  Mon Oct 29 17:40:29 2012 -0700
Fixing several cases where the attributes name was used where it's mixedCaseName should have been.  This fixes a glitch that came up reading NCBI incident database stuff that Hiram is working on.
diff --git src/hg/autoXml/autoXml.c src/hg/autoXml/autoXml.c
index cf05e8b..5123f23 100644
--- src/hg/autoXml/autoXml.c
+++ src/hg/autoXml/autoXml.c
@@ -1,724 +1,724 @@
 /* autoXml - Generate structures code and parser for XML file from DTD-like spec. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "dtdParse.h"
 /* Variables that can be over-ridden from command line. */
 char *textField = "text";
 char *fileComment = "autoXml generated file";
 boolean picky;	/* Generate a parser that is afraid of the unknown. */
 boolean makeMain;	/* Generate main() routine as test shell. */
 boolean positiveOnly;	/* Don't write out negative numbers. */
 char prefix[128];	/* Added to start of output file and structure names. */
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "autoXml - Generate structures code and parser for XML file from DTD-like spec\n"
   "   autoXml file.dtdx root\n"
   "This will generate root.c, root.h\n"
   "   -textField=xxx what to name text between start/end tags. Default 'text'\n"
   "   -comment=xxx Comment to appear at top of generated code files\n"
   "   -picky  Generate parser that rejects stuff it doesn't understand\n"
   "   -main   Put in a main routine that's a test harness\n"
   "   -prefix=xxx Prefix to add to structure names. By default same as root\n"
   "   -positive Don't write out optional attributes with negative values\n"
 char *cAttType(char *type)
 /* Return C declaration corresponding to type. */
 if (sameWord(type, "INT"))
     return "int ";
 else if (sameWord(type, "FLOAT"))
     return "double ";
     return "char *";
 char fAttType(char *type)
 /* Return printf %code to type. */
 if (sameWord(type, "INT"))
     return 'd';
 else if (sameWord(type, "FLOAT"))
     return 'f';
     return 's';
 boolean childMatch(struct dtdElChild *children, struct dtdElement *el)
 /* Return TRUE if any of children are el. */
 struct dtdElChild *ec;
 for (ec = children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next)
     if (ec->el == el)
 	return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 boolean anyParent(struct dtdElement *elList, struct dtdElement *child)
 /* Return TRUE if anybody in elList could be a parent to child. */
 struct dtdElement *el;
 for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (childMatch(el->children, child))
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 void freeFunctionPrototype(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f, char *addSemi)
 /* Put up function prototype for elFree function. */
 char *name = el->mixedCaseName;
 fprintf(f, "void %sFree(struct %s **pObj)%s", name, name, addSemi);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "/* Free up %s. */\n",  name);
 void freeListFunctionPrototype(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f, char *addSemi)
 /* Put up function prototype for elFreeList function. */
 char *name = el->mixedCaseName;
 fprintf(f, "void %sFreeList(struct %s **pList)%s", name, name, addSemi);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "/* Free up list of %s. */\n",  name);
 void saveFunctionPrototype(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f, char *addSemi)
 /* Put up function prototype for elSave function. */
 char *name = el->mixedCaseName;
 fprintf(f, "void %sSave(struct %s *obj, int indent, FILE *f)%s", name, name, addSemi);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "/* Save %s to file. */\n",  name);
 void loadFunctionPrototype(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f, char *addSemi)
 /* Put up function prototype for elLoad function. */
 char *name = el->mixedCaseName;
 fprintf(f, "struct %s *%sLoad(char *fileName)%s\n", name, name, addSemi);
 fprintf(f, "/* Load %s from XML file where it is root element. */\n", name);
 void loadFunctionBody(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f)
 /* Write body of elLoad function. */
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "struct %s *obj;\n", el->mixedCaseName);
 fprintf(f, "xapParseAny(fileName, \"%s\", %sStartHandler, %sEndHandler, NULL, &obj);\n", 
 	el->name, prefix, prefix);
 fprintf(f, "return obj;\n");
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 void loadNextFunctionPrototype(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f, char *addSemi)
 /* Put up function prototype for elLoad function. */
 char *name = el->mixedCaseName;
 fprintf(f, "struct %s *%sLoadNext(struct xap *xap)%s\n", name, name, addSemi);
 fprintf(f, "/* Load next %s element.  Use xapOpen to get xap. */\n", name);
 void loadNextFunctionBody(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f)
 /* Write body of elLoad function. */
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "return xapNext(xap, \"%s\");\n", el->name);
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 void startHandlerPrototype(FILE *f, char *addSemi)
 /* Print function prototype for startHandler. */
 fprintf(f, "void *%sStartHandler(struct xap *xp, char *name, char **atts)%s\n", prefix, addSemi);
 fprintf(f, "/* Called by xap with start tag.  Does most of the parsing work. */\n");
 void makeStartHandler(struct dtdElement *elList, FILE *f)
 /* Create function that gets called by expat at start of tag. */
 struct dtdElement *el;
 struct dtdAttribute *att;
 startHandlerPrototype(f, "");
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "struct xapStack *st = xp->stack+1;\n");
 fprintf(f, "int depth = xp->stackDepth;\n");
 fprintf(f, "int i;\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     fprintf(f, "%sif (sameString(name, \"%s\"))\n", (el == elList ? "" : "else "), el->name);
     fprintf(f, "    {\n");
     fprintf(f, "    struct %s *obj;\n", el->mixedCaseName);
     fprintf(f, "    AllocVar(obj);\n");
     if (el->attributes != NULL)
 	boolean first = TRUE;
 	for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next)
 	    if (att->usual != NULL)
 		char *quote = "\"";
 		if (sameString(att->type, "INT") || sameString(att->type, "FLOAT"))
 		    quote = "";
-	        fprintf(f, "    obj->%s = %s%s%s;\n", att->name, quote, att->usual, quote);
+	        fprintf(f, "    obj->%s = %s%s%s;\n", att->mixedCaseName, quote, att->usual, quote);
 	fprintf(f, "    for (i=0; atts[i] != NULL; i += 2)\n");
 	fprintf(f, "        {\n");
 	fprintf(f, "        char *name = atts[i], *val = atts[i+1];\n");
 	for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next)
 	    fprintf(f, "        %s (sameString(name, \"%s\"))\n",
 		    (first ? "if " : "else if"), att->name);
 	    if (sameWord(att->type, "INT"))
-		fprintf(f, "            obj->%s = atoi(val);\n", att->name);
+		fprintf(f, "            obj->%s = atoi(val);\n", att->mixedCaseName);
 	    else if (sameWord(att->type, "FLOAT"))
-		fprintf(f, "            obj->%s = atof(val);\n", att->name);
+		fprintf(f, "            obj->%s = atof(val);\n", att->mixedCaseName);
-	        fprintf(f, "            obj->%s = cloneString(val);\n", att->name);
+	        fprintf(f, "            obj->%s = cloneString(val);\n", att->mixedCaseName);
 	    first = FALSE;
 	if (picky)
 	    fprintf(f, "        else\n");
 	    fprintf(f, "            xapError(xp, \"Unknown attribute %%s\", name);\n");
 	fprintf(f, "        }\n");
 	for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next)
 	    if (att->required)
 		if (sameWord(att->type, "INT") || sameWord(att->type, "FLOAT"))
 		    /* For the moment can't check these. */
-		    fprintf(f, "    if (obj->%s == NULL)\n", att->name);
+		    fprintf(f, "    if (obj->%s == NULL)\n", att->mixedCaseName);
 		    fprintf(f, "        xapError(xp, \"missing %s\");\n", att->name);
     if (anyParent(elList, el))
 	struct dtdElement *parent;
 	boolean first = TRUE;
 	fprintf(f, "    if (depth > 1)\n");
 	fprintf(f, "        {\n");
 	for (parent = elList; parent != NULL; parent = parent->next)
 	    if (childMatch(parent->children, el))
 		fprintf(f, "        %s (sameString(st->elName, \"%s\"))\n", 
 			(first ? "if " : "else if"), parent->name);
 		fprintf(f, "            {\n");
 		fprintf(f, "            struct %s *parent = st->object;\n", parent->mixedCaseName);
 		fprintf(f, "            slAddHead(&parent->%s, obj);\n", el->mixedCaseName);
 		fprintf(f, "            }\n");
 		first = FALSE;
 	if (picky)
 	    fprintf(f, "        else\n");
 	    fprintf(f, "            xapError(xp, \"%%s misplaced\", name);\n");
 	fprintf(f, "        }\n");
     fprintf(f, "    return obj;\n");
     fprintf(f, "    }\n");
 fprintf(f, "else\n");
 fprintf(f, "    {\n");
 if (picky)
     fprintf(f, "    xapError(xp, \"Unknown element %%s\", name);\n");
     fprintf(f, "    xapSkip(xp);\n");
 fprintf(f, "    return NULL;\n");
 fprintf(f, "    }\n");
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 void endHandlerPrototype(FILE *f, char *addSemi)
 /* Print function prototype for endHandler. */
 fprintf(f, "void %sEndHandler(struct xap *xp, char *name)%s\n", prefix, addSemi);
 fprintf(f, "/* Called by xap with end tag.  Checks all required children are loaded. */\n");
 void makeEndHandler(struct dtdElement *elList, FILE *f)
 /* Create function that gets called by expat at end of tag. */
 struct dtdElement *el;
 struct dtdElChild *ec;
 boolean first = TRUE;
 endHandlerPrototype(f, "");
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "struct xapStack *stack = xp->stack;\n");
 for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (el->children || el->textType)
 	fprintf(f, "%sif (sameString(name, \"%s\"))\n", 
 	   (first ? "" : "else "), el->name);
 	fprintf(f, "    {\n");
 	fprintf(f, "    struct %s *obj = stack->object;\n", el->mixedCaseName);
 	for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next)
 	    char *cBIG = ec->el->name;
 	    char *cSmall = ec->el->mixedCaseName;
 	    if (ec->copyCode == '1')
 		fprintf(f, "    if (obj->%s == NULL)\n", cSmall);
 		fprintf(f, "        xapError(xp, \"Missing %s\");\n", cBIG);
 		fprintf(f, "    if (obj->%s->next != NULL)\n", cSmall);
 		fprintf(f, "        xapError(xp, \"Multiple %s\");\n", cBIG);
 	    else if (ec->copyCode == '+')
 		if (! ec->isOr)
 		    /* bypassing this is not the Right thing to do -- 
 		     * really we should make sure that somebody in the Or list
 		     * was present */
 		    fprintf(f, "    if (obj->%s == NULL)\n", cSmall);
 		    fprintf(f, "        xapError(xp, \"Missing %s\");\n",cBIG);
 		fprintf(f, "    slReverse(&obj->%s);\n", cSmall);
 	    else if (ec->copyCode == '*')
 		fprintf(f, "    slReverse(&obj->%s);\n", cSmall);
 	    else if (ec->copyCode == '?')
 		fprintf(f, "    if (obj->%s != NULL && obj->%s->next != NULL)\n", cSmall, cSmall);
 		fprintf(f, "        xapError(xp, \"Multiple %s\");\n", cBIG);
 	if (el->textType)
 	    if (sameString(el->textType, "#INT"))
 		fprintf(f, "    obj->%s = atoi(stack->%s->string);\n", textField, textField);
 	    else if (sameString(el->textType, "#FLOAT"))
 		fprintf(f, "    obj->%s = atof(stack->%s->string);\n", textField, textField);
 		fprintf(f, "    obj->%s = cloneString(stack->%s->string);\n", textField, textField);
 	fprintf(f, "    }\n");
 	first = FALSE;
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 void makeH(struct dtdElement *elList, char *fileName)
 /* Produce C header file. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 struct dtdElement *el;
 struct dtdAttribute *att;
 struct dtdElChild *ec;
 char upcPrefix[128];
 fprintf(f, "/* %s.h %s */\n", prefix, fileComment);
 strcpy(upcPrefix, prefix);
 fprintf(f, "#ifndef %s_H\n", upcPrefix);
 fprintf(f, "#define %s_H\n", upcPrefix);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "#ifndef XAP_H\n");
 fprintf(f, "#include \"xap.h\"\n");
 fprintf(f, "#endif\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
  "/* The start and end handlers here are used with routines defined in xap.h.\n"
  " * In particular if you want to read just parts of the XML file into memory\n"
  " * call xapOpen() with these, and then xapNext() with the name of the tag\n"
  " * you want to load. */\n\n");
 startHandlerPrototype(f, ";");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 endHandlerPrototype(f, ";");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     fprintf(f, "struct %s\n", el->mixedCaseName);
     fprintf(f, "    {\n");
     fprintf(f, "    struct %s *next;\n", el->mixedCaseName);
     if (el->textType != NULL)
 	 if (sameString(el->textType, "#INT"))
 	     fprintf(f, "    int %s;\n", textField);
 	 else if (sameString(el->textType, "#FLOAT"))
 	     fprintf(f, "    float %s;\n", textField);
 	     fprintf(f, "    char *%s;\n", textField);
     for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next)
-	fprintf(f, "    %s%s;", cAttType(att->type), att->name);
+	fprintf(f, "    %s%s;", cAttType(att->type), att->mixedCaseName);
 	if (att->required)
 	    fprintf(f, "\t/* Required */");
 	    if (att->usual != NULL)
 	       fprintf(f, "\t/* Defaults to %s */", att->usual);
 	       fprintf(f, "\t/* Optional */");
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
     for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next)
 	fprintf(f, "    struct %s *%s;", ec->el->mixedCaseName, ec->el->mixedCaseName);
 	if (ec->copyCode == '1')
 	    fprintf(f, "\t/** Single instance required. **/");
 	else if (ec->copyCode == '+')
 	    fprintf(f, "\t/** Non-empty list required. **/");
 	else if (ec->copyCode == '*')
 	    fprintf(f, "\t/** Possibly empty list. **/");
 	else if (ec->copyCode == '?')
 	    fprintf(f, "\t/** Optional (may be NULL). **/");
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
     fprintf(f, "    };\n");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
     freeFunctionPrototype(el, f, ";");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
     freeListFunctionPrototype(el, f, ";");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
     saveFunctionPrototype(el, f, ";");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
     loadFunctionPrototype(el, f, ";");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
     loadNextFunctionPrototype(el, f, ";");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "#endif /* %s_H */\n", upcPrefix);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 boolean optionalChildren(struct dtdElement *el)
 /* Return TRUE if not sure whether you have children. */
 struct dtdElChild *ec;
 boolean required = FALSE, optional = FALSE;
 for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next)
     if (ec->copyCode == '*' || ec->copyCode == '?')
 	optional = TRUE;
         required = TRUE;
 return !required && optional;
 boolean isAtomic(struct dtdElement *el)
 /* Return TRUE if by definition no children. */
 return el->textType == NULL && el->children == NULL;
 void saveFunctionBody(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f)
 /* Write out save function body. */
 struct dtdElChild *ec;
 struct dtdAttribute *att;
 boolean optKids = optionalChildren(el);
 boolean isAtom = isAtomic(el);
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 /* Declare variables to walk through list if need be. */
 for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next)
     if (ec->copyCode == '*' || ec->copyCode == '+')
 	char *name = ec->el->mixedCaseName;
         fprintf(f, "struct %s *%s;\n", name, name);
 if (optKids)
     fprintf(f, "boolean isNode = TRUE;\n");
 fprintf(f, "if (obj == NULL) return;\n");
 fprintf(f, "xapIndent(indent, f);\n");
 if (el->attributes == NULL)
     if (isAtom)
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \" ->\\n\");\n");
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"<%s>\");\n", el->name);
     fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"<%s\");\n", el->name);
     for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next)
 	if (att->required )
-	    fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \" %s=\\\"%%%c\\\"\", obj->%s);\n", att->name, fAttType(att->type), att->name);
+	    fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \" %s=\\\"%%%c\\\"\", obj->%s);\n", att->name, fAttType(att->type), att->mixedCaseName);
 	    if (sameString(att->type, "INT") || sameString(att->type, "FLOAT"))
 		if (positiveOnly)
-		    fprintf(f, "if (obj->%s >= 0)\n    ", att->name);
+		    fprintf(f, "if (obj->%s >= 0)\n    ", att->mixedCaseName);
-	        fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \" %s=\\\"%%%c\\\"\", obj->%s);\n", att->name, fAttType(att->type), att->name);
+	        fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \" %s=\\\"%%%c\\\"\", obj->%s);\n", att->name, fAttType(att->type), att->mixedCaseName);
-		fprintf(f, "if (obj->%s != NULL)\n", att->name);
-		fprintf(f, "    fprintf(f, \" %s=\\\"%%%c\\\"\", obj->%s);\n", att->name, fAttType(att->type), att->name);
+		fprintf(f, "if (obj->%s != NULL)\n", att->mixedCaseName);
+		fprintf(f, "    fprintf(f, \" %s=\\\"%%%c\\\"\", obj->%s);\n", att->name, fAttType(att->type), att->mixedCaseName);
     if (isAtom)
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"/>\\n\");\n");
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \">\");\n");
 if (el->textType != NULL)
     if (sameString(el->textType, "#INT"))
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"%%d\", obj->%s);\n", textField);
     else if (sameString(el->textType, "#FLOAT"))
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"%%f\", obj->%s);\n", textField);
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"%%s\", obj->%s);\n", textField);
 if (isAtom)
 else if (el->children == NULL)
     fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"</%s>\\n\");\n", el->name);
     if (!optKids)
 	fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"\\n\");\n");
     for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next)
 	char *name = ec->el->mixedCaseName;
 	if (ec->copyCode == '*' || ec->copyCode == '+')
 	    fprintf(f, "for (%s = obj->%s; %s != NULL; %s = %s->next)\n", name, name, name, name, name);
 	    fprintf(f, "   {\n");
 	    if (optKids)
 		fprintf(f, "   if (isNode)\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       {\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       fprintf(f, \"\\n\");\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       isNode = FALSE;\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       }\n");
 	    fprintf(f, "   %sSave(%s, indent+2, f);\n", name, name);
 	    fprintf(f, "   }\n");
 	    if (optKids)
 		fprintf(f, "if (obj->%s != NULL)\n", name);
 		fprintf(f, "    {\n");
 		fprintf(f, "    if (isNode)\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       {\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       fprintf(f, \"\\n\");\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       isNode = FALSE;\n");
 		fprintf(f, "       }\n");
 		fprintf(f, "    %sSave(obj->%s, indent+2, f);\n", name, name);
 		fprintf(f, "    }\n");
 		fprintf(f, "%sSave(obj->%s, indent+2, f);\n", name, name);
     if (optKids)
 	fprintf(f, "if (!isNode)\n");
 	fprintf(f, "    xapIndent(indent, f);\n");
 	fprintf(f, "xapIndent(indent, f);\n");
     fprintf(f, "fprintf(f, \"</%s>\\n\");\n", el->name);
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 void freeFunctionBody(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f)
 /* Write out free function body. */
 struct dtdElChild *ec;
 struct dtdAttribute *att;
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "struct %s *obj = *pObj;\n",  el->mixedCaseName);
 /* Declare variables to walk through list if need be. */
 fprintf(f, "if (obj == NULL) return;\n");
 for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next)
     if (!sameString(att->type, "INT") && !sameString(att->type, "FLOAT"))
-	fprintf(f, "freeMem(obj->%s);\n", att->name);
+	fprintf(f, "freeMem(obj->%s);\n", att->mixedCaseName);
 if (el->textType != NULL)
     if (!sameString(el->textType, "#INT") && 
     	!sameString(el->textType, "#FLOAT"))
 	fprintf(f, "freeMem(obj->text);\n");
 for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next)
     char *name = ec->el->mixedCaseName;
     if (ec->copyCode == '*' || ec->copyCode == '+')
 	fprintf(f, "%sFreeList(&obj->%s);\n", name, name);
 	fprintf(f, "%sFree(&obj->%s);\n", name, name);
 fprintf(f, "freez(pObj);\n");
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 void freeListFunctionBody(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f)
 /* Write out free function body. */
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "struct %s *el, *next;\n",  el->mixedCaseName);
 fprintf(f, "for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)\n");
 fprintf(f, "    {\n");
 fprintf(f, "    next = el->next;\n");
 fprintf(f, "    %sFree(&el);\n", el->mixedCaseName);
 fprintf(f, "    el = next;\n");
 fprintf(f, "    }\n");
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 void makeTestDriver(struct dtdElement *rootEl, FILE *f)
 /* Make main routine. */
 char *symName = rootEl->mixedCaseName;
 fprintf(f, "int main(int argc, char *argv[])\n");
 fprintf(f, "/* Test driver for %s routines */\n", prefix);
 fprintf(f, "{\n");
 fprintf(f, "struct %s *obj;\n", symName);
 fprintf(f, "if (argc != 2)\n");
 fprintf(f, "    errAbort(\"Please run again with a xml filename.\");\n");
 fprintf(f, "obj = %sLoad(argv[1]);\n", symName);
 fprintf(f, "%sSave(obj, 0, stdout);\n", symName);
 fprintf(f, "%sFree(&obj);\n", symName);
 fprintf(f, "return 0;\n");
 fprintf(f, "}\n");
 void makeC(struct dtdElement *elList, char *fileName, char *incName)
 /* Produce C code file. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 struct dtdElement *el;
 char incFile[128], incExt[64];
 splitPath(incName, NULL, incFile, incExt);
 fprintf(f, "/* %s.c %s */\n", prefix, fileComment);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "#include \"common.h\"\n");
 fprintf(f, "#include \"xap.h\"\n");
 fprintf(f, "#include \"%s%s\"\n", incFile, incExt);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     freeFunctionPrototype(el, f, "");
     freeFunctionBody(el, f);
     freeListFunctionPrototype(el, f, "");
     freeListFunctionBody(el, f);
     saveFunctionPrototype(el, f, "");
     saveFunctionBody(el, f);
     loadFunctionPrototype(el, f, "");
     loadFunctionBody(el, f);
     loadNextFunctionPrototype(el, f, "");
     loadNextFunctionBody(el, f);
 makeStartHandler(elList, f);
 makeEndHandler(elList, f);
 if (makeMain)
    makeTestDriver(elList, f);
 void autoXml(char *dtdxFile, char *outRoot)
 /* autoXml - Generate structures code and parser for XML file from DTD-like spec. */
 struct dtdElement *elList = NULL;
 struct hash *elHash = NULL;
 char hName[512], cName[512];
 char outDir[256];
 splitPath(outRoot, outDir, prefix, NULL);
 if (cgiVarExists("prefix"))
     strcpy(prefix, cgiString("prefix"));
 if (outDir[0] != 0)
 dtdParse(dtdxFile, prefix, textField, &elList, &elHash);
 printf("Parsed %d elements in %s\n", slCount(elList), dtdxFile);
 sprintf(hName, "%s.h", outRoot);
 makeH(elList, hName);
 sprintf(cName, "%s.c", outRoot);
 makeC(elList, cName, hName);
 printf("Generated code in %s\n", cName);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
 textField = cgiUsualString("textField", textField);
 fileComment = cgiUsualString("comment", fileComment);
 picky = cgiBoolean("picky");
 makeMain = cgiBoolean("main");
 positiveOnly = cgiBoolean("positive");
 if (argc != 3)
 autoXml(argv[1], argv[2]);
 return 0;