  Fri Dec 14 15:59:43 2012 -0800
More progress towards substituting in missing monomers.
diff --git src/kehayden/alphaAsm/alphaAsm.c src/kehayden/alphaAsm/alphaAsm.c
index 18084dc..3d44798 100644
--- src/kehayden/alphaAsm/alphaAsm.c
+++ src/kehayden/alphaAsm/alphaAsm.c
@@ -695,96 +695,87 @@
 return refList;
 int monomerRefIx(struct monomerRef *list, struct monomer *monomer)
 /* Return index of monomer in list. */
 int i;
 struct monomerRef *ref;
 for (i=0, ref = list; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next, ++i)
     if (ref->val == monomer)
         return i;
 errAbort("Monomer %s not on list\n", monomer->word);
-return -1;   // ugly
+return -1;
 struct monomerRef *findNeighborhoodFromReads(struct monomer *center)
 /* Find if possible one monomer to either side of center */
 struct slRef *readRef;
 struct monomerRef *before = NULL, *after = NULL;
 /* Loop through reads hoping to find a case where center is flanked by two monomers in
  * same read.   As a fallback, keep track of a monomer before and a monomer after in
  * any read. */
-uglyf("findNeighborhood of %s from %d reads\n", center->word, slCount(center->readList));
 for (readRef = center->readList; readRef != NULL; readRef = readRef->next)
     struct alphaRead *read = readRef->val;
     int readSize = slCount(read->list);
     int centerIx = monomerRefIx(read->list, center);
     if (readSize >= 3 && centerIx > 0 && centerIx < readSize-1)
-         uglyf("  Whoopie found central for %s\n", center->word);
 	 before = slElementFromIx(read->list, centerIx-1);
 	 after = slElementFromIx(read->list, centerIx+1);
     else if (readSize >= 2)
 	 if (centerIx == 0)
-	     {
 	     after = slElementFromIx(read->list, centerIx+1);
-	     uglyf("  read %s, centerIx %d, after %p\n", center->word, centerIx, after);
-	     }
-	     {
 	     before = slElementFromIx(read->list, centerIx-1);
-	     uglyf("  read %s, centerIx %d, before %p\n", center->word, centerIx, before);
-    }
-uglyf("before %p, center %p, after %p\n", before, center, after);
-/* Make up list. */
+/* Make up list from end to start. */
 struct monomerRef *retList = NULL, *monoRef;
 if (after)
     monoRef->val = after->val;
     slAddHead(&retList, monoRef);
 monoRef->val = center;
 slAddHead(&retList, monoRef);
 if (before)
     monoRef->val = before->val;
     slAddHead(&retList, monoRef);
-uglyf("%d in retList\n", slCount(retList));
 return retList;
 void subInMissing(struct alphaStore *store, struct dlList *ll)
 /* Go figure out missing monomers in ll, and attempt to substitute them in somewhere they would fit. */
 struct slRef *unusedList = listUnusedMonomers(store, ll);
-uglyf("%d monomers, %d unused\n", slCount(store->monomerList), slCount(unusedList));
+verbose(2, "%d monomers, %d unused\n", slCount(store->monomerList), slCount(unusedList));
 struct slRef *unusedRef;
 for (unusedRef = unusedList; unusedRef != NULL; unusedRef = unusedRef->next)
     struct monomer *unused = unusedRef->val;
     struct monomerRef *neighborhood = findNeighborhoodFromReads(unused);
     uglyf("%s(%d):", unused->word, slCount(neighborhood));
 	struct monomerRef *monomerRef;
 	for (monomerRef = neighborhood; monomerRef != NULL; monomerRef = monomerRef->next)
 	    struct monomer *monomer = monomerRef->val;
 	    uglyf(" %s", monomer->word);