e468ad43a5fc6e0416b64b82be6aae47c7411d89 kent Mon Oct 29 17:37:20 2012 -0700 Improving a comment. diff --git src/lib/dtdParse.c src/lib/dtdParse.c index dd86acf..1406adc 100644 --- src/lib/dtdParse.c +++ src/lib/dtdParse.c @@ -1,466 +1,466 @@ /* dtdParse - parse an XML DTD file. Actually this only * parses a relatively simple subset of DTD's. It's still * useful for autoXml and xmlToSql. */ #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "dtdParse.h" static void syntaxError(struct lineFile *lf) /* Report syntax error and exit. */ { errAbort("Syntax error line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); } static char *needNextWord(char **pLine, struct lineFile *lf) /* Get next word in line. Squawk and die if can't find it. */ { char *word = nextWord(pLine); if (word == NULL) errAbort("Missing data line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); return word; } void needQuotedString( char *in, char *out, struct lineFile *lf, char **retNext) /* Grab quoted string starting at in and put it into out. Advance retNext * to just past quoted string. In and out may point to same buffer. */ { if (!parseQuotedString(in, out, retNext)) errAbort("Missing closing quote line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); } static boolean isAllUpper(char *s) /* Return true if all alphabetical letters in string * are upper case. */ { char c; while ((c = *s++) != 0) { if (isalpha(c) && !isupper(c)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static boolean isAllLower(char *s) /* Return true if all alphabetical letters in string * are upper case. */ { char c; while ((c = *s++) != 0) { if (isalpha(c) && !islower(c)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static char *mixedCaseName(char *prefix, char *orig) /* Convert var_like_this or VAR_LIKE_THIS or even - * var-like-this to varLikeThis. */ + * var-like-this or var:likeThis to varLikeThis. */ { char *mixed; char *d, *s = orig; char c; int prefixLen = strlen(prefix), len; boolean nextUpper; boolean allUpper = isAllUpper(orig); boolean allLower = isAllLower(orig); boolean initiallyMixed = (!allUpper && !allLower); /* Allocate string big enough for prefix and all. */ len = strlen(orig) + prefixLen; mixed = d = needMem(len+1); strcpy(d, prefix); d += prefixLen; nextUpper = (prefixLen > 0); for (;;) { c = *s++; if (c == '_' || c == '-' || c == ':') nextUpper = TRUE; else { if (nextUpper) c = toupper(c); else if (!initiallyMixed) c = tolower(c); nextUpper = FALSE; *d++ = c; if (c == 0) break; } } return mixed; } static struct hash *initialEntityHash() /* Make an initial entity hash - one that is just made up * of our built-ins. */ { struct hash *hash = hashNew(0); hashAdd(hash, "INTEGER", cloneString("#INT")); hashAdd(hash, "REAL", cloneString("#FLOAT")); hashAdd(hash, "INT", cloneString("INT")); hashAdd(hash, "FLOAT", cloneString("FLOAT")); return hash; } static struct dtdElement *parseElement( char *prefix, char *textField, char *line, struct hash *elHash, struct lineFile *lf) /* Parse out <!ELEMENT line after <!ELEMENT. */ { char *word, *s, *e; char *words[256]; int wordCount, i; struct dtdElChild *ec; struct dtdElement *el; boolean isOr; char orCopyCode = '?'; word = needNextWord(&line, lf); s = word + strlen(word)-1; if (s[0] == '>') *s = 0; if ((el = hashFindVal(elHash, word)) != NULL) errAbort("Duplicate element %s line %d and %d of %s", word, el->lineIx, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); AllocVar(el); el->lineIx = lf->lineIx; hashAddSaveName(elHash, word, el, &el->name); el->mixedCaseName = mixedCaseName(prefix, el->name); if (line != NULL && (s = strchr(line, '(')) != NULL) { s += 1; if ((e = strchr(line, ')')) == NULL) errAbort("Missing ')' line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); *e = 0; isOr = (strchr(s, '|') != NULL); if (isOr) { orCopyCode = *(e+1); if ((orCopyCode != '+') && (orCopyCode != '*')) orCopyCode = '?'; } wordCount = chopString(s, "| ,\t", words, ArraySize(words)); if (wordCount == ArraySize(words)) errAbort("Too many children in list line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); for (i=0; i<wordCount; ++i) { char *name = words[i]; int len = strlen(name); char lastC = name[len-1]; if (name[0] == '#') { if (isOr) errAbort("# character in enumeration not allowed line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); if (el->textType != NULL) errAbort("Multiple types for text between tags line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); el->textType = cloneString(name); } else { AllocVar(ec); slAddHead(&el->children, ec); ec->isOr = isOr; if (isOr) ec->copyCode = orCopyCode; else { if (lastC == '+' || lastC == '?' || lastC == '*') { ec->copyCode = lastC; name[len-1] = 0; } else ec->copyCode = '1'; } if (sameString(name, textField)) errAbort("Name conflict with default text field name line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); ec->name = cloneString(name); } } slReverse(&el->children); } return el; } static void parseAttribute(char *line, char *textField, struct hash *elHash, struct lineFile *lf) /* Parse out <!ATTLIST line after <!ATTLIST. */ { char *word; struct dtdAttribute *att; struct dtdElement *el; char *e; /* Get rid of trailing '>' */ e = strrchr(line, '>'); if (e == NULL) errAbort("Missing '>' line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); *e = 0; word = needNextWord(&line, lf); if ((el = hashFindVal(elHash, word)) == NULL) errAbort("Undefined %s line %d of %s", word, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); word = needNextWord(&line, lf); if (sameString(word, textField)) errAbort("Name conflict with text field name line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); AllocVar(att); att->name = cloneString(word); att->mixedCaseName = mixedCaseName("", att->name); word = needNextWord(&line, lf); att->type = cloneString(word); line = skipLeadingSpaces(line); if (line[0] == '#') { word = needNextWord(&line, lf); if (sameWord("#REQUIRED", word)) att->required = TRUE; else if (sameWord("#IMPLIED", word)) att->usual = NULL; else errAbort("Unknown directive %s line %d of %s", word, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); } else if (line[0] == '\'' || line[0] == '"') { word = line; needQuotedString(word, word, lf, &line); att->usual = cloneString(word); } else { word = needNextWord(&line, lf); att->usual = cloneString(word); } slAddTail(&el->attributes, att); } void parseEntity(struct hash *entityHash, struct hash *predefEntityHash, char *line, struct lineFile *lf) /* Parse out an entity and add it to hash. We'll dodge our predefined entities. */ { char *percent = needNextWord(&line, lf); char *name = needNextWord(&line, lf); char *value = skipLeadingSpaces(line); if (value[0] != '"') errAbort("Expecting quoted string at end of ENTITY tag line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); needQuotedString(value, value, lf, &line); if (!sameString(percent, "%")) errAbort("Expecting %% after ENTITY tag line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); if (hashLookup(predefEntityHash, name) == NULL) /* We don't want to overwrite the predefined entities. These are all * defined to be #PCDATA or CDATA for the benefit of non-UCSC XML tools. * Internally we map them to #INT/#FLOAT etc. so we can have numbers * as well as strings in our C structures and relational database tables. */ { char *oldVal = hashFindVal(entityHash, name); if (oldVal != NULL) { if (!sameString(oldVal, value)) errAbort("Entity %s redefined line %d of %s", name, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); } else { hashAdd(entityHash, name, cloneString(value)); } } } static void fixupChildRefs(struct dtdElement *elList, struct hash *elHash, char *fileName) /* Go through all of elements children and make sure that the corresponding * elements are defined. */ { struct dtdElement *el, *child; struct dtdElChild *ec; for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next) { for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next) { if ((child = hashFindVal(elHash, ec->name)) == NULL) errAbort("%s's child %s undefined line %d of %s", el->name, ec->name, el->lineIx, fileName); ec->el = child; } } } static char *eatComment(struct lineFile *lf, char *line) /* Eat possibly multi-line comment. Return line past end of comment */ { char *s; for (;;) { if ((s = stringIn("-->", line)) != NULL) { line = skipLeadingSpaces(s+3); if (line[0] == 0) line = NULL; return line; } if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL)) return NULL; } } static void expandEntities(char *s, struct hash *entityHash, struct lineFile *lf, struct dyString *dest) /* Copy s into dest, expanding any entity (something in format %name;) * by looking it up in entity hash. */ { char c; while ((c = *s++) != 0) { if (c == '%' && !isspace(s[0])) { char *name = s; char *end = strchr(s, ';'); char *value; if (end == NULL) errAbort("Can't find ; after %% to close entity line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); *end++ = 0; s = end; value = hashFindVal(entityHash, name); if (value == NULL) errAbort("Entity %%%s; is not defined line %d of %s", name, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); dyStringAppend(dest, value); } else dyStringAppendC(dest, c); } } static char *dtdxTag(struct lineFile *lf, struct hash *entityHash, struct dyString *buf) /* Return next tag. */ { char *line; /* Skip until get a line that starts with '<' */ if (!lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) return NULL; line = trimSpaces(line); if (line[0] != '<') errAbort("Text outside of a tag line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); dyStringClear(buf); for (;;) { expandEntities(line, entityHash, lf, buf); if (buf->string[buf->stringSize-1] == '>') break; dyStringAppendC(buf, ' '); if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL)) errAbort("End of file %s inside of a tag.", lf->fileName); line = trimSpaces(line); } return buf->string; } void dtdParse(char *fileName, char *prefix, char *textField, struct dtdElement **retList, struct hash **retHash) /* Parse out a dtd file into elements that are returned in retList, * and for your convenience also in retHash (which is keyed by the * name of the element. Note that XML element names can include the '-' * character. For this and other reasons in addition to the element * name as it appears in the XML tag, the element has a mixedCaseName * that strips '-' and '_' chars, and tries to convert the name to * a mixed-case convention style name. The prefix if any will be * prepended to mixed-case names. The textField is what to name * the field that contains the letters between tags. By default * (if NULL) it is "text." */ { struct hash *elHash = newHash(8); struct hash *entityHash = initialEntityHash(); struct hash *predefEntityHash = initialEntityHash(); struct dtdElement *elList = NULL, *el; struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *line, *word; struct dyString *buf = dyStringNew(0); if (prefix == NULL) prefix = ""; if (textField == NULL) textField = "text"; while ((line = dtdxTag(lf, entityHash, buf)) != NULL) { line = trimSpaces(line); if (line == NULL || line[0] == 0 || line[0] == '#') continue; if (startsWith("<!--", line)) { line = eatComment(lf, line); if (line == NULL) continue; } if (!startsWith("<!", line)) syntaxError(lf); line += 2; word = needNextWord(&line, lf); if (sameWord("ELEMENT", word)) { el = parseElement(prefix, textField, line, elHash, lf); slAddHead(&elList, el); } else if (sameWord("ATTLIST", word)) { parseAttribute(line, textField, elHash, lf); } else if (sameWord("ENTITY", word)) { parseEntity(entityHash, predefEntityHash, line, lf); } else { errAbort("Don't understand %s line %d of %s", word, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); } } lineFileClose(&lf); dyStringFree(&buf); slReverse(&elList); fixupChildRefs(elList, elHash, fileName); freeHashAndVals(&entityHash); freeHashAndVals(&predefEntityHash); *retHash = elHash; *retList = elList; } void dtdElementDump(struct dtdElement *el, FILE *f) /* Dump info on element. */ { struct dtdElChild *ec; struct dtdAttribute *att; fprintf(f, "%s %s (", el->name, el->mixedCaseName); for (ec = el->children; ec != NULL; ec = ec->next) { fprintf(f, "%s", ec->name); if (ec->copyCode != '1') fprintf(f, "%c", ec->copyCode); if (ec->isOr) fprintf(f, " (isOr)"); if (ec->next != NULL) fprintf(f, ", "); } fprintf(f, ")"); if (el->textType != NULL) fprintf(f, " (%s)", el->textType); fprintf(f, "\n"); for (att = el->attributes; att != NULL; att = att->next) { fprintf(f, " %s %s %s %s\n", att->name, att->type, (att->usual ? att->usual : "n/a"), (att->required ? "required" : "optional")); } }