  Mon Aug 20 12:44:55 2012 -0700
Converted a couple of macros to INLINEs at Mark's request.
diff --git src/lib/dyOut.c src/lib/dyOut.c
index 8955a3c..2f2bcaa 100644
--- src/lib/dyOut.c
+++ src/lib/dyOut.c
@@ -1,68 +1,96 @@
 // dyOut - DYnamic string stack based OUTput
 // This module relies upon a dyString based stack of buffers which accumulate output
 // for later printing.  As a stack, only the top buffer can be filled and flushed out
 // (duOutFlush).  When flushing, the top buffer's content is appended to the next
 // lower buffer, unless explicitly requested otherwise (dyOutDirectly).
 // If the stack is empty, dyOutPrintf will be equivalent to printf.
 // Output goes to STDOUT unless a single alternative out file is registered.
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dyOut.h"
 // The stack of dyString buffers is only accessible locally
 static struct dyString *dyOutStack = NULL;
-// It is desirable to return a unique token but NOT give access to the dyString it is based on
-#define dyOutPointerToToken(pointer) (int)((size_t)(pointer) & 0xffffffff)
 #define dyOutAssertToken(token) assert(dyOutPointerToToken(dyOutStack) == token)
 // This module defaults to STDOUT but an alternative can be registered
 static FILE *dyOutStream = NULL;
-#define dyOutStreamInitialize() {if (dyOutStream == NULL) dyOutStream = stdout;}
 #define dyOutStreamAssertUnregistered() assert(dyOutStream == stdout || dyOutStream == NULL)
 #define dyOutStreamAssertRegistered(out) assert(dyOutStream == out)
+INLINE void dyOutStreamInitialize(void)
+// Must initialize the static dyOutStream before use.
+if (dyOutStream == NULL) 
+    dyOutStream = stdout;
+INLINE int dyOutPointerToToken(struct dyString *pointer)
+// It is desirable to return a unique token but NOT give access to the dyString it is based on
+return (int)((size_t)(pointer) & 0xffffffff);
+static struct dyString *dyOutPointerFromToken(int token)
+// Return the stack member corresponding to the token.
+// This ix can be used to walk up the stack from a given point
+struct dyString *ds = dyOutStack;
+int ix = 0;
+for (; ds != NULL; ds = ds->next, ++ix)
+    {
+    if (dyOutPointerToToken(ds) == token)
+        return ds;
+    }
+return NULL;
 int dyOutOpen(int initialBufSize)
 // Allocate dynamic string and puts at top of stack
 // returns token to be used for later stack accounting asserts
 if (initialBufSize <= 0)
     initialBufSize = 2048; // presume large
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(initialBufSize);
 return dyOutPointerToToken(ds);
 int dyOutPrintf(char *format, ...)
 // Prints into end of the top ds buffer, and return resulting string length
 // If there is no current buffer, this acts like a simple printf and returns -1
 int len = -1; // caller could assert returned length > 0 to ensure dyOut is open!
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 if (dyOutStack != NULL)
     dyStringVaPrintf(dyOutStack, format, args);
     len = dyStringLen(dyOutStack);
-    dyOutStreamInitialize()
+    dyOutStreamInitialize();
     vfprintf(dyOutStream,format, args);
 return len;
 int dyOutPrintDirectly(int token,FILE *file)
 // Prints the contents of the top buffer directly to a file.
 // Will leave the filled buffer at top of stack
 // Returns the length printed.
 int len = dyStringLen(dyOutStack);
@@ -153,46 +181,30 @@
 return dyStringContents(dyOutStack);
 int dyOutEmpty(int token)
 // Empties the top buffer in stack (abandoning content), but leave buffer in place
 // Returns the length abandoned.
 int len = dyStringLen(dyOutStack);
 return len;
-static struct dyString *dyOutPointerFromToken(int token)
-// Return the stack member corresponding to the token.
-// This ix can be used to walk up the stack from a given point
-struct dyString *ds = dyOutStack;
-int ix = 0;
-for (; ds != NULL; ds = ds->next, ++ix)
-    {
-    if (dyOutPointerToToken(ds) == token)
-        return ds;
-    }
-return NULL;
 int dyOutSize(int token)
 // Returns the current length of the buffer starting at the level corresponding to token.
 // Unlike other cases, the token does not have to correspond to the top of the stack!
 struct dyString *dsTarget = dyOutPointerFromToken(token);
 assert(dsTarget != NULL);
 int len = dyStringLen(dsTarget);
 struct dyString *ds = dyOutStack;
 for (; ds != dsTarget && ds != NULL; ds = ds->next) // assertable != NULL, but still
     len += dyStringLen(ds);
 return len;