  Thu Apr 11 14:08:20 2013 -0700
Adding twoBitTotalSizeNoN.
diff --git src/inc/twoBit.h src/inc/twoBit.h
index fc05de6..2b68705 100644
--- src/inc/twoBit.h
+++ src/inc/twoBit.h
@@ -189,16 +189,19 @@
  * specified twoBit file. Specifications are one per line in forms:
  *     seqName
  *  or
  *     seqName:start-end
 void twoBitSpecFree(struct twoBitSpec **specPtr);
 /* free a twoBitSpec object */
 void twoBitOutNBeds(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *seqName, FILE *outF);
 /* output a series of bed3's that enumerate the number of N's in a sequence*/
 int twoBitSeqSizeNoNs(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *seqName);
 /* return the length of the sequence, not counting N's */
+long long twoBitTotalSizeNoN(struct twoBitFile *tbf);
+/* return the size of the all the sequence in file, not counting N's*/
 #endif /* TWOBIT_H */