  Thu Feb 28 00:45:09 2013 -0800
Making a lot of the arithmetic 64-bit so that it doesn't overflow on files with lots of items.
diff --git src/lib/bPlusTree.c src/lib/bPlusTree.c
index c017b2d..7d286d5 100644
--- src/lib/bPlusTree.c
+++ src/lib/bPlusTree.c
@@ -393,108 +393,111 @@
 return rTraverse(bpt, bpt->rootOffset, context, callback);
 /* This section of code deals with making balanced b+ trees given a sorted array as input.
  * The difficult part is mostly just calculating the offsets of various things.  As an example
  * if you had the sorted array:
  *   01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
  * and wanted to create a tree of block size 4, the resulting tree would have three levels
  * as so:
  *  01 17
  *  01 05 09 13   17 21 25
  *  01 02 03 04   05 06 07 08  09 10 11 12   13 14 15 16   17 18 19 20   21 22 23 24  25 26 27
-static int xToY(int x, unsigned y)
+static long xToY(int x, unsigned y)
 /* Return x to the Y power, with y usually small. */
-int i, val = 1;
+long i, val = 1;
 for (i=0; i<y; ++i)
     val *= x;
 return val;
 static int bptCountLevels(int maxBlockSize, int itemCount)
 /* Count up number of levels needed in tree of given maximum block size. */
 int levels = 1;
 while (itemCount > maxBlockSize)
     itemCount = (itemCount + maxBlockSize - 1)  / maxBlockSize;
     levels += 1;
 return levels;
 static bits32 writeIndexLevel(bits16 blockSize, 
-	void *itemArray, int itemSize, int itemCount, 
+	void *itemArray, int itemSize, long itemCount, 
 	bits32 indexOffset, int level, 
 	void (*fetchKey)(const void *va, char *keyBuf), bits32 keySize, bits32 valSize,
 	FILE *f)
 /* Write out a non-leaf level. */
 char *items = itemArray;
 /* Calculate number of nodes to write at this level. */
-int slotSizePer = xToY(blockSize, level);   // Number of items per slot in node
-int nodeSizePer = slotSizePer * blockSize;  // Number of items per node
-int nodeCount = (itemCount + nodeSizePer - 1)/nodeSizePer;	
+long slotSizePer = xToY(blockSize, level);   // Number of items per slot in node
+long nodeSizePer = slotSizePer * blockSize;  // Number of items per node
+long nodeCount = (itemCount + nodeSizePer - 1)/nodeSizePer;	
 /* Calculate sizes and offsets. */
-int bytesInIndexBlock = (bptBlockHeaderSize + blockSize * (keySize+sizeof(bits64)));
-int bytesInLeafBlock = (bptBlockHeaderSize + blockSize * (keySize+valSize));
+long bytesInIndexBlock = (bptBlockHeaderSize + blockSize * (keySize+sizeof(bits64)));
+long bytesInLeafBlock = (bptBlockHeaderSize + blockSize * (keySize+valSize));
 bits64 bytesInNextLevelBlock = (level == 1 ? bytesInLeafBlock : bytesInIndexBlock);
 bits64 levelSize = nodeCount * bytesInIndexBlock;
 bits64 endLevel = indexOffset + levelSize;
 bits64 nextChild = endLevel;
 UBYTE isLeaf = FALSE;
 UBYTE reserved = 0;
-int i,j;
+long i,j;
 char keyBuf[keySize+1];
 keyBuf[keySize] = 0;
 for (i=0; i<itemCount; i += nodeSizePer)
     /* Calculate size of this block */
-    bits16 countOne = (itemCount - i + slotSizePer - 1)/slotSizePer;
+    long countOne = (itemCount - i + slotSizePer - 1)/slotSizePer;
     if (countOne > blockSize)
         countOne = blockSize;
+    bits16 shortCountOne = countOne;
     /* Write block header. */
     writeOne(f, isLeaf);
     writeOne(f, reserved);
-    writeOne(f, countOne);
+    writeOne(f, shortCountOne);
     /* Write out the slots that are used one by one, and do sanity check. */
     int slotsUsed = 0;
-    int endIx = i + nodeSizePer;
+    long endIx = i + nodeSizePer;
     if (endIx > itemCount)
         endIx = itemCount;
     for (j=i; j<endIx; j += slotSizePer)
 	void *item = items + j*itemSize;
 	memset(keyBuf, 0, keySize);
 	(*fetchKey)(item, keyBuf);
 	mustWrite(f, keyBuf, keySize);
 	writeOne(f, nextChild);
 	nextChild += bytesInNextLevelBlock;
-    assert(slotsUsed == countOne);
+    assert(slotsUsed == shortCountOne);
     /* Write out empty slots as all zero. */
     int slotSize = keySize + sizeof(bits64);
     for (j=countOne; j<blockSize; ++j)
 	repeatCharOut(f, 0, slotSize);
 return endLevel;
 static void writeLeafLevel(bits16 blockSize, void *itemArray, int itemSize, int itemCount, 
 	void (*fetchKey)(const void *va, char *keyBuf), bits32 keySize,
 	void* (*fetchVal)(const void *va), bits32 valSize,
 	FILE *f)
 /* Write out leaf level blocks. */