  Wed Feb 27 10:39:02 2013 -0800
Moving general purpose routines from bigBedNamedItems to appropriate library.
diff --git src/lib/bigBed.c src/lib/bigBed.c
index 480e797..246690c 100644
--- src/lib/bigBed.c
+++ src/lib/bigBed.c
@@ -190,30 +190,194 @@
 	summarySize, summary);
 boolean bigBedSummaryArray(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,
 	enum bbiSummaryType summaryType, int summarySize, double *summaryValues)
 /* Fill in summaryValues with  data from indicated chromosome range in bigBed file.
  * Be sure to initialize summaryValues to a default value, which will not be touched
  * for regions without data in file.  (Generally you want the default value to either
  * be 0.0 or nan("") depending on the application.)  Returns FALSE if no data
  * at that position. */
 return bbiSummaryArray(bbi, chrom, start, end, bigBedCoverageIntervals,
 	summaryType, summarySize, summaryValues);
+void bigBedAttachNameIndex(struct bbiFile *bbi)
+/* Attach name index part of bbiFile to bbi */
+if (bbi->nameBpt == NULL)
+    {
+    if (bbi->nameIndexOffset == 0)
+	errAbort("%s has no name index", bbi->fileName);
+    udcSeek(bbi->udc, bbi->nameIndexOffset);
+    bbi->nameBpt = bptFileAttach(bbi->fileName, bbi->udc);
+    }
+struct offsetSize 
+/* Simple file offset and file size. */
+    {
+    bits64 offset; 
+    bits64 size;
+    };
+static int cmpOffsetSizeRef(const void *va, const void *vb)
+/* Compare to sort slRef pointing to offsetSize.  Sort is kind of hokey,
+ * but guarantees all items that are the same will be next to each other
+ * at least, which is all we care about. */
+const struct slRef *a = *((struct slRef **)va);
+const struct slRef *b = *((struct slRef **)vb);
+return memcmp(a->val, b->val, sizeof(struct offsetSize));
+static struct fileOffsetSize *bigBedChunksMatchingName(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *name)
+/* Get list of file chunks that match name.  Can slFreeList this when done. */
+struct slRef *blockList = bptFileFindMultiple(bbi->nameBpt, name, strlen(name), sizeof(struct offsetSize));
+slSort(&blockList, cmpOffsetSizeRef);
+struct fileOffsetSize *fosList = NULL, *fos;
+struct offsetSize lastOffsetSize = {0,0};
+struct slRef *blockRef;
+for (blockRef = blockList; blockRef != NULL; blockRef = blockRef->next)
+    {
+    if (memcmp(&lastOffsetSize, blockRef->val, sizeof(lastOffsetSize)) != 0)
+        {
+	memcpy(&lastOffsetSize, blockRef->val, sizeof(lastOffsetSize));
+	AllocVar(fos);
+	if (bbi->isSwapped)
+	    {
+	    fos->offset = byteSwap64(lastOffsetSize.offset);
+	    fos->size = byteSwap64(lastOffsetSize.size);
+	    }
+	else
+	    {
+	    fos->offset = lastOffsetSize.offset;
+	    fos->size = lastOffsetSize.size;
+	    }
+	slAddHead(&fosList, fos);
+	}
+    }
+return fosList;
+struct bigBedInterval *bigBedNameQuery(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *name, struct lm *lm)
+/* Return list of intervals matching file. These intervals will be allocated out of lm. */
+boolean isSwapped = bbi->isSwapped;
+struct fileOffsetSize *fos, *fosList = bigBedChunksMatchingName(bbi, name);
+struct bigBedInterval *interval, *intervalList = NULL;
+for (fos = fosList; fos != NULL; fos = fos->next)
+    {
+    /* Read in raw data */
+    udcSeek(bbi->udc, fos->offset);
+    char *rawData = needLargeMem(fos->size);
+    udcRead(bbi->udc, rawData, fos->size);
+    /* Optionally uncompress data, and set data pointer to uncompressed version. */
+    char *uncompressedData = NULL;
+    char *data = NULL;
+    int dataSize = 0;
+    if (bbi->uncompressBufSize > 0)
+	{
+	data = uncompressedData = needLargeMem(bbi->uncompressBufSize);
+	dataSize = zUncompress(rawData, fos->size, uncompressedData, bbi->uncompressBufSize);
+	}
+    else
+	{
+        data = rawData;
+	dataSize = fos->size;
+	}
+    /* Set up for "memRead" routines to more or less treat memory block like file */
+    char *blockPt = data, *blockEnd = data + dataSize;
+    struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(32); // Keep bits outside of chrom/start/end here
+    /* Read next record into local variables. */
+    while (blockPt < blockEnd)
+	{
+	bits32 chromIx = memReadBits32(&blockPt, isSwapped);
+	bits32 s = memReadBits32(&blockPt, isSwapped);
+	bits32 e = memReadBits32(&blockPt, isSwapped);
+	int c;
+	dyStringClear(dy);
+	while ((c = *blockPt++) >= 0)
+	    {
+	    if (c == 0)
+		break;
+	    dyStringAppendC(dy, c);
+	    }
+	if (startsWithWordByDelimiter(name, '\t', dy->string))
+	    {
+	    lmAllocVar(lm, interval);
+	    interval->start = s;
+	    interval->end = e;
+	    interval->rest = cloneString(dy->string);
+	    interval->chromId = chromIx;
+	    slAddHead(&intervalList, interval);
+	    }
+	}
+    /* Clean up temporary buffers. */
+    dyStringFree(&dy);
+    freez(&uncompressedData);
+    freez(&rawData);
+    }
+return intervalList;
+void bigBedIntervalListToBedFile(struct bbiFile *bbi, struct bigBedInterval *intervalList, FILE *f)
+/* Write out big bed interval list to bed file, looking up chromosome. */
+char chromName[bbi->chromBpt->keySize+1];
+int lastChromId = -1;
+struct bigBedInterval *interval;
+for (interval = intervalList; interval != NULL; interval = interval->next)
+    {
+    bbiCachedChromLookup(bbi, interval->chromId, lastChromId, chromName, sizeof(chromName));
+    lastChromId = interval->chromId;
+    fprintf(f, "%s\t%u\t%u\t%s\n", chromName, interval->start, interval->end, interval->rest);
+    }
+int bigBedIntervalToRowLookupChrom(struct bigBedInterval *interval, 
+    struct bigBedInterval *prevInterval, struct bbiFile *bbi,
+    char *chromBuf, int chromBufSize, char *startBuf, char *endBuf, char **row, int rowSize)
+/* Convert bigBedInterval to array of chars equivalend to what you'd get by parsing the
+ * bed file.  If you already know what chromosome the interval is on use the simpler
+ * bigBedIntervalToRow.  This one will look up the chromosome based on the chromId field
+ * of the interval,  which is relatively time consuming.  To avoid doing this unnecessarily
+ * pass in a non-NULL prevInterval,  and if the chromId is the same on prevInterval as this,
+ * it will avoid the lookup.  The chromBufSize should be at greater or equal to 
+ * bbi->chromBpt->keySize+1. The startBuf and endBuf are used to hold the ascii representation of
+ * start and end, and should be 16 bytes.  Note that the interval->rest string will have zeroes 
+ * inserted as a side effect.  Returns number of fields in row.  */
+int lastChromId = (prevInterval == NULL ? -1 : prevInterval->chromId);
+bbiCachedChromLookup(bbi, interval->chromId, lastChromId, chromBuf, chromBufSize);
+return bigBedIntervalToRow(interval, chromBuf, startBuf, endBuf, row, rowSize);
 char *bigBedAutoSqlText(struct bbiFile *bbi)
 /* Get autoSql text if any associated with file.  Do a freeMem of this when done. */
 if (bbi->asOffset == 0)
     return NULL;
 struct udcFile *f = bbi->udc;
 udcSeek(f, bbi->asOffset);
 return udcReadStringAndZero(f);
 struct asObject *bigBedAs(struct bbiFile *bbi)
 /* Get autoSql object definition if any associated with file. */
 if (bbi->asOffset == 0)
     return NULL;