2a98edb9581c24d22bc2319496ee2ebaa9fbee96 kent Thu Apr 11 14:08:20 2013 -0700 Adding twoBitTotalSizeNoN. diff --git src/inc/twoBit.h src/inc/twoBit.h index fc05de6..2b68705 100644 --- src/inc/twoBit.h +++ src/inc/twoBit.h @@ -1,204 +1,207 @@ /* twoBit - DNA sequence represented as two bits per pixel * with associated list of regions containing N's, and * masked regions. */ #ifndef TWOBIT_H #define TWOBIT_H struct twoBit /* Two bit representation of DNA. */ { struct twoBit *next; /* Next sequence in list */ char *name; /* Name of sequence. */ UBYTE *data; /* DNA at two bits per base. */ bits32 size; /* Size of this sequence. */ bits32 nBlockCount; /* Count of blocks of Ns. */ bits32 *nStarts; /* Starts of blocks of Ns. */ bits32 *nSizes; /* Sizes of blocks of Ns. */ bits32 maskBlockCount; /* Count of masked blocks. */ bits32 *maskStarts; /* Starts of masked regions. */ bits32 *maskSizes; /* Sizes of masked regions. */ bits32 reserved; /* Reserved for future expansion. */ }; struct twoBitIndex /* An entry in twoBit index. */ { struct twoBitIndex *next; /* Next in list. */ char *name; /* Name - allocated in hash */ bits32 offset; /* Offset in file. */ }; struct twoBitFile /* Holds header and index info from .2bit file. */ { struct twoBitFile *next; char *fileName; /* Name of this file, for error reporting. */ void *f; /* Open file. */ boolean isSwapped; /* Is byte-swapping needed. */ bits32 version; /* Version of .2bit file */ bits32 seqCount; /* Number of sequences. */ bits32 reserved; /* Reserved, always zero for now. */ struct twoBitIndex *indexList; /* List of sequence. */ struct hash *hash; /* Hash of sequences. */ struct bptFile *bpt; /* Alternative index. */ /* the routines we use to access the twoBit. * These may be UDC routines, or stdio */ void (*ourSeek)(void *file, bits64 offset); void (*ourSeekCur)(void *file, bits64 offset); bits32 (*ourReadBits32)(void *f, boolean isSwapped); void (*ourClose)(void *pFile); boolean (*ourFastReadString)(void *f, char buf[256]); void (*ourMustRead)(void *file, void *buf, size_t size); }; struct twoBitSpec /* parsed .2bit file and sequence specs */ { char *fileName; /* path to file */ struct twoBitSeqSpec *seqs; /* list of sequences and subsequences */ }; struct twoBitSeqSpec /* specification for a seq or subsequence in a .2bit file */ { struct twoBitSeqSpec *next; char *name; /* name of sequence */ bits32 start; /* start of subsequence 0 */ bits32 end; /* end of subsequence; * 0 if not a subsequence */ }; struct twoBitFile *twoBitOpen(char *fileName); /* Open file, read in header and index. * Squawk and die if there is a problem. */ struct twoBitFile *twoBitOpenExternalBptIndex(char *twoBitName, char *bptName); /* Open file, read in header, but not regular index. Instead use * bpt index. Beware if you use this the indexList field will be NULL * as will the hash. */ void twoBitClose(struct twoBitFile **pTbf); /* Free up resources associated with twoBitFile. */ int twoBitSeqSize(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *name); /* Return size of sequence in two bit file in bases. */ long long twoBitTotalSize(struct twoBitFile *tbf); /* Return total size of all sequences in two bit file. */ struct dnaSeq *twoBitReadSeqFragExt(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *name, int fragStart, int fragEnd, boolean doMask, int *retFullSize); /* Read part of sequence from .2bit file. To read full * sequence call with start=end=0. Sequence will be lower * case if doMask is false, mixed case (repeats in lower) * if doMask is true. */ struct dnaSeq *twoBitReadSeqFrag(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *name, int fragStart, int fragEnd); /* Read part of sequence from .2bit file. To read full * sequence call with start=end=0. Note that sequence will * be mixed case, with repeats in lower case and rest in * upper case. */ struct dnaSeq *twoBitReadSeqFragLower(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *name, int fragStart, int fragEnd); /* Same as twoBitReadSeqFrag, but sequence is returned in lower case. */ struct dnaSeq *twoBitLoadAll(char *spec); /* Return list of all sequences matching spec, which is in * the form: * * file/path/input.2bit[:seqSpec1][,seqSpec2,...] * * where seqSpec is either * seqName * or * seqName:start-end */ struct slName *twoBitSeqNames(char *fileName); /* Get list of all sequences in twoBit file. */ struct twoBit *twoBitFromDnaSeq(struct dnaSeq *seq, boolean doMask); /* Convert dnaSeq representation in memory to twoBit representation. * If doMask is true interpret lower-case letters as masked. */ struct twoBit *twoBitFromFile(char *fileName); /* Get twoBit list of all sequences in twoBit file. */ struct twoBit *twoBitOneFromFile(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *name); /* Get single sequence as two bit. */ void twoBitFree(struct twoBit **pTwoBit); /* Free up a two bit structure. */ void twoBitFreeList(struct twoBit **pList); /* Free a list of dynamically allocated twoBit's */ void twoBitWriteOne(struct twoBit *twoBit, FILE *f); /* Write out one twoBit sequence to binary file. * Note this does not include the name, which is * stored only in index. */ void twoBitWriteHeader(struct twoBit *twoBitList, FILE *f); /* Write out header portion of twoBit file, including initial * index */ boolean twoBitIsFile(char *fileName); /* Return TRUE if file is in .2bit format. */ boolean twoBitParseRange(char *rangeSpec, char **retFile, char **retSeq, int *retStart, int *retEnd); /* Parse out something in format * file/path/name:seqName:start-end * or * file/path/name:seqName * This will destroy the input 'rangeSpec' in the process. * Returns FALSE if it doesn't fit this format. * If it is the shorter form then start and end will both * be returned as zero, which is ok by twoBitReadSeqFrag. */ boolean twoBitIsRange(char *rangeSpec); /* Return TRUE if it looks like a two bit range specifier. */ boolean twoBitIsFileOrRange(char *spec); /* Return TRUE if it is a two bit file or subrange. */ boolean twoBitIsSpec(char *spec); /* Return TRUE spec is a valid 2bit spec (see twoBitSpecNew) */ struct twoBitSpec *twoBitSpecNew(char *specStr); /* Parse a .2bit file and sequence spec into an object. * The spec is a string in the form: * * file/path/input.2bit[:seqSpec1][,seqSpec2,...] * * where seqSpec is either * seqName * or * seqName:start-end * * free result with twoBitSpecFree(). */ struct twoBitSpec *twoBitSpecNewFile(char *twoBitFile, char *specFile); /* parse a file containing a list of specifications for sequences in the * specified twoBit file. Specifications are one per line in forms: * seqName * or * seqName:start-end */ void twoBitSpecFree(struct twoBitSpec **specPtr); /* free a twoBitSpec object */ void twoBitOutNBeds(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *seqName, FILE *outF); /* output a series of bed3's that enumerate the number of N's in a sequence*/ int twoBitSeqSizeNoNs(struct twoBitFile *tbf, char *seqName); /* return the length of the sequence, not counting N's */ +long long twoBitTotalSizeNoN(struct twoBitFile *tbf); +/* return the size of the all the sequence in file, not counting N's*/ + #endif /* TWOBIT_H */