  Fri Feb 15 18:31:21 2013 -0800
changes necessary to support assembly hubs (#8072)
diff --git src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c
index a42d958..cef48b9 100644
--- src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c
+++ src/hg/hgHubConnect/hgHubConnect.c
@@ -63,31 +63,31 @@
     if ( string[len - 1] == ',')
 	string[len - 1]  = 0;
 return string;
 static void printGenomes(struct trackHub *thub)
 /* print supported assembly names from trackHub */
 /* List of associated genomes. */
 struct trackHubGenome *genomes = thub->genomeList;	
 struct dyString *dy = newDyString(100);
 for(; genomes; genomes = genomes->next)
-    dyStringPrintf(dy,"%s,", genomes->name);
+    dyStringPrintf(dy,"%s,", trackHubRemoveHubName(genomes->name));
 ourPrintCell(removeLastComma( dyStringCannibalize(&dy)));
 static void hgHubConnectUnlisted(struct hubConnectStatus *hubList, 
     struct hash *publicHash)
 /* Put up the list of unlisted hubs and other controls for the page. */
 /* uses publicHash to distingusih public hubs from unlisted ones */
 /* NOTE: Destroys hubList */
 // put out the top of our page
 printf("<div id=\"unlistedHubs\" class=\"hubList\"> \n"
     "<table id=\"unlistedHubsTable\"> \n"
     "<thead><tr> \n"
 	"<th colspan=\"6\" id=\"addHubBar\"><label for=\"hubUrl\">URL:</label> \n"
 	"<input name=\"hubText\" id=\"hubUrl\" class=\"hubField\""
@@ -447,31 +447,31 @@
    "<P><B>NOTE: Because Track Hubs are created and maintained by external sources,"
    " UCSC is not responsible for their content.</B></P>"
 getDbAndGenome(cart, &database, &organism, oldVars);
 char *survey = cfgOptionEnv("HGDB_HUB_SURVEY", "hubSurvey");
 char *surveyLabel = cfgOptionEnv("HGDB_HUB_SURVEY_LABEL", "hubSurveyLabel");
 if (survey && differentWord(survey, "off"))
     hPrintf("<span style='background-color:yellow;'><A HREF='%s' TARGET=_BLANK><EM><B>%s</EM></B></A></span>\n", survey, surveyLabel ? surveyLabel : "Take survey");
 // check to see if we have any new hubs
-hubCheckForNew(database, cart);
 // grab all the hubs that are listed in the cart
 struct hubConnectStatus *hubList =  hubConnectStatusListFromCartAll(cart);
 // here's a little form for the add new hub button
 printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"addHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgHubConnect");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar("hubUrl", "");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar(hgHubConnectRemakeTrackHub, "on");
 // this the form for the disconnect hub button
 printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"disconnectHubForm\">\n",  "../cgi-bin/hgHubConnect");
 cgiMakeHiddenVar("hubId", "");