  Fri Apr 19 10:06:02 2013 -0700
Adding index and auto keywords to autoSql columns.
diff --git src/inc/asParse.h src/inc/asParse.h
index 6616884..664a6f9 100644
--- src/inc/asParse.h
+++ src/inc/asParse.h
@@ -1,138 +1,148 @@
 /* asParse - parse out an autoSql .as file. */
 #ifndef ASPARSE_H
 #define ASPARSE_H
 enum asTypes
 /* Different low level types (not including lists and objects) */
    t_double,   /* double precision floating point. */
    t_float,    /* single precision floating point. */
    t_char,     /* character or fixed size character array. */
    t_int,      /* signed 32 bit integer */
    t_uint,     /* unsigned 32 bit integer */
    t_short,    /* signed 16 bit integer */
    t_ushort,   /* unsigned 16 bit integer */
    t_byte,     /* signed 8 bit integer */
    t_ubyte,    /* unsigned 8 bit integer */
    t_off,      /* 64 bit integer. */
    t_string,   /* varchar/char * (variable size string up to 255 chars)  */
    t_lstring,     /* variable sized large string. */
    t_object,   /* composite object - object/table - forms lists. */
    t_simple,   /* simple composite object - forms arrays. */
    t_enum,     /* enumerated symbolic values */
    t_set,      /* set of symbolic values */
 char *asTypesIntSizeDescription(enum asTypes type);
 /* Return description of integer size.  Do not free. */
 int asTypesIntSize(enum asTypes type);
 /* Return size in bytes of any integer type - short, long, unsigned, etc. */
 boolean asTypesIsUnsigned(enum asTypes type);
 /* Return TRUE if it's any integer type - short, long, unsigned, etc. */
 boolean asTypesIsInt(enum asTypes type);
 /* Return TRUE if it's any integer type - short, long, unsigned, etc. */
 boolean asTypesIsFloating(enum asTypes type);
 /* Return TRUE if it's any floating point type - float or double. */
 struct asTypeInfo
     enum asTypes type;		   /* Numeric ID of low level type. */
     char *name;                    /* Text ID of low level type. */
     bool isUnsigned;               /* True if an unsigned int of some type. */
     bool stringy;                  /* True if a string or blob. */
     char *sqlName;                 /* SQL type name. */
     char *cName;                   /* C type name. */
     char *listyName;               /* What functions that load a list are called. */
     char *nummyName;               /* What functions that load a number are called. */
     char *outFormat;		   /* Output format for printf. %d, %u, etc. */
     char *djangoName;              /* Django type name */
+struct asIndex
+/* Information about an index */
+    {
+    struct asIndex *next;   /* In case it needs to be on a list. */
+    char *type;	/* 'primary' 'index' or 'uniq' to pass to SQL */
+    int size;	/* If nonzero only index prefix of this many chars. */
+    };
 struct asColumn
 /* Info on one column/field */
     struct asColumn *next;           /* Next column. */
     char *name;                    /* Column name. */
     char *comment;		   /* Comment string on column. */
     struct asTypeInfo *lowType;   /* Root type info. */
     char *obName;                  /* Name of object or table. */
     struct asObject *obType;       /* Name of composite object. */
     int fixedSize;		   /* 0 if not fixed size, otherwise size of list. */
     char *linkedSizeName;          /* Points to variable that holds size of list. */
     struct asColumn *linkedSize;     /* Column for linked size. */
     bool isSizeLink;               /* Flag to tell if have read link. */
     bool isList;                   /* TRUE if a list. */
     bool isArray;                  /* TRUE if an array. */
+    bool autoIncrement;		   /* TRUE if we want to auto_increment this field. */
     struct slName *values;         /* values for symbolic types */
+    struct asIndex *index;	   /* Possibly null index description. */
 struct asObject
 /* Info on whole asObject. */
     struct asObject *next;
     char *name;			/* Name of object. */
     char *comment;		/* Comment describing object. */
     struct asColumn *columnList;  /* List of columns. */
     bool isTable;	        /* True if a table. */
     bool isSimple;	        /* True if a simple object. */
 struct dyString *asColumnToSqlType(struct asColumn *col);
 /* Convert column to a sql type spec in returned dyString */
 char *asTypeNameFromSqlType(char *sqlType);
 /* Return the autoSql type name (not enum) for the given SQL type, or NULL.
  * Don't attempt to free result. */
 struct asObject *asParseFile(char *fileName);
 /* Parse autoSql .as file. */
 struct asObject *asParseText(char *text);
 /* Parse autoSql from text (as opposed to file). */
 void asObjectFree(struct asObject **as);
 /* free a single asObject */
 void asObjectFreeList(struct asObject **as);
 /* free a list of asObject */
 void asColumnFree(struct asColumn **as);
 /* free a single asColumn */
 void asColumnFreeList(struct asColumn **as);
 /* free a list of asColumn */
 struct asColumn *asColumnFind(struct asObject *as, char *name);
 /* Return column of given name from object, or NULL if not found. */
 int asColumnFindIx(struct asColumn *list, char *name);
 /* Return index of first element of asColumn list that matches name.
  * Return -1 if not found. */
 boolean asCompareObjs(char *name1, struct asObject *as1, char *name2, struct asObject *as2, int numColumnsToCheck,
  int *retNumColumnsSame, boolean abortOnDifference);
 /* Compare as-objects as1 and as2 making sure several important fields show they are the same name and type.
  * If difference found, print it to stderr.  If abortOnDifference, errAbort.
  * Othewise, return TRUE if the objects columns match through the first numColumnsToCheck fields. 
  * If retNumColumnsSame is not NULL, then it will be set to the number of contiguous matching columns. */
 INLINE boolean asObjectsMatchFirstN(struct asObject *as1, struct asObject *as2, int n)
 /* Return TRUE if as1 has the same first n columns as as2. */
 return asCompareObjs(as1->name, as1, as2->name, as2, n, NULL, FALSE);
 INLINE boolean asObjectsMatch(struct asObject *as1, struct asObject *as2)
 int colCount = slCount(as1->columnList);
 if (slCount(as2->columnList) != colCount)
     return FALSE;
 return asCompareObjs(as1->name, as1, as2->name, as2, colCount, NULL, FALSE);
 #endif /* ASPARSE_H */