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- 11 February 2013 -
- Denisova tracks released on hg19 browser
+ 05 March 2013
+ - dbSNP 137 Available for mm10
- In conjunction with the publication of the paper by Meyer et al.
- A High-Coverage Genome Sequence from an Archaic Denisovan Individual
- the UCSC Genome Browser is hosting a set of new tracks. Briefly, Meyer et al.
- applied a novel single-stranded DNA library preparation method to DNA previously
- extracted from 40mg of a phalanx bone excavated from Denisova Cave in the
- Altai Mountains in southern Siberia.
+ We are pleased to announce the release of three tracks derived
+ from dbSNP build 137, available on the mouse assembly (GRCm38/mm10).
+ dbSNP build 137 is available at NCBI. The new tracks contain
+ additional annotation data not included in previous dbSNP tracks,
+ with corresponding coloring and filtering options in the Genome
+ Browser.
- Two supporting datasets and one analysis dataset are now available in the Genome Browser:
+ As for dbSNP build 137, there are three tracks in this release.
+ One is a track containing all mappings of reference SNPs to the
+ mouse assembly, labeled "All SNPs (137)". The other two tracks
+ are subsets of this track and show interesting and easily defined
+ subsets of dbSNP:
- - Modern Human Variants: variant calls made from sequence reads of eleven individuals
- mapped to the human genome, used in statistical analyses to put the divergence of the
- Denisova genome into perspective with regard to present-day humans.
- Denisova Sequence: high-coverage (30X) sequence reads from an archaic Denisovan
- individual mapped to the human genome reference assembly.
- Modern Human Derived, Denisova Ancestral: mutations in the modern human lineage
- that rose to fixation or near fixation since the split from the last common
- ancestor with Denisovans, along with predicted functional effects from Ensembl's
- Variant Effect Predictor (VEP).
- Common SNPs (137): uniquely mapped variants that appear in
+ at least 1% of the population
- Mult. SNPs (137): variants that have been mapped to more
+ than one genomic location
- We'd like to thank Richard Green and the many authors of the Science paper
- for providing the UCSC Genome Browser with these data.
- We'd also like to acknowledge the hard work of the UCSC Genome Browser staff
- who pulled together the annotations and information for these tracks:
- Angie Hinrichs and Pauline Fujita.
+ By default, only the Common SNPs (137) are visible; other
+ tracks must be made visible using the track controls.
+ You will find the three SNPs (137) tracks on the Mouse Dec.
+ 2011 (GRCm38/mm10) browser in the "Variation and Repeats" group.
+ The tracks were produced at UCSC by Angie Hinrichs and Luvina Guruvadoo.
+ 11 February 2013 -
+ Denisova tracks released on hg19 browser
+ In conjunction with the publication of the paper by Meyer et al.
+ A High-Coverage Genome Sequence from an Archaic Denisovan Individual
+ the UCSC Genome Browser is hosting a set of new tracks.
+ Read more.
25 January 2013 -
Southern White Rhinoceros Genome Browser Release:
We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the May 2012
assembly of the Southern White Rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum simum
(Broad Institute version cerSimSim1.0, UCSC version cerSim1).
Read more.
22 January 2013 -
New Baboon (papAnu2) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser:
We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the March 2012
assembly of the Olive Baboon, Papio anubis (Baylor Panu_2.0, UCSC version
Read more.
- 15 January 2013 -
- New Lamprey (petMar2) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser:
- We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the September 2010
- assembly of the Lamprey, Petromyzon marinus (WUGSC 7.0, UCSC version
- petMar2).
- Read more.
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