0544059f3df004f2d54e8978809ddfcbdee23645 braney Mon Feb 25 14:36:53 2013 -0800 modify twoBit library to auto-recognize whether it's dealing with a URL or local file (per code review #10237) diff --git src/inc/twoBit.h src/inc/twoBit.h index 24ed823..fc05de6 100644 --- src/inc/twoBit.h +++ src/inc/twoBit.h @@ -106,33 +106,30 @@ struct dnaSeq *twoBitReadSeqFragLower(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *name, int fragStart, int fragEnd); /* Same as twoBitReadSeqFrag, but sequence is returned in lower case. */ struct dnaSeq *twoBitLoadAll(char *spec); /* Return list of all sequences matching spec, which is in * the form: * * file/path/input.2bit[:seqSpec1][,seqSpec2,...] * * where seqSpec is either * seqName * or * seqName:start-end */ -struct slName *twoBitSeqNamesExt(char *fileName, boolean useUdc); -/* Get list of all sequences in twoBit file. */ - struct slName *twoBitSeqNames(char *fileName); /* Get list of all sequences in twoBit file. */ struct twoBit *twoBitFromDnaSeq(struct dnaSeq *seq, boolean doMask); /* Convert dnaSeq representation in memory to twoBit representation. * If doMask is true interpret lower-case letters as masked. */ struct twoBit *twoBitFromFile(char *fileName); /* Get twoBit list of all sequences in twoBit file. */ struct twoBit *twoBitOneFromFile(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *name); /* Get single sequence as two bit. */ void twoBitFree(struct twoBit **pTwoBit); /* Free up a two bit structure. */ @@ -192,19 +189,16 @@ * specified twoBit file. Specifications are one per line in forms: * seqName * or * seqName:start-end */ void twoBitSpecFree(struct twoBitSpec **specPtr); /* free a twoBitSpec object */ void twoBitOutNBeds(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *seqName, FILE *outF); /* output a series of bed3's that enumerate the number of N's in a sequence*/ int twoBitSeqSizeNoNs(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *seqName); /* return the length of the sequence, not counting N's */ -struct twoBitFile *twoBitOpenExt(char *fileName, boolean useUdc); -/* Open file, read in header and index. - * Squawk and die if there is a problem. */ #endif /* TWOBIT_H */