cb217f20b4a701edfa88f4db623266a9bf25202e kent Mon Mar 4 22:58:07 2013 -0800 Some more steps towards supporting multiple extra indexes in bigBed files. diff --git src/inc/bbiFile.h src/inc/bbiFile.h index 22d585a..fbbc150 100644 --- src/inc/bbiFile.h +++ src/inc/bbiFile.h @@ -1,392 +1,411 @@ /* bbiFile - Big Binary Indexed file. Stuff that's common between bigWig and bigBed. */ #ifndef BBIFILE_H #define BBIFILE_H #include "cirTree.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "localmem.h" /* bigWig/bigBed file structure: * fixedWidthHeader * magic# 4 bytes * version 2 bytes * zoomLevels 2 bytes * chromosomeTreeOffset 8 bytes * fullDataOffset 8 bytes * fullIndexOffset 8 bytes * fieldCount 2 bytes (for bigWig 0) * definedFieldCount 2 bytes (for bigWig 0) * autoSqlOffset 8 bytes (for bigWig 0) (0 if no autoSql information) * totalSummaryOffset 8 bytes (0 in earlier versions of file lacking totalSummary) * uncompressBufSize 4 bytes (Size of uncompression buffer. 0 if uncompressed.) * extensionOffset 8 bytes (Offset to header extension 0 if no such extension) * zoomHeaders there are zoomLevels number of these * reductionLevel 4 bytes * reserved 4 bytes * dataOffset 8 bytes * indexOffset 8 bytes * autoSql string (zero terminated - only present if autoSqlOffset non-zero) * totalSummary - summary of all data in file - only present if totalSummaryOffset non-zero * basesCovered 8 bytes * minVal 8 bytes float (for bigBed minimum depth of coverage) * maxVal 8 bytes float (for bigBed maximum depth of coverage) * sumData 8 bytes float (for bigBed sum of coverage) * sumSquared 8 bytes float (for bigBed sum of coverage squared) * extendedHeader * extensionSize 2 size of extended header in bytes - currently 64 * extraIndexCount 2 number of extra fields we will be indexing - * extraIndexOffset 8 Offset to list of non-chrom/start/end indexes + * extraIndexListOffset 8 Offset to list of non-chrom/start/end indexes * reserved 48 All zeroes for now * extraIndexList - one of these for each extraIndex * type 2 Type of index. Always 0 for bPlusTree now * fieldCount 2 Number of fields used in this index. Always 1 for now * reserved 12 All zeroes for now * fieldList - one of these for each field being used in _this_ index * fieldId 2 index of field within record * reserved 2 All zeroes for now * chromosome b+ tree bPlusTree index * full data * sectionCount 8 bytes (item count for bigBeds) * section data section count sections, of three types (bed data for bigBeds) * full index cirTree index * zoom info one of these for each zoom level * zoom data * zoomCount 4 bytes * zoom data there are zoomCount of these items * chromId 4 bytes * chromStart 4 bytes * chromEnd 4 bytes * validCount 4 bytes * minVal 4 bytes float * maxVal 4 bytes float * sumData 4 bytes float * sumSquares 4 bytes float * zoom index cirTree index * extraIndexes [optional] bPlusTreeIndex for each extra field that is indexed * magic# 4 bytes - same as magic number at start of header */ #ifndef CIRTREE_H #include "cirTree.h" #endif #define bbiCurrentVersion 4 /* Version history (of file format, not utilities - corresponds to version field in header) * 1 - Initial release * 1 - Unfortunately when attempting a transparent change to encoders, made the sectionCount * field inconsistent, sometimes not present, sometimes 32 bits. Since offset positions * in index were still accurate this did not break most applications, but it did show * up in the summary section of the Table Browser. * 2 - Made sectionCount consistently 64 bits. Also fixed missing zoomCount in first level of * zoom in files made by bedToBigBed and bedGraphToBigWig. (The older wigToBigWig was fine.) * Added totalSummary section. * 3 - Adding zlib compression. Only active if uncompressBufSize is non-zero in header. * 4 - Fixed problem in encoder for the max field in zoom levels higher than the first one. * Added an extra sig at end of file. */ struct bbiZoomLevel /* A zoom level in bigWig file. */ { struct bbiZoomLevel *next; /* Next in list. */ bits32 reductionLevel; /* How many bases per item */ bits32 reserved; /* Zero for now. */ bits64 dataOffset; /* Offset of data for this level in file. */ bits64 indexOffset; /* Offset of index for this level in file. */ }; struct bbiZoomLevel *bbiBestZoom(struct bbiZoomLevel *levelList, int desiredReduction); /* Return zoom level that is the closest one that is less than or equal to * desiredReduction. */ struct bbiFile /* An open bbiFile */ { struct bbiFile *next; /* Next in list. */ char *fileName; /* Name of file - for better error reporting. */ struct udcFile *udc; /* Open UDC file handle. */ bits32 typeSig; /* bigBedSig or bigWigSig for now. */ boolean isSwapped; /* If TRUE need to byte swap everything. */ struct bptFile *chromBpt; /* Index of chromosomes. */ bits16 version; /* Version number - initially 1. */ bits16 zoomLevels; /* Number of zoom levels. */ bits64 chromTreeOffset; /* Offset to chromosome index. */ bits64 unzoomedDataOffset; /* Start of unzoomed data. */ bits64 unzoomedIndexOffset; /* Start of unzoomed index. */ bits16 fieldCount; /* Number of columns in bed version. */ bits16 definedFieldCount; /* Number of columns using bed standard definitions. */ bits64 asOffset; /* Offset to embedded null-terminated AutoSQL file. */ - bits64 totalSummaryOffset; /* Offset to total summary information if any. (On older files have to calculate) */ + bits64 totalSummaryOffset; /* Offset to total summary information if any. + (On older files have to calculate) */ bits32 uncompressBufSize; /* Size of uncompression buffer, 0 if uncompressed */ - bits64 nameIndexOffset; /* Start of name index or zero if none. */ + bits64 extensionOffset; /* Start of header extension block or 0 if none. */ struct cirTreeFile *unzoomedCir; /* Unzoomed data index in memory - may be NULL. */ struct bbiZoomLevel *levelList; /* List of zoom levels. */ - struct bptFile *nameBpt; /* Index of names, may be NULL */ + + /* Fields based on extension block. */ + bits16 extensionSize; /* Size of extension block */ + bits16 extraIndexCount; /* Number of extra indexes (on fields other than chrom,start,end */ + bits64 extraIndexListOffset; /* Offset to list of extra indexes */ + + struct bptFile *nameBpt; /* Index of names, may be NULL */ // uglyf - remove }; struct bbiFile *bbiFileOpen(char *fileName, bits32 sig, char *typeName); /* Open up big wig or big bed file. */ void bbiFileClose(struct bbiFile **pBwf); /* Close down a big wig/big bed file. */ struct fileOffsetSize *bbiOverlappingBlocks(struct bbiFile *bbi, struct cirTreeFile *ctf, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end, bits32 *retChromId); /* Fetch list of file blocks that contain items overlapping chromosome range. */ struct bbiChromIdSize /* We store an id/size pair in chromBpt bPlusTree */ { bits32 chromId; /* Chromosome ID */ bits32 chromSize; /* Chromosome Size */ }; struct bbiChromInfo /* Pair of a name and a 32-bit integer. Used to assign IDs to chromosomes. */ { struct bbiChromInfo *next; char *name; /* Chromosome name */ bits32 id; /* Chromosome ID - a small number usually */ bits32 size; /* Chromosome size in bases */ }; struct bbiChromInfo *bbiChromList(struct bbiFile *bbi); /* Return all chromosomes in file. Dispose of this with bbiChromInfoFreeList. */ void bbiChromInfoFreeList(struct bbiChromInfo **pList); /* Free a list of bbiChromInfo's */ bits32 bbiChromSize(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom); /* Returns size of given chromosome. */ void bbiChromInfoKey(const void *va, char *keyBuf); /* Get key field out of bbiChromInfo. */ void *bbiChromInfoVal(const void *va); /* Get val field out of bbiChromInfo. */ char *bbiCachedChromLookup(struct bbiFile *bbi, int chromId, int lastChromId, char *chromBuf, int chromBufSize); /* Return chromosome name corresponding to chromId. Because this is a bit expensive, * if you are doing this repeatedly pass in the chromId used in the previous call to * this in lastChromId, which will save it from doing the lookup again on the same * chromosome. Pass in -1 to lastChromId if this is the first time or if you can't be * bothered. The chromBufSize should be at greater or equal to bbi->keySize+1. */ struct bbiChromUsage /* Information on how many items per chromosome etc. Used by multipass bbiFile writers. */ { struct bbiChromUsage *next; char *name; /* chromosome name. */ bits32 itemCount; /* Number of items for this chromosome. */ bits32 id; /* Unique ID for chromosome. */ bits32 size; /* Size of chromosome. */ }; enum bbiSummaryType /* Way to summarize data. */ { bbiSumMean = 0, /* Average value */ bbiSumMax = 1, /* Maximum value */ bbiSumMin = 2, /* Minimum value */ bbiSumCoverage = 3, /* Bases in region containing actual data. */ bbiSumStandardDeviation = 4, /* Standard deviation in window. */ }; enum bbiSummaryType bbiSummaryTypeFromString(char *string); /* Return summary type given a descriptive string. */ char *bbiSummaryTypeToString(enum bbiSummaryType type); /* Convert summary type from enum to string representation. */ struct bbiSummary /* A summary type item. */ { struct bbiSummary *next; bits32 chromId; /* ID of associated chromosome. */ bits32 start,end; /* Range of chromosome covered. */ bits32 validCount; /* Count of (bases) with actual data. */ float minVal; /* Minimum value of items */ float maxVal; /* Maximum value of items */ float sumData; /* sum of values for each base. */ float sumSquares; /* sum of squares for each base. */ bits64 fileOffset; /* Offset of summary in file. */ }; #define bbiSummaryFreeList slFreeList struct bbiSummaryOnDisk /* The part of the summary that ends up on disk - in the same order written to disk. */ { bits32 chromId; /* ID of associated chromosome. */ bits32 start,end; /* Range of chromosome covered. */ bits32 validCount; /* Count of (bases) with actual data. */ float minVal; /* Minimum value of items */ float maxVal; /* Maximum value of items */ float sumData; /* sum of values for each base. */ float sumSquares; /* sum of squares for each base. */ }; struct bbiInterval /* Data on a single interval. */ { struct bbiInterval *next; /* Next in list. */ bits32 start, end; /* Position in chromosome, half open. */ double val; /* Value at that position. */ }; typedef struct bbiInterval *(*BbiFetchIntervals)(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end, struct lm *lm); /* A callback function that returns a bbiInterval list. */ void bbiAttachUnzoomedCir(struct bbiFile *bbi); /* Make sure unzoomed cir is attached. */ struct bbiSummaryElement /* An element of a summary from the user side. */ { bits64 validCount; /* Count of (bases) with actual data. */ double minVal; /* Minimum value of items */ double maxVal; /* Maximum value of items */ double sumData; /* sum of values for each base. */ double sumSquares; /* sum of squares for each base. */ }; boolean bbiSummaryArrayExtended(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end, BbiFetchIntervals fetchIntervals, int summarySize, struct bbiSummaryElement *summary); /* Fill in summary with data from indicated chromosome range in bigWig/bigBed file. * Returns FALSE if no data at that position. */ boolean bbiSummaryArray(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end, BbiFetchIntervals fetchIntervals, enum bbiSummaryType summaryType, int summarySize, double *summaryValues); /* Fill in summaryValues with data from indicated chromosome range in bigWig file. * Be sure to initialize summaryValues to a default value, which will not be touched * for regions without data in file. (Generally you want the default value to either * be 0.0 or nan("") depending on the application.) Returns FALSE if no data * at that position. */ struct bbiSummaryElement bbiTotalSummary(struct bbiFile *bbi); /* Return summary of entire file! */ /****** Write side of things - implemented in bbiWrite.c ********/ struct bbiBoundsArray /* Minimum info needed for r-tree indexer - where a section lives on disk and the * range it covers. */ { bits64 offset; /* Offset within file. */ struct cirTreeRange range; /* What is covered. */ }; struct cirTreeRange bbiBoundsArrayFetchKey(const void *va, void *context); /* Fetch bbiBoundsArray key for r-tree */ bits64 bbiBoundsArrayFetchOffset(const void *va, void *context); /* Fetch bbiBoundsArray file offset for r-tree */ struct bbiSumOutStream /* Buffer output to file so have a chance to compress. */ { struct bbiSummaryOnDisk *array; int elCount; int allocCount; FILE *f; boolean doCompress; }; struct bbiSumOutStream *bbiSumOutStreamOpen(int allocCount, FILE *f, boolean doCompress); /* Open new bbiSumOutStream. */ void bbiSumOutStreamClose(struct bbiSumOutStream **pStream); /* Free up bbiSumOutStream */ void bbiSumOutStreamWrite(struct bbiSumOutStream *stream, struct bbiSummary *sum); /* Write out next one to stream. */ void bbiOutputOneSummaryFurtherReduce(struct bbiSummary *sum, struct bbiSummary **pTwiceReducedList, int doubleReductionSize, struct bbiBoundsArray **pBoundsPt, struct bbiBoundsArray *boundsEnd, bits32 chromSize, struct lm *lm, struct bbiSumOutStream *stream); /* Write out sum to file, keeping track of minimal info on it in *pBoundsPt, and also adding * it to second level summary. */ struct bbiSummary *bbiSummarySimpleReduce(struct bbiSummary *list, int reduction, struct lm *lm); /* Do a simple reduction - where among other things the reduction level is an integral * multiple of the previous reduction level, and the list is sorted. Allocate result out of lm. */ #define bbiMaxZoomLevels 10 /* Maximum zoom levels produced by writers. */ void bbiWriteDummyHeader(FILE *f); /* Write out all-zero header, just to reserve space for it. */ void bbiWriteDummyZooms(FILE *f); /* Write out zeroes to reserve space for ten zoom levels. */ void bbiSummaryElementWrite(FILE *f, struct bbiSummaryElement *sum); /* Write out summary element to file. */ void bbiWriteChromInfo(struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, int blockSize, FILE *f); /* Write out information on chromosomes to file. */ void bbiWriteFloat(FILE *f, float val); /* Write out floating point val to file. Mostly to convert from double... */ struct hash *bbiChromSizesFromFile(char *fileName); /* Read two column file into hash keyed by chrom. */ bits64 bbiTotalSummarySize(struct bbiSummary *list); /* Return size on disk of all summaries. */ void bbiChromUsageFree(struct bbiChromUsage **pUsage); /* free a single bbiChromUsage structure */ void bbiChromUsageFreeList(struct bbiChromUsage **pList); /* free a list of bbiChromUsage structures */ +struct bbExIndexMaker +/* A helper structure to make indexes beyond primary one */ + { + bits16 indexCount; /* Number of extra indexes. */ + /* Kind of wish next four fields, all of which are arrays indexed + * by the same thing, were a single array of a structure instead. */ + bits16 *indexFields; /* array of field ids, one for each extra index. */ + int *maxFieldSize; /* array of maximum sizes seen for this field. */ + struct bbNamedFileChunk **chunkArrayArray; /* where we keep name/start/size triples */ + bits64 *fileOffsets; /* array of file offsets where indexes starts. */ + int recordCount; /* number of records in file. */ + }; struct bbiChromUsage *bbiChromUsageFromBedFile(struct lineFile *lf, struct hash *chromSizesHash, struct bbExIndexMaker *eim, int *retMinDiff, double *retAveSize, bits64 *retBedCount); /* Go through bed file and collect chromosomes and statistics. If eim parameter is non-NULL * collect max field sizes there too. */ int bbiCountSectionsNeeded(struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, int itemsPerSlot); /* Count up number of sections needed for data. */ void bbiAddToSummary(bits32 chromId, bits32 chromSize, bits32 start, bits32 end, bits32 validCount, double minVal, double maxVal, double sumData, double sumSquares, int reduction, struct bbiSummary **pOutList); /* Add data range to summary - putting it onto top of list if possible, otherwise * expanding list. */ void bbiAddRangeToSummary(bits32 chromId, bits32 chromSize, bits32 start, bits32 end, double val, int reduction, struct bbiSummary **pOutList); /* Add chromosome range to summary - putting it onto top of list if possible, otherwise * expanding list. */ struct bbiSummary *bbiReduceSummaryList(struct bbiSummary *inList, struct bbiChromInfo *chromInfoArray, int reduction); /* Reduce summary list to another summary list. */ bits64 bbiWriteSummaryAndIndex(struct bbiSummary *summaryList, int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, boolean doCompress, FILE *f); /* Write out summary and index to summary, returning start position of * summary index. */ boolean bbiFileCheckSigs(char *fileName, bits32 sig, char *typeName); /* check file signatures at beginning and end of file */ time_t bbiUpdateTime(struct bbiFile *bbi); /* return bbi->udc->updateTime */ struct bbiSummary *bbiSummariesInRegion(struct bbiZoomLevel *zoom, struct bbiFile *bbi, int chromId, bits32 start, bits32 end); /* Return list of all summaries in region at given zoom level of bbiFile. */ #endif /* BBIFILE_H */