e5f27614de25982fd04de25e9e638c0d5275a7da luvina Tue Mar 5 15:01:40 2013 -0800 added missing ':' to denisova announcement diff --git src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html index 4908eb1..8f3b49e 100755 --- src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html +++ src/hg/htdocs/indexNews.html @@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
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05 March 2013 - dbSNP 137 Available for mm10

We are pleased to announce the release of three tracks derived from dbSNP build 137, available on the mouse assembly (GRCm38/mm10). dbSNP build 137 is available at NCBI. The new tracks contain additional annotation data not included in previous dbSNP tracks, with corresponding coloring and filtering options in the Genome Browser.

As for dbSNP build 137, there are three tracks in this release. One is a track containing all mappings of reference SNPs to the mouse assembly, labeled "All SNPs (137)". The other two tracks are subsets of this track and show interesting and easily defined subsets of dbSNP:

  • Common SNPs (137): uniquely mapped variants that appear in at least 1% of the population
  • Mult. SNPs (137): variants that have been mapped to more than one genomic location

By default, only the Common SNPs (137) are visible; other tracks must be made visible using the track controls.

You will find the three SNPs (137) tracks on the Mouse Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10) browser in the "Variation and Repeats" group.

The tracks were produced at UCSC by Angie Hinrichs and Luvina Guruvadoo.

11 February 2013 - - Denisova tracks released on hg19 browser + Denisova tracks released on hg19 browser: In conjunction with the publication of the paper by Meyer et al. A High-Coverage Genome Sequence from an Archaic Denisovan Individual the UCSC Genome Browser is hosting a set of new tracks. Read more.

25 January 2013 - Southern White Rhinoceros Genome Browser Release: We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the May 2012 assembly of the Southern White Rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum simum (Broad Institute version cerSimSim1.0, UCSC version cerSim1). Read more.

22 January 2013 - New Baboon (papAnu2) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser: We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the March 2012 assembly of the Olive Baboon, Papio anubis (Baylor Panu_2.0, UCSC version papAnu2). Read more.

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