  Tue Oct 9 14:48:53 2012 -0700
changed refs to latest update
diff --git src/hg/htdocs/cite.html src/hg/htdocs/cite.html
index 33de8d1..79d171b 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/cite.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/cite.html
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 		    Genome Bioinformatics group, see our 
 		    <A HREF="goldenPath/pubs.html">Publications</A> page.</P>
 		    <A NAME="ref"></A>
 		    <B>UCSC Genome Browser:</B>
 		    Kent WJ, Sugnet CW, Furey TS, Roskin KM, Pringle TH, Zahler 
 		    AM, Haussler D.  
 		    <A HREF="" 
 		    TARGET=_blank>The human genome browser at UCSC</A>. 
 		    <em>Genome Res.</em> 2002 Jun;12(6):996-1006. </P>
 		    <B>UCSC Genome Browser database/data:</B>
-                    Fujita PA, Rhead B, Zweig AS, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Cline MS, Goldman M, 
-                    Barber GP, Clawson H, Coelho A, Diekhans M, Dreszer TR, Giardine BM, Harte RA, 
-                    Hillman-Jackson J, Hsu F, Kirkup V, Kuhn RM, Learned K, Li CH, Meyer LR, Pohl A, 
-                    Raney BJ, Rosenbloom KR, Smith KE, Haussler D, Kent WJ.
-                    <a href="
-                    ijkey=SAZMOkkaQEPBTSL&keytype=ref" TARGET=_blank>The UCSC Genome Browser database: update 2011</a>.
-                    <em>Nucleic Acids Res</em>. 2010 Oct 18. [Epub ahead of print]</P>
+                    Dreszer TR, Karolchik D, Zweig AS, Hinrichs AS, Raney BJ, Kuhn RM, Meyer
+                    LR, Wong M, Sloan CA, Rosenbloom KR, Roe G, Rhead B, Pohl A, Malladi VS,
+                    Li CH, Learned K, Kirkup V, Hsu F, Harte RA, Guruvadoo L, Goldman M,
+                    Giardine BM, Fujita PA, Diekhans M, Cline MS, Clawson H, Barber GP,
+                    Haussler D, Kent WJ.
+                    <A HREF=""
+                    TARGET=_blank>The UCSC Genome Browser database: extensions and updates 2011</A>.
+                    <em>Nucleic Acids Res</em>. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D918-23.
+                    </p>
 		    Cite this 
 		    paper for annotation data extracted from the Genome 
 		    Browser database. Annotation tracks should also be 
 		    credited according to their source, which can be found 
 		    on the track's description page or on the Genome Browser 
-		    <A HREF="goldenPath/credits.html">Credits</A> page. </P>
+		    <A HREF="goldenPath/credits.html">Credits</A> page. 
+                    </P>
 		    <B>UCSC ENCODE Browser/database:</B> 
-		    Rosenbloom KR, Dreszer TR, Pheasant M, Barber GP, Meyer
-		    LR, Pohl A, Raney BJ, Wang T, Hinrichs AS, Zweig AS,
-		    Fujita PA, Learned K, Rhead B, Smith KE, Kuhn RM,
-		    Karolchik D, Haussler D, Kent WJ.
-		    <A HREF=""
-		    TARGET=_blank>ENCODE whole-genome data in the UCSC Genome Browser</A>.
-		    <em>Nucleic Acids Res</em>. 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D620-5.
-		    Epub 2009 Nov 17.</P>
+                    Rosenbloom KR, Dreszer TR, Long JC, Malladi VS, Sloan CA, Raney BJ,
+                    Cline MS, Karolchik D, Barber GP, Clawson H, Diekhans M, Fujita PA,
+                    Goldman M, Gravell RC, Harte RA, Hinrichs AS, Kirkup VM, Kuhn RM,
+                    Learned K, Maddren M, Meyer LR, Pohl A, Rhead B, Wong MC, Zweig AS,
+                    Haussler D, Kent WJ.
+                    <A HREF=""
+                    TARGET=_blank>ENCODE whole-genome data in the UCSC Genome Browser: update
+                    2012</A>.
+                    <em>Nucleic Acids Res</em>. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D912-7.
+                    </P>
 		    <B>BLAT alignment tool:</B> 
 		    Kent WJ. 
 		    <A HREF="" 
 		    TARGET=_blank>BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool</A>. 
 		    <em>Genome Res.</em> 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64.
 		    <B>UCSC Table Browser:</B>
 		    Karolchik D, Hinrichs AS, Furey TS, Roskin KM, Sugnet CW, 
 		    Haussler D, Kent WJ.