Print label cell over multiple columns in our colors. */
  printf("<TD BGCOLOR='#"HG_COL_TABLE_LABEL"'");
  if (colSpan > 1)
      printf(" COLSPAN=%d", colSpan);
  printf("><span style='color:#FFFFFF;'><B>%s</B></spanT></TD>", label);
  void webPrintWideCenteredLabelCell(char *label, int colSpan)
  /* Print label cell over multiple columns in our colors and centered. */
  printf("<TD BGCOLOR='#" HG_COL_TABLE_LABEL "'");
  if (colSpan > 1)
      printf(" COLSPAN=%d", colSpan);
  printf("><CENTER><span style='color:#FFFFFF;'><B>%s</B></span></CENTER></TD>", label);
  void webPrintLabelCell(char *label)
  /* Print label cell in our colors. */
  webPrintWideLabelCell(label, 1);
  void webPrintLinkTableNewRow()
  /* start a new row */
  void finishPartialTable(int rowIx, int itemPos, int maxPerRow,
  	void (*cellStart)())
  /* Fill out partially empty last row. */
  if (rowIx != 0 && itemPos < maxPerRow)
      int i;
      for (i=itemPos; i<maxPerRow; ++i)
  void webFinishPartialLinkOutTable(int rowIx, int itemPos, int maxPerRow)
  /* Fill out partially empty last row. */
  finishPartialTable(rowIx, itemPos, maxPerRow, webPrintLinkOutCellStart);
  void webFinishPartialLinkTable(int rowIx, int itemPos, int maxPerRow)
  /* Fill out partially empty last row. */
  finishPartialTable(rowIx, itemPos, maxPerRow, webPrintLinkCellStart);
  char *webTimeStampedLinkToResource(char *fileName, boolean wrapInHtml)
  // If wrapInHtml
  //   returns versioned link embedded in style or script html (free after use).
  // else
  //   returns full path of a versioned path to the requested resource file (js, or css).
  // NOTE: png, jpg and gif should also be supported but are untested.
  // In production sites we use a versioned softlink that includes the CGI version. This has the following benefits:
  // a) flushes user's web browser cache when the user visits a GB site whose version has changed since their last visit;
  // b) enforces the requirement that static files are the same version as the CGIs (something that often fails to happen in mirrors).
  // (see notes in redmine #3170).
  // In dev trees we use mtime to create a pseudo-version; this forces web browsers to reload css/js file when it changes,
  // so we don't get odd behavior that can be caused by caching of mis-matched javascript and style files in dev trees.
  // In either case, the actual file has to have been previously created by running make in the appropriate directory (kent/src/hg/js
  // or kent/src/hg/htdocs/style).
  char baseName[PATH_LEN];
  char extension[FILEEXT_LEN];
  splitPath(fileName, NULL, baseName, extension);
  boolean js = sameString(".js",extension);
  boolean style = !js && sameString(".css",extension);
- boolean image = !js && !style && (sameString(".png",extension) || sameString(".jpg",extension) || sameString(".gif",extension));
- if(!js && !style) // && !image) NOTE: This code has not been tested on images but should work.
+ boolean image = !js
+              && !style
+              && (  sameString(".png",extension)
+                 || sameString(".jpg",extension)
+                 || sameString(".gif",extension));
+ if (!js && !style) // && !image) NOTE: This code has not been tested on images but should work.
      errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: unknown resource type for %s.\n", fileName);
  // Build and verify directory
  char *dirName = "";
  if (js)
      dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.javaScriptDir", "js");
  else if (style)
      dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.styleDir","style");
  else if (image)
      dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.styleImagesDir","style/images");
  struct dyString *fullDirName = NULL;
  char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
- if(docRoot != NULL)
+ if (docRoot != NULL)
      fullDirName = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", docRoot, dirName);
      // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. when running from command line)
      fullDirName = dyStringCreate("%s", dirName);
- if(!fileExists(dyStringContents(fullDirName)))
-     errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: dir: %s doesn't exist.\n", dyStringContents(fullDirName));
+ if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(fullDirName)))
+     errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: dir: %s doesn't exist.\n",
+              dyStringContents(fullDirName));
  // build and verify real path to file
  struct dyString *realFileName = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), fileName);
- if(!fileExists(dyStringContents(realFileName)))
-     errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: file: %s doesn't exist.\n", dyStringContents(realFileName));
+ if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(realFileName)))
+     errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: file: %s doesn't exist.\n",
+              dyStringContents(realFileName));
  // build and verify link path including timestamp in the form of dir/baseName + timeStamp or CGI Version + ext
  long mtime = fileModTime(dyStringContents(realFileName));
  struct dyString *linkWithTimestamp;
  if(hIsPreviewHost() || hIsPrivateHost())
      linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s-%ld%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, mtime, extension);
      linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s-v%s%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, CGI_VERSION, extension);
- if(!fileExists(dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp)))
+ if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp)))
      errAbort("Cannot find correct version of file '%s'; this is due to an installation error\n\nError details: %s does not exist",
               fileName, dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp));
  // Free up all that extra memory
  char *linkFull = dyStringCannibalize(&linkWithTimestamp);
  char *link = linkFull;
  if (docRoot != NULL)
      link = cloneString(linkFull + strlen(docRoot) + 1);
  if (wrapInHtml) // wrapped for christmas
      struct dyString *wrapped = dyStringNew(0);
      if (js)
          dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<script type='text/javascript' SRC='/%s'></script>\n", link);
      else if (style)
          dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='/%s' TYPE='text/css' />\n", link);
      else // Will be image, since these are the only three choices allowed
          dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<IMG src='/%s' />\n", link);
      link = dyStringCannibalize(&wrapped);
  return link;
  char *webTimeStampedLinkToResourceOnFirstCall(char *fileName, boolean wrapInHtml)
- // If this is the first call, will
- //   Return full path of timestamped link to the requested resource file (js, or css).  Free after use.
+ // If this is the first call, will return full path of timestamped link to the requested
+ //   resource file (js, or css).  Free after use.
  // else returns NULL.  Useful to ensure multiple references to the same resource file are not made
  // NOTE: png, jpg and gif should also be supported but are untested.
  static struct hash *includedResourceFiles = NULL;
- if(!includedResourceFiles)
+ if (!includedResourceFiles)
      includedResourceFiles = newHash(0);
- if(hashLookup(includedResourceFiles, fileName))
+ if (hashLookup(includedResourceFiles, fileName))
      return NULL;
  char * link = webTimeStampedLinkToResource(fileName,wrapInHtml);
  if (link)
-     hashAdd(includedResourceFiles, fileName, NULL);  // Don't hash link, because memory will be freed by caller!!!
- return link;
+     hashAdd(includedResourceFiles, fileName, NULL);  // Don't hash link, because
+ return link;                                         // memory will be freed by caller!!!
  boolean webIncludeResourcePrintToFile(FILE * toFile, char *fileName)
  // Converts fileName to web Resource link and prints the html reference
  // This only prints and returns TRUE on first call for this resource.
  // Passing in NULL as the file pointer results in hPrintf call
  // The reference will be to a link with timestamp.
  char *link = webTimeStampedLinkToResourceOnFirstCall(fileName,TRUE);
  if (link)
      if (toFile == NULL)
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
 +// overrides for default context specific help link.
 +char *contextSpecificHelpLink = NULL;
 +char *contextSpecificHelpLabel = NULL;
 +void setContextSpecificHelp(char *link, char *label)
 +// Override default behavior for the context specific help link
 +contextSpecificHelpLink = link;
 +contextSpecificHelpLabel = label;
 +char *menuBar(struct cart *cart)
 +// Return HTML for the menu bar (read from a configuration file);
 +// we fixup internal CGI's to add hgsid's and include the appropriate js and css files.
 +char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
 +char *menuStr, buf[4096], uiVars[128];
 +FILE *fd;
 +int len, offset, err;
 +char *navBarFile = "inc/globalNavBar.inc";
 +struct stat statBuf;
 +regex_t re;
 +regmatch_t match[2];
 +char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
 +safef(uiVars, sizeof(uiVars), "%s=%u", cartSessionVarName(), cartSessionId(cart));
 +if(docRoot == NULL)
 +    // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. don't bother with menu when running from command line)
 +    return NULL;
 +jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL);
 +jsIncludeFile("jquery.plugins.js", NULL);
 +// Read in menu bar html
 +safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", docRoot, navBarFile);
 +fd = mustOpen(buf, "r");
 +fstat(fileno(fd), &statBuf);
 +len = statBuf.st_size;
 +menuStr = needMem(len + 1);
 +mustRead(fd, menuStr, statBuf.st_size);
 +menuStr[len] = 0;
 +// fixup internal CGIs to have hgsid
 +safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "/cgi-bin/hg[A-Za-z]+(%c%c?)", '\\', '?');
 +err = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED);
 +    errAbort("regcomp failed; err: %d", err);
 +struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0);
 +for(offset = 0; offset < len && !regexec(&re, menuStr + offset, ArraySize(match), match, 0); offset += match[0].rm_eo)
 +    {
 +    dyStringAppendN(dy, menuStr + offset, match[0].rm_eo);
 +    if(match[1].rm_so == match[1].rm_eo)
 +        dyStringAppend(dy, "?");
 +    dyStringAppend(dy, uiVars);
 +    if(match[1].rm_so != match[1].rm_eo)
 +        dyStringAppend(dy, "&");
 +    }
 +if(offset < len)
 +    dyStringAppend(dy, menuStr + offset);
 +menuStr = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 +    stripRegEx(menuStr, "<\\!-- LOGIN_START -->.*<\\!-- LOGIN_END -->", REG_ICASE);
 +    {
 +    // Provide context sensitive help links for some CGIs.
 +    char *link = NULL;
 +    char *label = NULL;
 +    if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgBlat"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#BLATAlign";
 +        label = "Help on Blat";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgHubConnect"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html";
 +        label = "Help on Track Hubs";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgNear"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgNearHelp.html";
 +        label = "Help on Gene Sorter";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgTables"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTablesHelp.html";
 +        label = "Help on Table Browser";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgGenome"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgGenomeHelp.html";
 +        label = "Help on Genome Graphs";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgSession"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgSessionHelp.html";
 +        label = "Help on Sessions";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "pbGateway"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/pbTracksHelpFiles/pbTracksHelp.shtml";
 +        label = "Help on Proteome Browser";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgVisiGene"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/hgTracksHelp.html#VisiGeneHelp";
 +        label = "Help on VisiGene";
 +        }
 +    else if (endsWith(scriptName, "hgCustom"))
 +        {
 +        link = "../goldenPath/help/customTrack.html";
 +        label = "Help on Custom Tracks";
 +        }
 +    // Don't overwrite any previously set defaults
 +    if(!contextSpecificHelpLink && link)
 +        contextSpecificHelpLink = link;
 +    if(!contextSpecificHelpLabel && label)
 +        contextSpecificHelpLabel = label;
 +    }
 +    {
 +    char buf[1024];
 +    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "<li><a href='%s'>%s</a></li>", contextSpecificHelpLink, contextSpecificHelpLabel);
 +    menuStr = replaceChars(menuStr, "<!-- CONTEXT_SPECIFIC_HELP -->", buf);
 +    }
 +return menuStr;