  Fri Feb 15 13:16:22 2013 -0800
Exposing bwgCreate() function at Diane Trout at Caltech's request.
diff --git src/inc/bigWig.h src/inc/bigWig.h
index d6fcb60..f94f6e9 100644
--- src/inc/bigWig.h
+++ src/inc/bigWig.h
@@ -26,30 +26,35 @@
 #ifndef BITS_H
 #include "bits.h"
 void bigWigFileCreate(
 	char *inName, 		/* Input file in ascii wiggle format. */
 	char *chromSizes, 	/* Two column tab-separated file: <chromosome> <size>. */
 	int blockSize,		/* Number of items to bundle in r-tree.  1024 is good. */
 	int itemsPerSlot,	/* Number of items in lowest level of tree.  512 is good. */
 	boolean clipDontDie,	/* If TRUE then clip items off end of chrom rather than dying. */
 	boolean compress,	/* If TRUE then compress data. */
 	char *outName);
 /* Convert ascii format wig file (in fixedStep, variableStep or bedGraph format) 
  * to binary big wig format. */
+void bwgCreate(struct bwgSection *sectionList, struct hash *chromSizeHash, 
+	int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, boolean doCompress, char *fileName);
+/* Create a bigWig file out of a sorted sectionList.  A lower level routine
+ * than the one above. */
 struct bbiFile *bigWigFileOpen(char *fileName);
 /* Open up big wig file.   Free this up with bbiFileClose */
 #define bigWigFileClose(a) bbiFileClose(a)
 struct bbiInterval *bigWigIntervalQuery(struct bbiFile *bwf, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,
 	struct lm *lm);
 /* Get data for interval.  Return list allocated out of lm. */
 int bigWigIntervalDump(struct bbiFile *bwf, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end, int maxCount,
 	FILE *out);
 /* Print out info on bigWig parts that intersect chrom:start-end.   Set maxCount to 0 if you 
  * don't care how many are printed.  Returns number printed. */
 boolean bigWigSummaryArray(struct bbiFile *bwf, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,