  Fri Nov 16 16:25:12 2012 -0800
Track #9401 (DGV update): loaded Nov. '12 data.
diff --git src/hg/lib/dgv.sql src/hg/lib/dgv.sql
index 524d40d..f26e2e2 100644
--- src/hg/lib/dgv.sql
+++ src/hg/lib/dgv.sql
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
 # an object which can be loaded and saved from RAM in a fairly 
 # automatic way.
 #Database of Genomic Variants
     bin smallint not null,		# Bin number for browser speedup
     chrom varchar(255) not null,	# Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold
     chromStart int unsigned not null,	# Start position in chromosome
     chromEnd int unsigned not null,	# End position in chromosome
     name varchar(255) not null,	# Name of item
     score int unsigned not null,	# Score from 0-1000
     strand char(1) not null,	# + or -
     thickStart int unsigned not null,	# Start of where display should be thick (start codon)
     thickEnd int unsigned not null,	# End of where display should be thick (stop codon)
     itemRgb int unsigned not null,	# Item R,G,B color.
-    landmark varchar(255) not null,	# Genomic marker near the variation locus
+    landmark longblob not null,	# Genomic marker near the variation locus
     varType varchar(255) not null,	# Type of variation
     reference varchar(255) not null,	# Literature reference for the study that included this variant
     pubMedId int unsigned not null,	# For linking to pubMed abstract of reference
-    method varchar(255) not null,	# Brief description of method/platform
+    method longblob not null,	# Brief description of method/platform
     sample longblob not null,	# Description of sample population for the study
     INDEX (chrom,bin),
-    PRIMARY KEY (name)
+    INDEX (name)