d26bec5e152164d0b3035c41b66353c0efed3de6 angie Mon Feb 25 14:37:56 2013 -0800 Removed outdated comment. diff --git src/lib/annoStreamVcf.c src/lib/annoStreamVcf.c index e0ffee1..2d28e8a 100644 --- src/lib/annoStreamVcf.c +++ src/lib/annoStreamVcf.c @@ -1,143 +1,141 @@ /* annoStreamVcf -- subclass of annoStreamer for VCF files */ #include "annoStreamVcf.h" #include "vcf.h" struct annoStreamVcf { struct annoStreamer streamer; // Parent class members & methods // Private members struct vcfFile *vcff; // VCF parsed header and file object struct vcfRecord *record; // Current parsed row of VCF (need this for chromEnd) char *asWords[VCF_NUM_COLS]; // Current row of VCF with genotypes squashed for autoSql struct dyString *dyGt; // Scratch space for squashing genotype columns int numCols; // Number of columns in autoSql def of VCF. int numFileCols; // Number of columns in VCF file. boolean isTabix; // True if we are accessing compressed VCF via tabix index -//#*** we need a way to pass the VCF header to the VCF formatter. -//#*** streamer getHeader method?? }; static void asvSetRegion(struct annoStreamer *vSelf, char *chrom, uint regionStart, uint regionEnd) /* Set region -- and free current sqlResult if there is one. */ { annoStreamerSetRegion(vSelf, chrom, regionStart, regionEnd); struct annoStreamVcf *self = (struct annoStreamVcf *)vSelf; if (self->isTabix) lineFileSetTabixRegion(self->vcff->lf, chrom, regionStart, regionEnd); else if (chrom != NULL) errAbort("annoStreamVcf: setRegion not yet implemented for non-tabix VCF."); } static char *asvGetHeader(struct annoStreamer *vSelf) /* Return VCF header (e.g. for use by formatter) */ { struct annoStreamVcf *self = (struct annoStreamVcf *)vSelf; return cloneString(self->vcff->headerString); } static char **nextRowUnfiltered(struct annoStreamVcf *self) /* Get the next VCF record and put the row text into autoSql words. * Return pointer to self->asWords if we get a row, otherwise NULL. */ { char *words[self->numFileCols]; int wordCount; if ((wordCount = lineFileChop(self->vcff->lf, words)) <= 0) return NULL; lineFileExpectWords(self->vcff->lf, self->numFileCols, wordCount); int i; // First 8 columns are always in the VCF file: for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { freeMem(self->asWords[i]); self->asWords[i] = cloneString(words[i]); } // Depending on whether VCF contains genotypes, number of file columns may be // smaller or larger than number of autoSql columns: if (self->vcff->genotypeCount > 0) { self->asWords[8] = words[8]; dyStringClear(self->dyGt); for (i = 0; i < self->vcff->genotypeCount; i++) { if (i > 0) dyStringAppendC(self->dyGt, '\t'); dyStringAppend(self->dyGt, words[9+i]); } self->asWords[9] = self->dyGt->string; } else { self->asWords[8] = ""; self->asWords[9] = ""; } self->record = vcfRecordFromRow(self->vcff, words); return self->asWords; } static struct annoRow *asvNextRow(struct annoStreamer *vSelf) /* Return an annoRow encoding the next VCF record, or NULL if there are no more items. */ { struct annoStreamVcf *self = (struct annoStreamVcf *)vSelf; char **words = nextRowUnfiltered(self); if (words == NULL) return NULL; // Skip past any left-join failures until we get a right-join failure, a passing row, or EOF. boolean rightFail = FALSE; while (annoFilterRowFails(vSelf->filters, words, self->numCols, &rightFail)) { if (rightFail) break; words = nextRowUnfiltered(self); if (words == NULL) return NULL; } struct vcfRecord *rec = self->record; return annoRowFromStringArray(rec->chrom, rec->chromStart, rec->chromEnd, rightFail, words, self->numCols); } static void asvClose(struct annoStreamer **pVSelf) /* Close VCF file and free self. */ { if (pVSelf == NULL) return; struct annoStreamVcf *self = *(struct annoStreamVcf **)pVSelf; vcfFileFree(&(self->vcff)); // Don't free self->record -- currently it belongs to vcff's localMem dyStringFree(&(self->dyGt)); annoStreamerFree(pVSelf); } struct annoStreamer *annoStreamVcfNew(char *fileOrUrl, boolean isTabix, int maxRecords) /* Create an annoStreamer (subclass) object from a VCF file, which may * or may not have been compressed and indexed by tabix. */ { int maxErr = -1; // don't errAbort on VCF format warnings/errs struct vcfFile *vcff; if (isTabix) vcff = vcfTabixFileMayOpen(fileOrUrl, NULL, 0, 0, maxErr, maxRecords); else vcff = vcfFileMayOpen(fileOrUrl, maxErr, maxRecords, FALSE); if (vcff == NULL) errAbort("Unable to open VCF: '%s'", fileOrUrl); struct annoStreamVcf *self; AllocVar(self); struct annoStreamer *streamer = &(self->streamer); struct asObject *asObj = vcfAsObj(); annoStreamerInit(streamer, asObj); streamer->rowType = arVcf; streamer->setRegion = asvSetRegion; streamer->getHeader = asvGetHeader; streamer->nextRow = asvNextRow; streamer->close = asvClose; self->vcff = vcff; self->dyGt = dyStringNew(1024); self->isTabix = isTabix; self->numCols = slCount(asObj->columnList); self->numFileCols = 8; if (vcff->genotypeCount > 0) self->numFileCols = 9 + vcff->genotypeCount; return (struct annoStreamer *)self; }