  Mon Apr 15 14:06:10 2013 -0700
Added indentifying name to annoStreamer for output header info and better error messages. refs #6152
diff --git src/hg/lib/annoStreamDb.c src/hg/lib/annoStreamDb.c
index 282a496..67b855a 100644
--- src/hg/lib/annoStreamDb.c
+++ src/hg/lib/annoStreamDb.c
@@ -1,304 +1,307 @@
 /* annoStreamDb -- subclass of annoStreamer for database tables */
 #include "annoStreamDb.h"
 #include "annoGratorQuery.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "sqlNum.h"
 struct annoStreamDb
     struct annoStreamer streamer;	// Parent class members & methods
     // Private members
     struct sqlConnection *conn;		// Database connection (e.g. hg19 or customTrash)
     char *table;			// Table name, must exist in database
     struct sqlResult *sr;		// SQL query result from which we grab rows
     char *chromField;			// Name of chrom-ish column in table
     char *startField;			// Name of chromStart-ish column in table
     char *endField;			// Name of chromEnd-ish column in table
     char *endFieldIndexName;		// SQL index on end field, if any (can mess up sorting)
     int chromIx;			// Index of chrom-ish col in autoSql or bin-less table
     int startIx;			// Index of chromStart-ish col in autoSql or bin-less table
     int endIx;				// Index of chromEnd-ish col in autoSql or bin-less table
     boolean notSorted;			// TRUE if table is not sorted (e.g. genbank-updated)
     boolean hasBin;			// 1 if SQL table's first column is bin
     boolean omitBin;			// 1 if table hasBin and autoSql doesn't have bin
     boolean mergeBins;			// TRUE if query results will be in bin order
     struct annoRow *bigItemQueue;	// If mergeBins, accumulate coarse-bin items here
     struct annoRow *smallItemQueue;	// Max 1 item for merge-sorting with bigItemQueue
     struct lm *qLm;			// localmem for merge-sorting queues
     int minFinestBin;			// Smallest bin number for finest bin level
     boolean gotFinestBin;		// Flag that it's time to merge-sort with bigItemQueue
 static void asdSetRegion(struct annoStreamer *vSelf, char *chrom, uint regionStart, uint regionEnd)
 /* Set region -- and free current sqlResult if there is one. */
 annoStreamerSetRegion(vSelf, chrom, regionStart, regionEnd);
 struct annoStreamDb *self = (struct annoStreamDb *)vSelf;
 if (self->sr != NULL)
 static void asdDoQuery(struct annoStreamDb *self)
 /* Return a sqlResult for a query on table items in position range. */
 // NOTE: it would be possible to implement filters at this level, as in hgTables.
 struct annoStreamer *streamer = &(self->streamer);
 struct dyString *query = dyStringCreate("select * from %s", self->table);
 if (!streamer->positionIsGenome)
     if (self->hasBin)
 	// Results will be in bin order, but we can restore chromStart order by
 	// accumulating initial coarse-bin items and merge-sorting them with
 	// subsequent finest-bin items which will be in chromStart order.
 	self->mergeBins = TRUE;
 	self->bigItemQueue = self->smallItemQueue = NULL;
 	self->qLm = lmInit(0);
 	self->gotFinestBin = FALSE;
     if (self->endFieldIndexName != NULL)
 	// Don't let mysql use a (chrom, chromEnd) index because that messes up
 	// sorting by chromStart.
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " IGNORE INDEX (%s)", self->endFieldIndexName);
     dyStringPrintf(query, " where %s='%s'", self->chromField, streamer->chrom);
     int chromSize = annoAssemblySeqSize(streamer->assembly, streamer->chrom);
     if (streamer->regionStart != 0 || streamer->regionEnd != chromSize)
 	dyStringAppend(query, " and ");
 	if (self->hasBin)
 	    hAddBinToQuery(streamer->regionStart, streamer->regionEnd, query);
 	dyStringPrintf(query, "%s < %u and %s > %u", self->startField, streamer->regionEnd,
 		       self->endField, streamer->regionStart);
     if (self->notSorted)
 	dyStringPrintf(query, " order by %s", self->startField);
 else if (self->notSorted)
     dyStringPrintf(query, " order by %s,%s", self->chromField, self->startField);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(self->conn, query->string);
 self->sr = sr;
 static char **nextRowFiltered(struct annoStreamDb *self, boolean *retRightFail)
 /* Skip past any left-join failures until we get a right-join failure, a passing row,
  * or end of data.  Return row or NULL, and return right-join fail status via retRightFail. */
 int numCols = self->streamer.numCols;
 char **row = sqlNextRow(self->sr);
 boolean rightFail = FALSE;
 struct annoFilter *filterList = self->streamer.filters;
 while (row && annoFilterRowFails(filterList, row+self->omitBin, numCols, &rightFail))
     if (rightFail)
     row = sqlNextRow(self->sr);
 *retRightFail = rightFail;
 return row;
 static struct annoRow *rowToAnnoRow(struct annoStreamDb *self, char **row, boolean rightFail,
 				    struct lm *lm)
 /* Extract coords from row and return an annoRow including right-fail status. */
 row += self->omitBin;
 char *chrom = row[self->chromIx];
 uint chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[self->startIx]);
 uint chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[self->endIx]);
 return annoRowFromStringArray(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, rightFail, row,
 			      self->streamer.numCols, lm);
 static char **getFinestBinItem(struct annoStreamDb *self, char **row, boolean *pRightFail)
 /* If row is a coarse-bin item, add it to bigItemQueue, get the next row(s) and
  * add any subsequent coarse-bin items to bigItemQueue.  As soon as we get an item from a
  * finest-level bin (or NULL), sort the bigItemQueue and return the finest-bin item/row. */
 int bin = atoi(row[0]);
 while (bin < self->minFinestBin)
     // big item -- store aside in queue for merging later, move on to next item
     slAddHead(&(self->bigItemQueue), rowToAnnoRow(self, row, *pRightFail, self->qLm));
     *pRightFail = FALSE;
     row = nextRowFiltered(self, pRightFail);
     if (row == NULL)
     bin = atoi(row[0]);
 // First finest-bin item!  Sort bigItemQueue in preparation for merging:
 self->gotFinestBin = TRUE;
 slSort(&(self->bigItemQueue), annoRowCmp);
 return row;
 static struct annoRow *mergeRow(struct annoStreamDb *self, struct annoRow *aRow,
 				struct lm *callerLm)
 /* Compare head of bigItemQueue with (finest-bin) aRow; return the one with
  * lower chromStart and save the other for later.  */
 struct annoRow *outRow = aRow;
 if (self->bigItemQueue == NULL)
     // No coarse-bin items to merge-sort, just stream finest-bin items from here on out.
     self->mergeBins = FALSE;
 else if (annoRowCmp(&(self->bigItemQueue), &aRow) < 0)
     // Big item gets to go now, so save aside small item for next time.
     outRow = slPopHead(&(self->bigItemQueue));
     slAddHead(&(self->smallItemQueue), aRow);
 enum annoRowType rowType = self->streamer.rowType;
 int numCols = self->streamer.numCols;
 return annoRowClone(outRow, rowType, numCols, callerLm);
 static struct annoRow *nextQueuedRow(struct annoStreamDb *self, struct lm *callerLm)
 // Return the head of either bigItemQueue or smallItemQueue, depending on which has
 // the lower chromStart.
 struct annoRow *row = NULL;
 if (self->bigItemQueue && annoRowCmp(&(self->bigItemQueue), &(self->smallItemQueue)) < 0)
     row = slPopHead(&(self->bigItemQueue));
     row = slPopHead(&(self->smallItemQueue));
 if (self->bigItemQueue == NULL && self->smallItemQueue == NULL)
     // All done merge-sorting, just stream finest-bin items from here on out.
     self->mergeBins = FALSE;
 enum annoRowType rowType = self->streamer.rowType;
 int numCols = self->streamer.numCols;
 return annoRowClone(row, rowType, numCols, callerLm);
 static struct annoRow *nextRowMergeBins(struct annoStreamDb *self, struct lm *callerLm)
 /* Fetch the next filtered row from mysql, merge-sorting coarse-bin items into finest-bin
  * items to maintain chromStart ordering. */
 assert(self->mergeBins && self->hasBin);
 if (self->smallItemQueue)
     // In this case we have already begun merge-sorting; don't pull a new row from mysql,
     // use the queues.  This should keep smallItemQueue's max depth at 1.
     return nextQueuedRow(self, callerLm);
     // We might need to collect initial coarse-bin items, or might already be merge-sorting.
     boolean rightFail = FALSE;
     char **row = nextRowFiltered(self, &rightFail);
     if (row && !self->gotFinestBin)
 	// We are just starting -- queue up coarse-bin items, if any, until we get the first
 	// finest-bin item.
 	row = getFinestBinItem(self, row, &rightFail);
     // Time to merge-sort finest-bin items from mysql with coarse-bin items from queue.
     if (row != NULL)
 	struct annoRow *aRow = rowToAnnoRow(self, row, rightFail, self->qLm);
 	return mergeRow(self, aRow, callerLm);
 	struct annoRow *qRow = slPopHead(&(self->bigItemQueue));
 	enum annoRowType rowType = self->streamer.rowType;
 	int numCols = self->streamer.numCols;
 	return annoRowClone(qRow, rowType, numCols, callerLm);
 static struct annoRow *asdNextRow(struct annoStreamer *vSelf, struct lm *callerLm)
 /* Perform sql query if we haven't already and return a single
  * annoRow, or NULL if there are no more items. */
 struct annoStreamDb *self = (struct annoStreamDb *)vSelf;
 if (self->sr == NULL)
 if (self->sr == NULL)
     // This is necessary only if we're using sqlStoreResult in asdDoQuery, harmless otherwise:
     return NULL;
 if (self->mergeBins)
     return nextRowMergeBins(self, callerLm);
 boolean rightFail = FALSE;
 char **row = nextRowFiltered(self, &rightFail);
 if (row == NULL)
     return NULL;
 return rowToAnnoRow(self, row, rightFail, callerLm);
 static void asdClose(struct annoStreamer **pVSelf)
 /* Close db connection and free self. */
 if (pVSelf == NULL)
 struct annoStreamDb *self = *(struct annoStreamDb **)pVSelf;
 static boolean asdInitBed3Fields(struct annoStreamDb *self)
 /* Use autoSql to figure out which table fields correspond to {chrom, chromStart, chromEnd}. */
 struct annoStreamer *vSelf = &(self->streamer);
 return annoStreamerFindBed3Columns(vSelf, &(self->chromIx), &(self->startIx), &(self->endIx),
 				   &(self->chromField), &(self->startField), &(self->endField));
 char *sqlTableIndexOnField(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *field)
 /* If table has an index that includes field, return the index name, else NULL. */
 char *indexName = NULL;
 char query[512];
 safef(query, sizeof(query), "show index from %s", table);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     if (sameString(row[4], field))
 	indexName = cloneString(row[2]);
 return indexName;
 struct annoStreamer *annoStreamDbNew(char *db, char *table, struct annoAssembly *aa,
 				     struct asObject *asObj)
 /* Create an annoStreamer (subclass) object from a database table described by asObj. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, table))
     errAbort("annoStreamDbNew: table '%s' doesn't exist in database '%s'", table, db);
 struct annoStreamDb *self = NULL;
 struct annoStreamer *streamer = &(self->streamer);
-annoStreamerInit(streamer, aa, asObj);
+int dbtLen = strlen(db) + strlen(table) + 2;
+char dbTable[dbtLen];
+safef(dbTable, dbtLen, "%s.%s", db, table);
+annoStreamerInit(streamer, aa, asObj, dbTable);
 streamer->rowType = arWords;
 streamer->setRegion = asdSetRegion;
 streamer->nextRow = asdNextRow;
 streamer->close = asdClose;
 self->conn = conn;
 self->table = cloneString(table);
 char *asFirstColumnName = streamer->asObj->columnList->name;
 if (sqlFieldIndex(self->conn, self->table, "bin") == 0)
     self->hasBin = 1;
 if (self->hasBin && !sameString(asFirstColumnName, "bin"))
     self->omitBin = 1;
 if (!asdInitBed3Fields(self))
-    errAbort("annoStreamDbNew: can't figure out which fields of %s to use as "
-	     "{chrom, chromStart, chromEnd}.", table);
+    errAbort("annoStreamDbNew: can't figure out which fields of %s.%s to use as "
+	     "{chrom, chromStart, chromEnd}.", db, table);
 // When a table has an index on endField, sometimes the query optimizer uses it
 // and that ruins the sorting.  Fortunately most tables don't anymore.
 self->endFieldIndexName = sqlTableIndexOnField(self->conn, self->table, self->endField);
 self->notSorted = FALSE;
 self->mergeBins = FALSE;
 return (struct annoStreamer *)self;