  Mon Apr 15 15:56:56 2013 -0700
Added determination of data type by asObject comparison instead ofkludges like special annoRowType or checking a few column names.  refs #6152

diff --git src/inc/asParse.h src/inc/asParse.h
index 8427c83..6616884 100644
--- src/inc/asParse.h
+++ src/inc/asParse.h
@@ -109,16 +109,30 @@
 struct asColumn *asColumnFind(struct asObject *as, char *name);
 /* Return column of given name from object, or NULL if not found. */
 int asColumnFindIx(struct asColumn *list, char *name);
 /* Return index of first element of asColumn list that matches name.
  * Return -1 if not found. */
 boolean asCompareObjs(char *name1, struct asObject *as1, char *name2, struct asObject *as2, int numColumnsToCheck,
  int *retNumColumnsSame, boolean abortOnDifference);
 /* Compare as-objects as1 and as2 making sure several important fields show they are the same name and type.
  * If difference found, print it to stderr.  If abortOnDifference, errAbort.
  * Othewise, return TRUE if the objects columns match through the first numColumnsToCheck fields. 
  * If retNumColumnsSame is not NULL, then it will be set to the number of contiguous matching columns. */
+INLINE boolean asObjectsMatchFirstN(struct asObject *as1, struct asObject *as2, int n)
+/* Return TRUE if as1 has the same first n columns as as2. */
+return asCompareObjs(as1->name, as1, as2->name, as2, n, NULL, FALSE);
+INLINE boolean asObjectsMatch(struct asObject *as1, struct asObject *as2)
+int colCount = slCount(as1->columnList);
+if (slCount(as2->columnList) != colCount)
+    return FALSE;
+return asCompareObjs(as1->name, as1, as2->name, as2, colCount, NULL, FALSE);
 #endif /* ASPARSE_H */