  Mon Aug 20 12:20:19 2012 -0700
Renamed dsPrint/dsp module to dyOut.  Hopefully this will satisfy Angie's request to remove 'print' from the names because it is a verb and Mark's request to make a more standard/consistent module name.  It should also serve my desire for brevity and everyone's desire for catchy names.  Also added comments and changed a casting of pointer to size_t at Mark's urging.
diff --git src/inc/dyOut.h src/inc/dyOut.h
index 893110e..ba84fe3 100644
--- src/inc/dyOut.h
+++ src/inc/dyOut.h
@@ -1,141 +1,141 @@
-// dsPrint - Dynamic string Stack based Printing.  
+// dyOut - DYnamic string stack based OUTput
-// CAUTION: Inclusion of this header will convert printfs to dspPrintfs!!!
+// CAUTION: Inclusion of this header will convert printfs to dyOutPrintfs!!!
+//          This is an Experimental/Test strategy only.  When dyOut is adopted,
+//          direct calls to dyOut functions should be used and printf macros removed.
 // This module relies upon a dyString based stack of buffers which accumulate output
 // for later printing.  As a stack, only the top buffer can be filled and flushed out
-// (dspFlush).  When flushing, the top buffer's content is appended to the next
-// lower buffer, unless explicitly requested otherwise (dspPrintDirectly).
-// If the stack is empty, dsPrintf will be equivalent to printf.
-// NOTE: module prefix is 'dsp' not 'dsPrint' so that "print" is always used as a verb.
+// (duOutFlush).  When flushing, the top buffer's content is appended to the next
+// lower buffer, unless explicitly requested otherwise (dyOutDirectly).
+// If the stack is empty, dyOutPrintf will be equivalent to printf.
 // Output goes to STDOUT unless a single alternative out file is registered.
-#error Including dsPrint.h twice! Only include directly in C files as this redefines printf !!!
+#error Including dyOut.h twice! Only include directly in C files as this redefines printf !!!
 #else//ifndef DSPRINT_H
 #define DSPRINT_H
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
-int dspOpen(int initialBufSize);
+int dyOutOpen(int initialBufSize);
 // Allocate dynamic string and puts at top of stack
 // returns token to be used for later stack accounting asserts
-int dspPrintf(char *format, ...);
+int dyOutPrintf(char *format, ...);
 // Prints into end of the top ds buffer, and return resulting string length
 // If there is no current buffer, this acts like a simple printf and returns -1
-#define dspPuts(str) dspPrintf("%s\n",str)
-#define dspPutc(chr) dspPrintf("%c",chr)
+#define dyOutPuts(str) dyOutPrintf("%s\n",str)
+#define dyOutPutc(chr) dyOutPrintf("%c",chr)
 #define SWAP_PRINTF
-#define printf dspPrintf
-#define puts dspPuts
+#define printf dyOutPrintf
+#define puts dyOutPuts
 #undef putc
-#define putc dspPutc
+#define putc dyOutPutc
 #endif//def SWAP_PRINTF
-int dspPrintDirectly(int token,FILE *file);
+int dyOutPrintDirectly(int token,FILE *file);
 // Prints the contents of the top buffer directly to a file.
 // Will leave the filled buffer at top of stack
 // Returns the length printed.
-int dspFlush(int token);
+int dyOutFlush(int token);
 // Flushes the top buffer to the next lower one and empties top buffer.
 // If there is no lower buffer then the content is printed to STDOUT (or registered out).
 // Returns the length flushed.
-int dspClose(int token);
+int dyOutClose(int token);
 // Abandons the top buffer and its content, freeing memory.
 // Returns the length abandoned.
-#define dspAbandon(token) dspClose(token)
+#define dyOutAbandon(token) dyOutClose(token)
-int dspFlushAndClose(int token);
+int dyOutFlushAndClose(int token);
 // Flushes the top buffer to the next lower one and frees the top buffer.
 // If there is no lower buffer then the content is printed to STDOUT (or registered out).
 // Returns the length flushed.
-int dspFlushAndCloseAll();
+int dyOutFlushAndCloseAll();
 // CAUTION: Bad practice to not Open/Close levels in turn!
 // flushes, frees and closes all stacked buffers
 // returns length flushed
-char * dspContent(int token);
+char * dyOutContent(int token);
 // returns the content of the current buffer as a string, but does not flush or free it
-// NOTE: returned pointer is not cloned memory and will be changed by successive dsPrint calls
+// NOTE: returned pointer is not cloned memory and will be changed by successive dyOut calls
-int dspEmpty(int token);
+int dyOutEmpty(int token);
 // Empties the top buffer in stack (abandoning content), but leave buffer in place
 // Returns the length abandoned.
-#define dspAbandonContent(token) dspEmpty(token)
+#define dyOutAbandonContent(token) dyOutEmpty(token)
-int dspSize(int token);
+int dyOutSize(int token);
 // Returns the current length of the buffer starting at the level corresponding to token.
 // Unlike other cases, the token does not have to correspond to the top of the stack!
-#define dspIsEmpty(token) (dspSize(token) == 0)
+#define dyOutIsEmpty(token) (dyOutSize(token) == 0)
-int dspSizeAll();
+int dyOutSizeAll();
 // returns combined current size of all buffers
-#define dspIsAllEmpty(token) (dspSizeAll() == 0)
+#define dyOutIsAllEmpty(token) (dyOutSizeAll() == 0)
-int dspStackDepth();
-// Returns the current dsPrint buffer stack depth
-#define dspIsOpen() (dspStackDepth() > 0)
+int dyOutStackDepth();
+// Returns the current dyOut buffer stack depth
+#define dyOutIsOpen() (dyOutStackDepth() > 0)
-void dspRegisterOutStream(FILE *out);
-// Registers an alternative to STDOUT.  After registering, all dsPrint out goes to this file.
+void dyOutRegisterAltStream(FILE *out);
+// Registers an alternative to STDOUT.  After registering, all dyOut out goes to this file.
 // NOTE: There is no stack. Register/Unregister serially.
-void dspUnregisterOutStream(FILE *out);
-// Unregisters the alternative to STDOUT.  After unregistering all dsPrint out goes to STDOUT.
+void dyOutUnregisterAltStream(FILE *out);
+// Unregisters the alternative to STDOUT.  After unregistering all dyOut out goes to STDOUT.
 // NOTE: There is no stack. Register/Unregister serially.
-char *dspCannibalizeAndClose(int token);
+char *dyOutCannibalizeAndClose(int token);
 // Closes the top stack buffer returning content.  Returned string should be freed.
-char *dspCannibalizeAndCloseAll();
+char *dyOutCannibalizeAndCloseAll();
 // CAUTION: Bad practice to not Open/Close levels in turn!
 // Closes all stack buffers and returns a single string that is the full content.  
 // Returned string should be freed.
-void *dspStackPop(int token);
+void *dyOutStackPop(int token);
 // CAUTION: Not for the faint of heart: print buffer surgery is no substitute for proper coding.
-// Returns a pointer which can be dspStackPush'd back into place.
-// Pop/Push is useful for inserting print immediately before a dspOpen'd print buffer
+// Returns a pointer which can be dyOutStackPush'd back into place.
+// Pop/Push is useful for inserting print immediately before a dyOutOpen'd print buffer
-void dspStackPush(int token,void *dspPointer);
+void dyOutStackPush(int token,void *dyOutPointer);
 // CAUTION: Not for the faint of heart: print buffer surgery is no substitute for proper coding.
-// Push a previously dspStackPop'd print buffer back onto the stack
-// Pop/Push is useful for inserting print immediately before a dspOpen'd print buffer
+// Push a previously dyOutStackPop'd print buffer back onto the stack
+// Pop/Push is useful for inserting print immediately before a dyOutOpen'd print buffer
 #ifdef NOT_NOW
 // Requires regex function added to dystring.c which has been successfully tested.
-boolean dspRegexReplace(int token, char *regExpression, char *replaceWith);
+boolean dyOutRegexReplace(int token, char *regExpression, char *replaceWith);
 // CAUTION: Not for the faint of heart: print buffer surgery is no substitute for proper coding.
-// Looks for and replaces a single instance of a wildcard match in the current dsp print buffer
+// Looks for and replaces a single instance of a wildcard match in the current dyOut print buffer
 // regex follows normal EXTENDED (egrep) rules except:
 // ^ - at beginning of the regExpression only and matches beginning of buffer (not of line)
 // $ - at end of regExpression only and matches end of buffer (not end of line)
 // \n - newlines in the body of the regExpression will match newlines in the current print buffer
 // Returns TRUE on success
 // CAUTION: Wildcards match largest sub-string [w.*d] matches all of "wild wild world"
-//void dsPrintTest();
-// Tests of dsPrint functions
+//void dyOutTest();
+// Tests of dyOut functions
 #endif///def NOT_NOW
 /* Next steps:
- * 1) DONE WITH MACROS: in cheapCgi.c replace all printfs with dsPrintf
- * 2) DONE WITH MACROS: in hui.c replace all printfs with dsPrintf
- * 3) DONE WITH MACROS: in hgTrackUi replace all printfs with dsPrintf
+ * 1) DONE WITH MACROS: in cheapCgi.c replace all printfs with dyOutPrintf
+ * 2) DONE WITH MACROS: in hui.c replace all printfs with dyOutPrintf
+ * 3) DONE WITH MACROS: in hgTrackUi replace all printfs with dyOutPrintf
  * 4) DONE: After 1-3, add opens and closes to hgTrackUi
- * 5) DONE: Handle boxing cfg with dsPrintf (successful test)
- * 6) Handle isConfigurable tests with dsPrintf and throw away results
+ * 5) DONE: Handle boxing cfg with dyOutPrintf (successful test)
+ * 6) Handle isConfigurable tests with dyOutPrintf and throw away results
  *    This one will require making hgTrackUi Cfgs all lib code.
 #endif /* DSPRINT_H */