  Sun May 26 12:52:25 2013 -0700
added TRIX search for track hubs.  UDC'ified trix library.  Refs #10426
diff --git src/lib/udc.c src/lib/udc.c
index 97ed816..a864432 100644
--- src/lib/udc.c
+++ src/lib/udc.c
@@ -1379,30 +1379,65 @@
 if (isSwapped)
     val = byteSwapFloat(val);
 return val;
 double udcReadDouble(struct udcFile *file, boolean isSwapped)
 /* Read and optionally byte-swap double-precision floating point number. */
 double val;
 udcMustRead(file, &val, sizeof(val));
 if (isSwapped)
     val = byteSwapDouble(val);
 return val;
+char *udcReadLine(struct udcFile *file)
+/* Fetch next line from udc cache. */
+char shortBuf[2], *longBuf = NULL, *buf = shortBuf;
+int i, bufSize = sizeof(shortBuf);
+for (i=0; ; ++i)
+    {
+    /* See if need to expand buffer, which is initially on stack, but if it gets big goes into 
+     * heap. */
+    if (i >= bufSize)
+        {
+	int newBufSize = bufSize*2;
+	char *newBuf = needLargeMem(newBufSize);
+	memcpy(newBuf, buf, bufSize);
+	freeMem(longBuf);
+	buf = longBuf = newBuf;
+	bufSize = newBufSize;
+	}
+    char c;
+    bits64 sizeRead = udcRead(file, &c, 1);
+    if (sizeRead == 0)
+	return NULL;
+    buf[i] = c;
+    if (c == '\n')
+	{
+	buf[i] = 0;
+	break;
+	}
+    }
+char *retString = cloneString(buf);
+return retString;
 char *udcReadStringAndZero(struct udcFile *file)
 /* Read in zero terminated string from file.  Do a freeMem of result when done. */
 char shortBuf[2], *longBuf = NULL, *buf = shortBuf;
 int i, bufSize = sizeof(shortBuf);
 for (i=0; ; ++i)
     /* See if need to expand buffer, which is initially on stack, but if it gets big goes into 
      * heap. */
     if (i >= bufSize)
 	int newBufSize = bufSize*2;
 	char *newBuf = needLargeMem(newBufSize);
 	memcpy(newBuf, buf, bufSize);