- UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Best Links
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- This page contains links to useful databases,
- browsers, and tools. The collection is primarily oriented
- toward human and mouse genomes.
- To be included on this page, a tool must be
- web-oriented, allow free access with no registration barriers, be usable
- without installation or scripts, and be bioinformatic in nature.
- There are many internet sites
- that provide good, comprehensive resource lists.
- Google is also an
- excellent resource for searching for bioinformatics tools on the internet.
- Because of the alternative options available, this page is maintained
- but is no
- longer actively updated. The links were last
- validated on 29 June 05. Additions and corrections should
- be sent to
- genome-admin@soe.ucsc.edu.
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- Main Databases |
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-- PubMed -- abstracts for 11 million biomedical articles
- Entrez -- gateway to nucleotide and protein sequences
- LocusLink -- curated sequence and gene descriptions
- PDB -- 3D protein database at RCSB
- SwissProt -- keyword search annotated protein collection
- SRS -- query Swiss sequence retrieval system
- EBI SRS -- query session at EBI sequence retrieval center
- EMBL -- gateway to EMBL sequence and structure databases
- Hovergen -- homologous vertebrate genes database
- HUGE -- unidentified human proteins in KIAA series
- MIPS -- gateway to protein information center in Munich
- OWL -- non-redundant protein sequence database
- PIR -- gateway to PIR protein database and query tools
- ChromList -- lists UniGene clusters by chromosome
- ChromProt -- lists human proteins by chromosome
- KEGG -- Kyoto encyclopedia of pathways and maps
- Taxonomy -- taxonomic classes at NCBI
- TreeLife -- tree of life taxonomy project
- - Hugo -- recommended gene symbols at Genew3
- OMIM 1+
- 2 -- simple and complex searches at OMIM
- Marshfield -- genetic and physical maps at Marshfield
- HGMD Mut -- human gene mutation database at Cardiff
- LocMutations -- locus-specific mutation databases
- Mitomap -- human mitochondrial genome database
- MitoWustl -- mitochondrial genes, mutations and disorders
- MitoP -- mitochondrial genes, proteins and diseases from the Mitochondria Project
- MitoDat -- nuclear genes specifying mitochondrial biogenesis
- - UDB -- integrated human genome map
- UniGene -- query UniGene
- Marker -- search for marker, YACs, contigs
- SNP -- single nucleotide polymorphisms at SNP Consortium
- dbSNP -- search for single nucleotide polymorphisms at NCBI
- WebQTL -- QTL expression databases to explore gene interactions in recombinant inbred mice
- - TransTerm -- sequence context of stop and start codons
- ESTScan -- detects coding regions despite frameshifts and low quality
- RegulonDB -- transcription regulation database for various organisms
- Rebase -- restriction enzyme cleavage sites
- SpliceDB -- canonical and non-canonical splice sites in mammals
- MemTrans -- genomic comparisons of membrane transport systems
- Geneimprint -- imprinted gene database
- Codon -- codon usage database
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- Genome Browsers & "Complete" Genomes |
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-- UCSC Genome Browser -- human genome assembly and track browser at UCSC
- Ensembl -- human genome and disease gene browser at EBI/Sanger
- Map Viewer -- human genome assembly and map viewer at NCBI
- UCSC Table
-Browser -- query human genome and annotation database tables
- euGenes -- five species map browser and 37,049 human gene reports
- Download -- download human genome and install mirror
- VISTA -- portal for all VISTA comparative genomics tools
- VISTA Browser -- whole genome alignment browser (human, mouse, rat, drosophila, etc.)
- GenomeVISTA -- align sequences to genome assemblies (human, mouse, etc.)
- ECR Browser -- visualization
-and study of evolutionary relationships between vertebrate and non-vertebrate
- rVista -- tool for
-finding potential regulatory elements in noncoding regions of the human
- TIGR CMR -- comprehensive microbial resource and genome browser
- - NCBI -- human and animal genome projects at NCBI
- Sanger -- human genome project at Sanger Centre
- Jax -- mouse genomics at Jackson Laboratory
- RatMap -- rat genome database at Goteborg
- Zfin -- zebrafish information network and database project
- Exofish -- genome analysis of Tetraodon nigroviridis
- Flybase -- database of drosophila genomics at Indiana
- BDGP -- fruit fly genomics center at Berkeley
- WormBase -- nematode mapping, sequencing and phenotypic repository
- ACeDB -- genetics and genomics resource launcher
- SGD -- yeast genome database
- TAIR -- the arabidopsis information resource and tool center
- TIGR db -- bacterial genomes at TIGR
- GenTotals -- monitoring tables for genome progress
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- Gene Prediction and Feature Finding |
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-- Acembly/AceView
--- gene models reconstructed solely from mRNA and EST evidence
- Genscan D +
- M -- identification of complete gene structures in genomic DNA
- GenomeScan -- predicts genes incorporating protein homology
- RGD -- comparative mapping tool for rat-mouse-humany synteny
- FGENESH -- splice sites, coding exons, gene models, promoter and polyA
- Softberry -- nucleotide sequence analysis, genes, promoters
- TwinScan -- gene prediction for eukaryotic genomic sequences
- WebGene -- ten tools for analysis of protein-coding gene structure
- GrailEXP -- exons, genes, promoters, polyA, CpG islands at ORNL
- GeneWise2 -- compares protein to genomic with introns and frameshifts
- Genie -- finds
-multi-exon genes only, trained for Drosophila and other invertebrate organisms
- AAT -- analysis and annotation tool for finding genes
- HMMgene -- prediction of vertebrate and nematode genes
- NetGene2 -- neural network predictions of splice sites
- - GeneMark -- gene prediction server at EBI
- GeneID -- gene prediction of selected signals and exons
- Vienna RNA -- seven RNA analysis tools
- - Reverse Comp -- reverse complement of DNA sequence
- McPromoter -- finds eukaryotic RNA polymerase II transcription starts
- PromoterScan -- predicts promoters using homologies with Pol II promoters
- ORF Finder -- open reading frame finder for ORFs of cutoff size
- Emboss -- predict CpG islands and isochores
- UTR -- untranslated regions of eukaryotic mRNAs
- AltSplice -- database of alternate splicing in ESTs and disease genes
- Webcutter -- finds restriction endonuclease sites
- ERR_WISE -- detection of frameshift sequencing errors
- SEQERR -- detection of frameshift error in coding regions
- MutCheck -- transcription and translation effect of mutations
- Sift -- predicts tolerated and untolerated protein substitutions
- - TransFac -- transcription factor database and tool collection
- MatInspector -- searches for transcription factor binding sites
- VarSplice -- collection of annotated splice variants
- TfScan -- scans DNA sequences for transcription factors
- - RepeatMasker -- finds retroposons and repeats
- Censor -- finds repeated elements, Repbase updates, maps
- DotPlot -- dot plot for internal DNA sequence repeats
- PatternHunter -- finds approximate repeat patterns in genomic DNA
- REPuter
- -- genomic repeats of all types to 100kbp
- Tinoco -- suggests secondary structure in RNA or DNA
- RNA_align
- -- aligns two RNA species from secondary and tertiary structures
- REP -- searches proteins for internal repeats
- Radar -- detects and aligns protein repeats
- Repro -- recognizes repeats in a single protein query
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- Protein Tools and Browsers |
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-- UCSC Gene Sorter -- human and other proteins, can be grouped using many criteria
- SwissTools -- large collection of protein tools and databases
- Translate -- translates DNA into 6 frames
- ReverseTrans 1+
- 2 -- reverse-translates protein into DNA
- SAPS -- statistical analysis of protein sequences
- Emboss -- peptide information and statistics
- - Signalp -- predicts signal peptide cleavage sites
- Psort -- protein sorting signals
- TMpred -- predicts transmembrane segments and orientation
- TMHMM -- predicts transmembrane helices
- TopPred2 -- topological prediction of membrane proteins
- TMAP -- predicts membrane proteins from multiple alignment
- PREDATOR -- secondary structure from multiple sequences
- SSCP -- predicts helix, strand and coil from composition
- Jpred -- consensus method for secondary structure prediction
- TOPS -- protein topology atlas and tool collection
- POPS -- Parameter OPtimized surfaces
- - Interpro -- integrated resource of protein families, domains and sites
- Pfam -- alignments and hidden Markov models of protein domains
- SMART -- simple modular architecture research tool
- ProDom -- protein domain database
- ScanProsite -- scans a sequence against PROSITE
- ProfileScan -- scans sequence against profile databases
- FingerPRINTScan -- search tool for Prints motifs
- ppsearch -- pattern search tool for DNA or protein motifs
- HMMER -- profile hidden Markov models for sequence analysis
- SAM -- sequence alignment and modeling system by HMM
- BLOCKS -- aligns ungapped segments of conserved protein regions
- IMPALA -- blast search of BLOCKS conserved protein regions
- BLIMPS -- improved BLOCKS search tool
- Motif -- searches for motifs in query sequence
- FPS -- family pairwise search library of protein families
- SCOP -- structural classification of proteins
- Superfamily -- genome-wide structural classification of proteins
- Pratt -- search for conserved patterns in protein sequences
- CATH -- hierarchical classification of protein domain structures
- MAST -- motif alignment search tool
- MEME -- analyzes protein and DNA for motifs
- TIGRFAMs -- protein families based on hidden Markov models
- - DALI -- coordinates of query compared to PDB database
- 123D -- predicts tertiary structure
- FSSP -- fold classification based on structure
- PredProt -- predicts protein structure
- PredictProt -- threading, secondary, solvent and transmembrane
- Fold -- 3D structures based on homologous sequences
- MaxSprout -- protein backbone and side chains from alpha coordinates
- CE -- finds structural alignments from PDB
- - MSD PQS -- protein quaternary structure query form at EBI
- DIP -- database of interacting proteins
- - ProtFam -- average core structures for families from structure
- SCWRL -- sidechain placement using a rotamer library
- ASC -- analytic surface calculation package
- ProStar -- protein potential site
- - Sweet -- constructs 3D models of oligosaccharides from formula
- GlycoSuiteDB -- curated relational database of glycan structures
- - SwissPdbView -- deep view for manipulation and analysis of PDB structures
- PBD Viewers -- choices of plug-ins and 3D structure viewers
- Kinemages -- interactive 3D protein web display
- RasMol -- molecular visualization resource
- ProtExplorer -- macromolecular viewer related to RasMol
- Chime -- interactive web plug-in for 3D molecular structures
- Morph -- downloadable protein shape morpher
- COMBOSA3D -- combines alignment, protein 3D, and Chime to color
- Boxshade -- pretty shading of multiple alignments
- ProtCol -- tool for coloring proteins, default is by hydrophobicity
- ProtExpl -- protein explorer interactive software
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- Family Specific |
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-- GPCRDB -- G-protein coupled receptor database
- NucleaRDB -- nuclear receptors at UCSF
- NRR1 -- nuclear receptor resource at Georgetown
- HORDE -- human olfactory receptor genes
- ImMunoGeneTics -- vertebrate immunoglobulins (IG), T cell receptors (TR), and major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
- GPCR -- classifies G-protein coupled recepters
- Secator -- classifies any protein family (receptors, tRNA synthetases)
- Merops -- curated database on proteases
- Prion -- annotated prion-doppel gene family
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- Blast, Blat, and Align Sequences |
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-- Blast -- java-free NCBI blast launch
- SIB Blast -- blastp and tBlastn HTGS, UniGene at EMBnet
- WU-Blast -- blast query against user fasta database
- Batch -- batch blast from Baylor
- - Blat -- quick alignment of query to human genome assembly
- HumFin -- blast finished human genome
- Mus 1+
- 2
- -- blast finished mouse genome by chromosome
- Ensembl -- blast human genome project
- Sanger -- blast sequencing center chromosomes
- Traces -- blast against raw new genomic trace reads
- SSAHA -- trace server at Ensembl
- Hunt -- search human novel transcript cDNAs
- - WABA -- genomic to genomic comparisons
- Pipmaker -- percent identity plot alignment of two genomic sequences
- DBA -- aligns two sequences sharing conserved blocks
- Alfresco -- comparative genome sequence analysis
- - ClustalW -- aligns multiple sequences
- MultAlin -- aligns multiple sequences with flexible formatting
- Lalign -- find multiple matching subsegments in two sequences
- Consensus -- calculates consensus to ClustalW alginment
- Fasta3 -- fasta3 alignment of protein sequence
- SNP-Fasta3 -- alignment to HgBase SNP consortium
- MPsrch -- alignment tool with many parameter controls
- ScanPS -- multi-alignment of query protein sequence
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- Tool Collections |
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- EBI,
- -- "Genome Hub" pages
- NCBI -- site map to extensive services
- BCM -- launches numerous nucleotide and protein tools
- CMS -- extensive directory of tools by category
- ABI -- very large French tool compilation
- NAR -- curated tool collection at Nucleic Acid Research
- UCSD -- genome analysis by task area
- Workbench -- unified area for searching and analysis
- EMBL1 -- collection of database searching and tools
- EMBL2 -- various EMBL alignment tools
- UCSF1+2 collections of tool links at UCSF
- MDC -- bioinformatics tools at Delbruck Center
- EBI -- tool and utility collection at EBI
- SDSC -- tools at San Diego Supercomputer Center
- Bork -- ten tool server of Bork lab
- Biocatalog -- bioinformatic software collection
- MIA -- search agent finds macromolecular information
- Phylip -- tools and software for phylogenies
- Phylo -- provides 14 utilties for phylogenetic analysis
- PAML -- -- maximum likelihood of evolutionary parameters and
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- Journals, Alerts, and General Internet |
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-- PubMedJB -- journal browser allows access to current issues
- PubCrawler -- provides alerts to new abstracts at PubMed
- HighWire -- publishes online journals and provides alerts
- - New Issues -- provides entry to 35 genomics jounals
- GenomeBio -- free access to post-genomics journal, pre-print server
- PNAS -- free access to month-old articles in PNAS
- JBC -- nearly free access to most cited journal
- Science -- high circulation general science journal
- Nature -- gateway to restricted spin-off journals
- AmJHumGen -- leading disease gene annotation journal
- Genomics -- genomics articles sometimes stale
- GenomeRes -- genomic research and methods articles
- Pedro -- large journal (and tool) collection
- - OMD -- online medical dictionary
- Google -- best internet search site for web tools
- Lycos -- widely used general search tool
- Yahoo -- internet categories and news
- LangTrans -- useful for rough translations between languages
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