  Mon Apr 15 10:56:28 2013 -0700
Refactoring to remove dependencies on annoGratorQuery from streamers,grators and formatters.  Instead, provide basic assembly info and
explicitly pass streamers(/grators) along with the rows that they
produced into formatters. ref #6152

diff --git src/lib/annoStreamer.c src/lib/annoStreamer.c
index cb2b591..b895361 100644
--- src/lib/annoStreamer.c
+++ src/lib/annoStreamer.c
@@ -62,51 +62,46 @@
 struct annoColumn *annoStreamerGetColumns(struct annoStreamer *self)
 /* Return supported columns with current settings.  Callers can modify and free when done. */
 return annoColumnCloneList(self->columns);
 void annoStreamerSetColumns(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoColumn *newColumns)
 /* Free old columns and use clone of newColumns. */
 self->columns = annoColumnCloneList(newColumns);
-void annoStreamerSetQuery(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoGratorQuery *query)
-/* Set query (to be called only by annoGratorQuery which is created after streamers). */
-self->query = query;
-void annoStreamerInit(struct annoStreamer *self, struct asObject *asObj)
+void annoStreamerInit(struct annoStreamer *self, struct annoAssembly *assembly,
+		      struct asObject *asObj)
 /* Initialize a newly allocated annoStreamer with default annoStreamer methods and
  * default filters and columns based on asObj.
  * In general, subclasses' constructors will call this first; override nextRow, close,
- * and probably setRegion and setQuery; and then initialize their private data. */
+ * and probably setRegion; and then initialize their private data. */
+self->assembly = assembly;
 self->getAutoSqlObject = annoStreamerGetAutoSqlObject;
 self->setAutoSqlObject = annoStreamerSetAutoSqlObject;
 self->setRegion = annoStreamerSetRegion;
 self->getHeader = annoStreamerGetHeader;
 self->getFilters = annoStreamerGetFilters;
 self->setFilters = annoStreamerSetFilters;
 self->getColumns = annoStreamerGetColumns;
 self->setColumns = annoStreamerSetColumns;
-self->setQuery = annoStreamerSetQuery;
 self->positionIsGenome = TRUE;
 self->setAutoSqlObject(self, asObj);
 void annoStreamerFree(struct annoStreamer **pSelf)
 /* Free self. This should be called at the end of subclass close methods, after
  * subclass-specific connections are closed and resources are freed. */
 if (pSelf == NULL)
 struct annoStreamer *self = *pSelf;