  Thu Jul 26 21:33:38 2012 -0700
highlighting by attribute functionality for GENCODE
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.h src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.h
index d5931c9..e4c9091 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.h
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.h
@@ -646,30 +646,33 @@
 void simpleBedNextPrevEdge(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item, int x, int y, int w,
 			   int h, boolean next);
 /* Like linkedFeaturesNextPrevItem, but for simple bed which has no block structure so
  * this simply zaps us to the right/left edge of the feature.  Arrows have already been
  * drawn; here we figure out coords and draw a mapBox. */
 void loadLinkedFeaturesWithLoaders(struct track *tg, struct slList *(*itemLoader)(char **row),
 				   struct linkedFeatures *(*lfFromWhatever)(struct slList *item),
 				   char *scoreColumn, char *moreWhere,
                                    boolean (*itemFilter)(struct slList *item));
 /* Make a linkedFeatures loader by providing three functions: (1) a regular */
 /* item loader found in all autoSql modules, (2) a custom myStruct->linkedFeatures */
 /* translating function, and (3) a function to free the thing loaded in (1). */
+struct linkedFeatures *linkedFeaturesFromGenePred(struct track *tg, struct genePred *gp, boolean extra);
+/* construct a linkedFeatures object from a genePred */
 struct linkedFeatures *bedMungToLinkedFeatures(struct bed **pBed, struct trackDb *tdb,
 	int fieldCount, int scoreMin, int scoreMax, boolean useItemRgb);
 /* Convert bed to a linkedFeature, destroying bed in the process. */
 struct bigBedInterval *bigBedSelectRange(struct track *track,
 	char *chrom, int start, int end, struct lm *lm);
 /* Return list of intervals in range. */
 void bigBedAddLinkedFeaturesFrom(struct track *track,
 	char *chrom, int start, int end, int scoreMin, int scoreMax, boolean useItemRgb,
 	int fieldCount, struct linkedFeatures **pLfList);
 /* Read in items in chrom:start-end from bigBed file named in track->bbiFileName, convert
  * them to linkedFeatures, and add to head of list. */
 boolean canDrawBigBedDense(struct track *tg);
@@ -1180,30 +1183,34 @@
 // dense subtracks have conditional centerLabels
 boolean isCenterLabelConditionallySeen(struct track *track);
 // returns FALSE if track and prevTrack have same parent, and are both dense subtracks
 #define isCenterLabelIncluded(track) \
                 (isWithCenterLabels(track) && (theImgBox || isCenterLabelConditionallySeen(track)))
 // Center labels may be conditionally included
 void affyTxnPhase2Methods(struct track *track);
 /* Methods for dealing with a composite transcriptome tracks. */
 void loadGenePred(struct track *tg);
 /* Convert gene pred in window to linked feature. */
+void loadGenePredWithConfiguredName(struct track *tg);
+/* Convert gene pred info in window to linked feature. Include name
+ * in "extra" field (gene name, accession, or both, depending on UI) */
 boolean highlightItem(struct track *tg, void *item);
 /* Should this item be highlighted? */
 void linkedFeaturesSeriesDrawAt(struct track *tg, void *item,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int y, double scale,
 	MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis);
 /* Draw a linked features series item at position. */
 /* Space around "next item" arrow (in pixels). */
 void addWikiTrack(struct track **pGroupList);
 /* Add wiki track and append to group list. */
 void wikiTrackMethods(struct track *tg);