84614918e462d7750a8f56e5ce9540c623b87b48 galt Mon Sep 24 15:15:36 2012 -0700 added repMatch default values for tileSizes 16 to 18; also fixed and incremented version to 35x1 diff --git src/blat/version.doc src/blat/version.doc index 32b2a22..23dd5a1 100644 --- src/blat/version.doc +++ src/blat/version.doc @@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ + + o (in 35x1) added repMatch default values for tileSizes 16 to 18 in genoFind.c + 35: o (in 34x1) Making total query output reporting a 64 bit number to avoid overflow when people using more than 4 gig of query sequence. o (in 34x2) Fixed -out=blast to use +/- instead of -/+ for non-translated. o (in 34x3) Fixed -minScore, filter was not working when over half query-size. o (in 34x4) Made it convert u's to t's for RNA sequence stuff. o (in 34x5) Made gfServer calculate repMatch based on stepSize/tileSize combination the way blat does rather than just being good for stepSize 11. o (in 34x6) Fixed negative strand pcr psl output o (in 34x7) Made it check and error out if the same name is reused in the target database. o (in 34x8) Truncate in output PCR primers that dangle off target chrom ends. o (in 34x9) If -fastMap is used, check that query sizes do not exceed MAXSINGLEPIECESIZE. o (in 34x10) Added IP-logging option to gfServer. o (in 34x11) Fixed segfault when maxIntron <= 11 and tileSize <= 11. o (in 34x12) Fixed segfault when -fine -minIdentity=0 -minScore=0.